

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the most attractive quality about Asian American men?
Good Looks | 60%
Attractive Build | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 17%
Education/Culture | 16%

Which of the following is the least attractive aspect of Asian American men?
Looks | 4%
Build | 5%
Personality | 10%
Success Fixation | 17%
Insensitivity | 64%

Which factor contributes most to the negative image of AA men?
Large proportion of recent immigrants in the AA population | 22%
White American men seeing Asian men as a threat | 26%
The media catering to existing prejudices | 32%
Asia's relatively recent emergence from poverty | 20%

Which would most dramatically help the image of AA men?
Asian male achieving sports stardom on par with Michael Jordan | 6%
AA male becoming elected President of the United States | 13%
East Asia attaining living standards on par with the U.S. | 24%
Asian male achieving movie stardom on par with Tom Cruise | 57%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Sorry to be sounding so rude. I actually posted my last post in a Asian Females with White Males board, but it got moved here. Looking in the board I saw that many asian women commented on why they didn't like asian men...their reasons were all stereotyped. But when i stereotyped white men, then my post gets sent here. Okay, whatever. By the way, not all asian men have smooth, hairless feminine legs, like someone said. My husband is very sexy, with hair in all the right places. He is definity an example of the opposite of what asian men get stereotyped as.
And Alanjason, my mom is 57 and she looks really young too. She almost looks like a little girl, 5'1, 105lbs, oil of olay skin.
But anyway, my post wasn't directed to white people. It was directed to the asian females who are not proud of their race and made fun of their own race by stereotyping. I was trying to reverse it on them by using the stereotypical things about white men that yes, we asian females who love only asian men believe are true about most.
It is funny how white people and banana asians get worked up when asians stereotype white people but yet those same people will laugh and agree when an asian is stereotyped. That is sick.
Strawberry    Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 02:36:48 (PDT)

That's right. And people should just accept the fact that Asian men have as much right to date white women as do white men. So those haters, especially the white men, should stop gawking when they see a beautiful AM/WF couple. They may wonder what SHE could see in HIM, but after all, it must be LOVE for them to overcome society's opposition against such a pairing. People have a right to date who they want, and that includes Asian men and white women. You're married to an Asian woman--that's cool. I know an Asian guy who divored his Asian wife because he caught her cheating on him with a white guy. He (the AM) eventually married a blonde lady. He said she could actually empathize with him because she felt stereotyped a lot for being blonde (a natural one). Hopefully, American society will welcome these pairings more and more, at least on the same level it does AF/WM ones. After all, isn't love color-blind?

DimSumGuy    Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 00:07:28 (PDT)
All my Pakistani friends I could not differentiate from average Indians. Bangladeshis look the same too, but they tend to be shorter and skinnier.

I do see some southeast Asian traits among not only Bangladeshis, but sometimes even among Indians and Pakistanis. Don't you guys see some little bit of Oriental in Pervez Musharraf? His head shape and the straightness of his hair...

I like curry, but not ghee    Monday, May 27, 2002 at 19:06:38 (PDT)

Yeah, that's real funny. You giving a lecture on not hating white folk to a AF who obviously prefers AM when your own wife hates AM simply because they are Asian. Just because she married poorly, this must automatically mean all AM are bad. Yeah, that's makes a whole lot of sense. I suggest you give your own wife your little speech and lecture, professor before wasting everyone else's time with your hypocritical position. Take care of your wife's mental ills before worrying about alleged total stranger's.

ps--Get over the fact that some AF with actual brains will not hate all AM because of what one "loser", who happens to be Asian, does and will not come running to a WM with a savior complex.
GDS KA    Monday, May 27, 2002 at 14:07:29 (PDT)