Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife |
The Husband |
Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans |
Vietnamese Americans |
Japanese Americans |
Corean Americans |
Filipino Americans |
Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home |
Other real estate |
Stocks/Options/Futures |
Mutual Funds |
Bank Deposits |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
gzus in NYC:
Wow...all I have to say is, I feel sorry for you. You must have never had wealth nor love to think the world only revolves around money.
AC Dropout:
I know how it feels to have both a shortage of money and an abundance of money. And I can attest that there are struggles in both environments. Money buys convenience and it buys comfort...but not much more than that.
"And being so poor that the parents are not around to even give the emotional support your are referring to."
Rich kids have these problems too...probaly even more so than poor kids.
"I've been a pauper and I know even love is not immune to attrition from poverty."
You have poverty and insecurities mixed up.
"Are you trying to say you would be attracted and contemplate committing your adult life to a man with uncertain finances. How long can you live on love alone?"
Many seminary students have...their love have proved to remain strong even with the finanical struggles. Money shouldnt even be a major factor when it comes to committment. If it is, dont be surprise if the marriage falls apart when the money no longer accumulates.
"I know every detail of the pastors family, his sons basically grew up with me. Even they are not immune to the need of money."
Of course, we need money for the necessities. I'm just saying that money isnt worth as much as most people think.
"Are you activitely dating now that you are out of school? Do you make polite inquiries into people financial situtation? Like comments on career, clothes, jeweler, automobiles, and homes."
I need a guy who is finanically responsible and career-oriented enough to make a decent living, and I need someone who understands the value of love...this is enough for me...I dont need him to indulge me with luxeries.
"I'm happy to see that you brought up in relatively innocent surroundings."
My innocent surrounding was a result of my parent's protection...this has nothing to do with money. We had servants wait on us at one time...years later, we were living on welfare...today we are all successful in our own ways. Throughout all these years of varied finanical situations, my innocent surroundings remained the same.
I still say...money has its limits.
Monday, May 13, 2002 at 22:31:23 (PDT)
Money is (nearly)everything.
If you look at the big picture, across generations, over years, it is everything, can buy you anything, assuming the owner(s) are healthy and sound of mind...
The issue is not about wanting or not wanting money. It is a matter of being able to obtain it with ease and with a certain level of satisfaction. We all want to make easy money but not everyone can do it.
To some people, attaining wealth is easy. To some others, money doesn't come in easy....they work their a$$ off just to make it. To some, they don't want to work hard to obtain the wealth so they break down and give up.
Some people are blessed with wealth, some by inheritance, some by luck, and others by hard work and luck.
People who find money to be repulsive are those who can't make more of it. Like Aesop's fable of the fox who wanted get the bunch of grapes high up in the trees but couldn't. So the fox makes an excuse "well they're sour anyway".
Everyone wants to be wealthy   
Monday, May 13, 2002 at 10:53:13 (PDT)
Money is (nearly)everything.
If you look at the big picture, across generations, over years, it is everything, can buy you anything, assuming the owner(s) are healthy and sound of mind.
Only dolts will tell you money does not matter or matters little.
Every one of you works for money in one way or another, and without any, all of you die of starvation, that is, unless you mooch off someone else's resources(money).
This discussion should never be had again ever; allah willing, anyone who does not recognize the value of money and the importance of earning/investing/possibilities of money shall be neutered or otherwise rendered sterile by a lightning strike.
gzus in NYC   
Monday, May 13, 2002 at 01:02:30 (PDT)