Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the most attractive quality about Asian American men?
Good Looks |
Attractive Build |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Culture |
Which of the following is the least attractive aspect of Asian American men?
Looks |
Build |
Personality |
Success Fixation |
Insensitivity |
Which factor contributes most to the negative image of AA men?
Large proportion of recent immigrants in the AA population |
White American men seeing Asian men as a threat |
The media catering to existing prejudices |
Asia's relatively recent emergence from poverty |
Which would most dramatically help the image of AA men?
Asian male achieving sports stardom on par with Michael Jordan |
AA male becoming elected President of the United States |
East Asia attaining living standards on par with the U.S. |
Asian male achieving movie stardom on par with Tom Cruise |
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"...Cads and Scoundels are not as pesky as women whose eyes lingers on guys butts and pubic region"
It's because of Cads and Scoundrels that I have to do this "eye-lingering" thing on...I must give them a taste of their own medicine! Make them feel sexually misused and an object to be looked at. I've had that done to me so many times that it's great to take control and do it myself to a man! haha!
I more remind me of that song "Hit me with your best shot!" It's where the 'notch on my lipstick case' comes from. You've never seen death blows before? Come to think of it, me neither. I just assumed that you would, seeing you're martial arts familiar.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 22:39:11 (PDT)
You're right I gave up Coco Puffs, for Frosted Flakes. Soon I will be mature enough for Special K or Grape Nuts. :)
Cads and Scoundels are not as pesky as women whose eyes lingers on guys butts and pubic region...heheh.
You remind me have that rugbie song that popularize as a pop single. "She get knocked down, She gets up again, ain't nothing going to keep her down."
Death Blows that funny...I've only seen those in video games.
Crush me like a bug? notches on lipstick? You have some latent androgyny you want to talk about?
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 11:17:04 (PDT)
AC Dropout
At your age and still eating Coco Puffs. That's really something funny. I have a bit more maturity level on you and have since graduated out of the Coco Puffs and into a much more refined breakfast cereal, one with pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, blue diamonds, and green shamrocks! ;)
OK, you're right (for once). You are laughing with me. We do laugh together quite harmoniously, and not at each other.
And as for pushing my buttons, you tend to know where they are located, and you get the perverse delight in dancing around like a madman and then, just when I least expect it, you jump right in, do a fancy TKD swoop, and push all my buttons until I get so furious, I attempt to wring your neck. I'm not having much luck so far, since you're still dancing around and laughing like a hyena.
I have no fear of Cads or Scoundrels. They are but pesky flies around me. Have you ever heard of using your oponent's strength (Aikido) to deliver the death blow? Go ahead and lift me up. That will be your downfall, for I will use your male strength against you and squash you like a bug. hahahahaha!!!! You can knock me down, but you will never knock me out. I will eventually get the better of you and put a notch on my lipstick case with your name on it.
One more defeated male victim for the victorious MLK woman!!!
MLK- Kung Fu wannabe, but can't be bothered with the training...   
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 22:11:09 (PDT)
Do I have a death look? Only if you get in the way of me and my coco puff cereal. That was in a past life when I needed to depend on myself to intimidate people into submission. I've learn tack since then.
I thought I was laughing with you...hehe. Not at you...hehe...That would be mean....hehe.
Wring my neck?...I thought you were the cool calculating chick, who claim no one could push her buttons. How am I doing so far?
I'm a cad no doubt about that. A scoundrel to say the least. But not to fear I will uplift you, in time of need, high enough to knock you back down. I hate hitting a person when they are down. :)
AC dropout   
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 17:45:55 (PDT)
AC Dropout
Do you have the death look? I guess not since every time I meet up with you, you're either laughing at me...or you're laughing at me. I must be some funny looking chick.
Honestly, I've never met anybody quite like you. Sometimes, I think you're a cool person and I really like to talk with you because you don't take things so seriously that you can't laugh about it, and that makes me laugh! And then, sometimes, you are sensitive to my moods. At times when I'm depressed, you try your best to cheer me up, and I do appreciate that.
Sometimes, however, I just want to wring your neck because you so enjoy teasing me until I get furious! Which man are you, the funny sensitive one, or the cad who laughs at me all the time?
Friday, July 05, 2002 at 16:46:12 (PDT)
AC Dropout   
Monday, July 01, 2002 at 15:41:03 (PDT)
to SOG
So you have the death look. How do I attain that look? I want to scare my boss so he'll pee in his pants.
Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 16:24:57 (PDT)
Iām a Malaysian Chinese male, and I was raised in Perth, W. Australia since I was 5. Being a multicultural country, I have mixed with all cultures, Indians, Australians, Asians, Europeans etc... from my childhood experiences, I learnt that if we put aside our cultural, physical appearances and other differences we are no different from each other. Our different cultural background is what makes us unique, and there is a lot to be learnt from each other. I am very happy I have such diversity of friends from around the world.
The smelling debate: sure some people may smell, but I donāt think its fair to class one ethnic group to be stinky just because you came across one guy/girl who smelt bad... and I am sure they donāt ćintendä to smell bad just to piss you off.. Iām sure everyone wants to smell good right??! =)
To the love and romance, I donāt believe there is one ethnic race that looks the best· beauty is to the eye of the beholder. I personally go for Eurasian girls, I donāt know why but they got something about them, maybe it has something to do with chemistry (I will have to get back to you on that one hehehe)
Kai- Asian male Kaeii@hotmail.com   
Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 04:23:10 (PDT)
Yeah I agree. I used to get picked on and after i learned martial arts and started lifting serioius weights. I had the death look. No one ever bothered me again. Cause you can sense it when someone is scared. And all they sensed was me controlling myself not to kill them on the spot. (not literally of course). There is predators everywhere, its a dog eat dog world. So you have a choice, be the big dog or the eaten one.
Pick wisely :)
Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 13:27:17 (PDT)