Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the most attractive quality about Asian American men?
Good Looks |
Attractive Build |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Culture |
Which of the following is the least attractive aspect of Asian American men?
Looks |
Build |
Personality |
Success Fixation |
Insensitivity |
Which factor contributes most to the negative image of AA men?
Large proportion of recent immigrants in the AA population |
White American men seeing Asian men as a threat |
The media catering to existing prejudices |
Asia's relatively recent emergence from poverty |
Which would most dramatically help the image of AA men?
Asian male achieving sports stardom on par with Michael Jordan |
AA male becoming elected President of the United States |
East Asia attaining living standards on par with the U.S. |
Asian male achieving movie stardom on par with Tom Cruise |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
to Asian men need to be more self-confident and agressive.
Good points! Don't forget that while you're fighting out there, us AFs are watching your back and cheering you on!
Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 22:11:11 (PDT)
I didn't know where to put this post, so I put it here. It concerning Asian men and the confidence level. Confidence is VERY important when suceeding in every aspect of life, including one's dating, professional and social life. You only suceed if you believe in yourself. Despite it being a cliche, that adage is also a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Why do I bring this up? I was watching 'Fear Factor' tonight (, and there was this HUGE muscular Asian guy called Phouc. He was probably Cambodian or something, but he was seriously at least 6'3" (possibly as tallas 6'5") and VERY muscular (I could tell because he was standing next to the host, and I assumed that he was about the height of the average white guy, say 5'10" -- Phouc DWARFED him!). He said he weighed about 210 pounds and had GUNZ, lemme tell ya. He wasn't really a prettyboy or anything, but he had a masculine face, and I think most women would agree that his awesome sculpted physique would more than make up for his face (mind you, his face wasnt hideous or anything). However, as I was watching the show, his passive, negative-thinking personality made him look like less of a man than he really was. He didn't realize his great potential directly because of that, in my opinion. He was unusually hard on himself and self-critical, saying things like "oh man, I was so horrible" and "oh man, I cant do this" before and after every stunt on the show. The first stunt was to hang from a trapeze bar 50 feet from the ground from a freeway overpass for as long as one could. The two contestants who held on the longest of the three would advance to the next round. Now, keep in mind that the other guys on the show (a skinny white dude and a squat, short and muscular black guy) weighed much less than him, and in this type of activity, weighing a lot is a disadvantage (the white guy prob weighed about 160, the black guy maybe 175). Phouc eventually failed to make the next round, and he blamed it on his weighing much more than the other guys. But I think that it was all a matter of confidence. I think that Asian guys sometimes are so hard on themselves that their negative thinking becomes a self-fulfililng prophecy. Their negative thought process is a breeding ground for failure. It is probably a result of social conditioning -- most Asian folks here will know what I'm talking about. nagging and highly critial parents can be a HUGE weight on you when growing up, and the psychological imprints stay for a LONG time, perhaps even for one's whole life. I think that this is what clinched it for Phouc. Had he just willed his way through positive thinking, he would have WHIPPED that skinny whiteboy and the black gnome. Ugh!! My Asian brothers, remember to always have CONFIDENCE, and be agressive! Stand up for yourself, FOR YOURSELF! You owe it to yourself to succeed and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Fight for everything! I know I do, EVERY day of my life. I will go down fighting, always.
Asian men need to be more self-confident and agressive.   
Monday, June 10, 2002 at 21:11:43 (PDT)
Oh, I'm enjoying my marriage just fine, so thanks for sounding so concerned. I hope you can find a woman someday with all your insecurity and hate. Later dude.
Saturday, June 01, 2002 at 15:50:35 (PDT)
I must agree with GDS KA.
Hey, some IRs last despite the fact that ppl marry for reasons that are related to the racial-hierarchy in the US. A lot don't. Imagine waking up one day after 8 years of marriage to see an overweight guy blowing bubbles in his spit, who came back at 3 am after drinking beers at a bar. And imagine you seeing your wife in her flower pattern granny underwear, a little paunch hanging over the front of the said pair of 'domestic lingerie' after having 3 kids. Now, the pungent smell of her Asian cooking (which she eats by herself in the kitchen while you munch on porkrinds in front of the TV) sound appealing? Do you think she likes your loud obnoxious cousin who keeps making passes at her? There -- does the Asian doll/white knight scenario still sound appealing?
I'm not saying that YOUR relationship has these dimensions to it. But imagine what a rude awakening WMs and AFs who marry for the wrong reason get after a few years of domesticated bliss.
Boo! Did I scare ya?   
Saturday, June 01, 2002 at 12:09:15 (PDT)
to alanjason :
--Whatever dude. Just remember this, no matter how wonderful a person you are as an individual right now, your current wife would have never given you the time of day, much less marry you, if you were Asian instead of white. Enjoy your marriage, dude......while it lasts.
Friday, May 31, 2002 at 09:25:06 (PDT)