Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the most attractive quality about Asian American men?
Good Looks |
Attractive Build |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Culture |
Which of the following is the least attractive aspect of Asian American men?
Looks |
Build |
Personality |
Success Fixation |
Insensitivity |
Which factor contributes most to the negative image of AA men?
Large proportion of recent immigrants in the AA population |
White American men seeing Asian men as a threat |
The media catering to existing prejudices |
Asia's relatively recent emergence from poverty |
Which would most dramatically help the image of AA men?
Asian male achieving sports stardom on par with Michael Jordan |
AA male becoming elected President of the United States |
East Asia attaining living standards on par with the U.S. |
Asian male achieving movie stardom on par with Tom Cruise |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I don't like it either when asian men are stereotyped by asian women. That is a shame. Every race has their good points and their bad points but when a person cannot see the good points in their own race that is sad.
We are not living in the 1800's when only westerners were known to have all the beauty. Now, beauty is recognized in all races. There are many gorgeous asian men and women out there.
Dim Sum Girl   
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 14:13:54 (PDT)
Hey I'm not a racist. The only reason why i wrote what i did is because people like Tiffany cannot see the beauty in asian men. There is an identity problem here when people make fun of their own race. I think there are beautiful asians, beautiful hispanics, beautiful caucasians, beautiful africans. Nobdody should diss their own race cause that's dissing yourself. I was aiming my comments at asian females who cannot see the beauty in asian men. Asian people have been looked down upon for many years and all stereotyped that they had nothing but brains and nothing else. It's time to look at our people and see how far we've come. We can do anything that any race can do. People who diss their own race are still stuck in the past where westerners were the ideal and asians were looked down upon.
It's time to look at the asians around you and see how cool they are.
Dim Sum Girl   
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 13:59:58 (PDT)
Damn Tiffany,
What's with the animosity towards the follically challenged? I'm Korean, and I get compliments about my smooth chest when my bedmates have their post-coital smokes. Yes, even white women tell me that. So whas the dilly-yo? Do you like to exfoliate your face on some steel wool-covered chests? I hear that Clearsil works better. So you'd better stock up on that Nair, ya hata.
You loser. Don't hate.   
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 10:21:58 (PDT)
It's obvious you missed the whole point. Where did I say that my wife thinks all AM are bad? Please point this out to me. I said she married a loser, and he happened to be an AM. She said she never wants to marry one again, but she NEVER said they are all bad. LISTEN to what I said. My hypocritical statement? Once again, you missed the whole point. Please tell me what these hypcritical statements are? I would like to know. Before you speak, make sure you can back your statements up. My wife's "mental ills" are just fine, so don't worry about it. And for you to defend a complete stranger who obviously has hate towards White males, is shameful on your part. Did you actually read her post? Now, you tell me if that wasn't full of hate and resentment. She actually had to resort to taking cheap shots at our physical traits. Man, how childish can you get? I was just defending myself being one of them. Fair enough pal?
Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 22:07:47 (PDT)
Then you'll like me. I have enough hair on my body for a new wig that u can use.
Asian guy
Asian guy   
Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 16:01:18 (PDT)
I am a WF dating an AM and he has a smooth hairless chest, but some hair on his legs. Anyway he's gorgeous. I've also dated WM that were not hairy at all, that is just such a misconception.
For those of you that think DimSumGirl is a racist, I agree- you'll see her reasons why if you look under the AM/WF forum, her AM husband used to date only WF's and she gets jealous and insecure about it.
Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 13:54:02 (PDT)