Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
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Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife |
The Husband |
Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans |
Vietnamese Americans |
Japanese Americans |
Corean Americans |
Filipino Americans |
Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home |
Other real estate |
Stocks/Options/Futures |
Mutual Funds |
Bank Deposits |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
an old woman:
i disagree with the statement that all intelligent old people are capitalists.
What about the Dalai Lama? He is old and not a capitalist. Doesn't he have a brain?
Most people living in first-world countries are simply not strong enough to hold out against the materialistic, consumerist ethos that permeates the West. We cannot look anywhere or do anything without being marketed to in some way. I find this excessive marketing ugly and offensive. I hope activists manage to put a stop to it.
AC Droput:
You wrote: "People who find money to be repulsive are those who can't make more of it"
On the contrary, i think that it is the people who love money that can't get enough of it.
When people find money to be repulsive, they're often thinking about the ethical compromises that people make in order to increase their wealth and/or profit. Greed has often led to gross acts of moral depravation.
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 23:44:15 (PDT)
gzus in NYC:
"ACROSS TIME, ACROSS GENERATIONS, money buys EVERYTHING, assuming the person(s) are fundamentally sound, physically and mentally."
Is that so? Does money buy peace & friendship? How about true love? What about healthy upbringings? Or morals and values? Does money buy intelligence? Does it buy charisma? Does money ensure you the best health?
I can tell you what money buys. It buys you a nicer house and cars to show off. It buys you a ticket to a reputable school to brag to others. It can buy you plastic surgeries for those who feel insecure about their appearance. It buys you fancier clothes to give you attention. It buys you confidence for those who had no personality to begin with. It may even buy you a gorgeous partners (especially the gold-digging kind) to make you feel accomplished. It buys you the APPEARANCE of contentment.
So how does a person attain power, status, charisma, etc? Money doesnt buy that (although it may be a medium used to get there)...brains and personality do. What about good upbringings, true love, morals, health, etc.? Many have attained this w/o wealth...again, they used their brains and personalities.
"His lifestyle will not materially change cause he's a dutz. That's you, "be"."
Ohh, harsh words (if that is even a word)! Should I be insulted? Lets just say...I feel blessed to not know anyone like you in the real-world.
AC Dropout:
"You're talking about rich kids in boarding school or something along that lines. Trust me those kids are not exposed to crimes as well..."
You're right...they're not exposed to crime. But most of them lack the fundamentals of a healthy life -- a nurturing environment with parents who cares.
"Where does the time or the resources exist when one is in poverty."
Let me ask you then, where does the time exist for executives and entrenpreneurs to be with his children when he must run a business, which sometimes entails traveling? This is the same situation, isnt it? Then how do you figure a wealthy person can provide more 'time' for his family than a poor person?
"So if I was ever to break up a Semiary couple I would take away their faith, not money."
You're right about that. However, are you saying that for the rest of us who are not as dependent on faith...our marriage are bound for failure when finanical situations deteriorates? If you recall the top reasons for divorce...it is 1) in-laws, 2) disagreement with money and 3) miscommunication. Notice number 2 is NOT about lack of money. Also, the economy is in a slump right now...if your theory is true, why isnt there a higher divorce rate at this time?
"The average income in the USA is like $28,000 a year...What is your price for love (assuming similar age group)?"
Like I siad before, I need someone who makes a DECENT living, not a pauper nor a millionaire. That 'average income' also includes teenagers making minimum wages....so no, 28K is not decent.
"Perhaps there is a limit to money. But it is a very small limit in my opinion."
Money can not buy you a better quality of life...only a more materialistic life. That's where money is limiting.
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 14:31:57 (PDT)
I hate to be repetitive, but this should be part of everyone's most basic understanding of things:
ACROSS TIME, ACROSS GENERATIONS, money buys EVERYTHING, assuming the person(s) are fundamentally sound, physically and mentally.
This has nothing to do with any given person, it is as fundamental to life as life itself. Got more resources than others and can leverage it? You control your destiny in its entirety, as well as those of others. No resources, you starve, you die. Somewhat more/less resources than others, you or other people get selected for or weeded out slow motion style.
be, I hope you get a clue, because 100% of what you're saying is gibberish. Your posts sound like those dipsticks in Beijing, who because of their lack of worldliness, hold dear to the few shallow insights that pop into their head and spout them incessantly. Ever hear of the essentially meaningless crap like the "three represents" or "Jiang Zeming theory" or "four must-do's or die" or whatever?
gzus in NYC   
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 12:07:55 (PDT)
What about fifth type:
Rich, but still want more.
This is b/c they can and will. And enjoy the competitive nature of peers in aquiring wealth.
Why are you so hung up on "flings" and attribute it to wealth? Flings are independent of the fanicial situtation. Poor people have flings as well as rich. Young and Old. 20% of the human population is illigitamate. It's a fact of life.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 10:34:10 (PDT)