

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife | 74%
The Husband | 26%

Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans | 51%
Vietnamese Americans | 14%
Japanese Americans | 1%
Corean Americans | 30%
Filipino Americans | 4%

Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home | 39%
Other real estate | 4%
Stocks/Options/Futures | 31%
Mutual Funds | 10%
Bank Deposits | 16%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I think you live in dreamland. You must be early 20s at most. If you talk about this again in your late 30s and I believe your tune will have changed a little by then. There a saying that goes, anyone who isn't a communist when they are young has no heart, and anyone who is not a capitalist when they are old has no brain.

yes, money has its limits, but I am definitely in agreement with gzus & ac dropout
an old woman    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 21:41:41 (PDT)
"its a shame to watch others starve so we can live the way we want"

Come on guys. Let's help feed the little one's that are starving. HOO-YAH. Best investment you'll ever make!!!.
SOG    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 20:48:10 (PDT)
Everyone wants to be wealthy:

"People who find money to be repulsive are those who can't make more of it."

Not true. There are different reasons why people feel as they do...this is what I think of it...

First type: poor and do not place much emphasis on money
This is b/c they're satisfied with the situation they're in...they're content.

Second type: poor, but desire wealth
They may sound like they are repulsive of money b/c they're embarassed and need to justify their existing finanical situation. But they desire it b/c they think it'll enhance their life.

Third type: rich, and happy w/ it
This is b/c wealth bought them the materialistic things they had once desire...including status and confidence...maybe even more flings.

Fourth type: rich, but dont care
This is b/c they realize wealth didnt bring them happiness.

be    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 15:53:22 (PDT)
Everyone wants to be wealthy,

"People who find money to be repulsive are those who can't make more of it."

I agree with the this point about people being frustrated with money, when they are unable to attain enough.

But I don't think be's view of money stems from this aspect of life.

It seems she has had experience with money or people with money, that has basically left a bad taste in her mouth. Something pretty complicated dealing with family or love...or both.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 15:25:01 (PDT)
>>The issue is not about wanting or not wanting money. It is a matter of being able to obtain it with ease and with a certain level of satisfaction. We all want to make easy money but not everyone can do it.

Everyone wants to be wealthy

That is a fine argument but entirely besides my point. What you are speak of is that of optimizing the dynamic equation that is your life, which necessarily includes properly considering the weight you should give to each variable.

I was only taking a shot at the usual posts from clueless people who do not fundamentally understand money, and thus, in all probability, any else at a fundamental level.

gzus in NYC    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 10:44:12 (PDT)

"Rich kids have these problems too...probaly even more so than poor kids"

You're talking about rich kids in boarding school or something along that lines. Trust me those kids are not exposed to crimes as well. Very few know how to pick locks, steal cars, or commit assault robbery.

"You have poverty and insecurities mixed up."

How do you figure. A terse statement should have some explicit examples. Explain to me how, what we are discussing, the "victorian" concept of love is immune to poverty. The premise of victorian love is that people have the time and the resources to indulge in this endeavor. Where does the time or the resources exist when one is in poverty.

"Many seminary students have"

Semiary students are not the average populace of the world. They are more in love with religon then they are with each other. Their "currency" in life is "faith" in God. If their faith falters so will their marriage in the example you provided. In other words they just define wealth and money differently, and the premise of victorian love will deteriorate when the run out of their currency, which is faith. So if I was ever to break up a Semiary couple I would take away their faith, not money.

"I need a guy who is finanically responsible and career-oriented enough to make a decent living"

These are all very subjective terms. The average income in the USA is like $28,000 a year. The question proposed is can you marry a man who make significantly less than $20,000 year. Can love exist for you in your present state if someone is make less $15,000 a year. But since we are talking about paupers, can you love and commit yourself to someone making $5,000 or less a year. What is your price for love (assuming similar age group)?

"We had servants wait on us at one time...years later, we were living on welfare"

Not to take away from your welfare situation. But was true welfare where your family moved into the ghetto/project, USA. Or was it "middle-class" welfare where your accountant just reduced the gross income of the family to quality for welfare and free school lunch. You enjoy the 10lb loaf of welfare cheese and jumbo size powder milk as a kid, I sure didn't. You ever barter with shopkeepers with food stamps?

"I still has its limits."

Perhaps there is a limit to money. But it is a very small limit in my opinion.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 10:30:21 (PDT)
"I still has its limits."

You make an elementary mistake and confuse what money is with what it can do for you at one specific point in time. Listen up, you'll learn something.

Money is simply a proxy for resources- all sorts. If you don't understand how to leverage resources to your advantage you're in trouble. Again, read my post carefully, ACROSS TIME, ACROSS GENERATIONS, money buys EVERYTHING, assuming the person(s) are fundamentally sound, physically and mentally.

I am not talking about reaching a certain high level of comfort. I am saying, no matter how high your level of comfort you clearly can always improve your lot.
A clear case in point is Mike Tyson, who is too dumb and clueless to make use of another 100 million should he earn it. His lifestyle will not materially change cause he's a dutz. That's you, "be". You do not fundamentally understand how to leverage additional resources to your benefit.

gzus in NYC    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 10:19:13 (PDT)