

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife | 74%
The Husband | 26%

Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans | 51%
Vietnamese Americans | 14%
Japanese Americans | 1%
Corean Americans | 30%
Filipino Americans | 4%

Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home | 39%
Other real estate | 4%
Stocks/Options/Futures | 31%
Mutual Funds | 10%
Bank Deposits | 16%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
AC Dropout:
"Even if it was damaged, it can be restored. But the fact that it is an "one of a kind" item is where the key of it's value lie."
Value in a 'one of a kind' item still diminishes dramatically even with restoration. Majority of the population do not have the wealth to purchase a billy joel piano...what do you suggest they do? Is their lives less worthy b/c they did not own that one-of-a-kind item?

"It is useless to try to convert me. I'm a capitalist down to my cold green four chamber heart."
You make that very obvious. I worry about you though. As devastating as it'll be, suppose one day you lose all your wealth and pricey possessions (this has happened to many in the most unexpected ways). How would your life be then? What will happen to your pyschological and emotional state? How would you behave around your family and friends?

You see, the wonderful thing about living a nonmaterialistic lifestyle in a nurturing environment surrounded by those who cares is...
1) you always have wonderful memories to cherish
2) dreams become closer to realities with people who care and believe in you
3) you learn to live in the moment and embrace your emotional needs (hence, you become more in touch with yourself), when you're not fighting a battle of possessional comparison
4) you dont have to worry about you or your love ones becoming arrogant, nor do you have to deal with the hatred of those who are envious of your superficial lifestyle
5) the love of your family and friends bring you self-assurance, thus allowing you to create your own emotional & pyschological security net
6) once #5 is've reached the ultimate destination for human beings...b/c you become in control of who you are...and no one or thing can bring you down.

This is life today as I see it (for many..I use to be one too). We live in this modernized world with an abundance of resources and materials. We see it's benefits...we have high tech machines doing everything for us -- doing our chores, getting us around, and even entertaining us. Logically, we use it to our advantage. But at the same time, we get lost in it. We become so obsess with materialism, that we even allow ourselves to believe that money correlates with happiness. This is where the problem kicks in. We then start to neglect our spirituality and underestimate the powerfulness of our conscious. We forget that our conscious is the key to our past, present, and is the reason we think, behave, and feel as we do...and it is EVERYTHING to how we view this world. We forget that our spirtuality is what shapes us morally, and we forget that it helps us rationalize values. We move about with excessive pride in our expensive possessions...but we dont exercize enough the things that distinguish humans from animals -- our self-conscious and our spirituality.

I'm not saying we should live as we did in the earlier centuries...that was a repress environment based on superstitions (although I'm aware there have been some astounding scientific researches, as well). I'm just saying, to make the best of our lives...we must learn to use our minds, hearts, and souls more often. Being materialistic is the way of this commericialized world, not who we truly are.

Be happy that you are in touch with yourself. We all have the capacity to do it, but not many are brave enough to pursue it.
be    Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 21:50:38 (PDT)

It's been ages since I played. But there was Chopin. Chopin' celery, tomato, and potato was a common warm up prior to tackling the other masters.

I must be getting hungry.

I'm sure you do hire a tanned hunk of a gardener once a month to keep your roses in bloom spring, summer, and autumn. Twenty or thirty roses in one session. He must have quite the endurance and patience to make your roses bloom like that. ^_^ JK

What type of roses do you keep in your garden? You must keep those new race of rose that repeat bloom if your enjoying them over 3 seasons.

Well since this board is about money. Do you pay the gardener on a monthly or quarterly?

"I guess his pleasure is increasing his money-count while ours is creating something beautiful (like music...or memories)."

Here we go again. Money is not the destroyer of music nor memories. If you were a violinist, would the cost of owning a Stradivarius violin diminish the music. Many would think the contrary.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 12:30:14 (PDT)
to be

Good answer!

Now, let's see how Mr. Moneybags answers this comment. I guess his pleasure is increasing his money-count while ours is creating something beautiful (like music...or memories).

to AC Dropout
the spine of my book is so far gone, it tends to bend the other way and is so soft that it's destined for the dustbin one of these days. What other classical composers' music do you play (other than Mozart)? No, not Martha Stewart. I don't have enough time or energy to devote to gardening, but I have a gardener who comes once a month. He keeps my roses (all twenty or thirty of them) blooming much of the spring, summer, and autumn.
MLK    Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 12:17:45 (PDT)

You are a hopeless romantic operating on some other value system. Billy Joel's Piano came with their own memories. Even if it was damaged, it can be restored. But the fact that it is an "one of a kind" item is where the key of it's value lie.

If you become as famous and popular as Princess Di one day. All your worldly possession, no matter how trival would be worth something.

"However, memories last forever."

Until you become old and forgetful.

"preserving wealth or preserving memories?"

It is useless to try to convert me. I'm a capitalist down to my cold green four chamber heart.

Stop living in the past. Bah Humbug.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 12:11:13 (PDT)
AC Dropout:
"One of the key to preserving wealth is purchasing items that appreciate in value over time. One of kinds will do that."

I guess this is what makes us so different. The question is, what do you value more -- preserving wealth or preserving memories? I choose the latter, b/c it can lead to great emotionally pleasure, creativity, and dreams. It can also never be taken away....unlike, your billy joel's piano. If it gets damaged, its value would decreases dramatically. However, memories last forever.
be    Monday, May 27, 2002 at 22:38:25 (PDT)

They are just different types of pleasures. One purchase is not better than the other. Just different.

One of the key to preserving wealth is purchasing items that appreciate in value over time. One of kinds will do that.

I usually rip the page out of my music book. I get tired of trying to bend the spine so it will sit flat on the piano.

Rose bushes? Are you a Martha Stewart fan?
AC Dropout    Friday, May 24, 2002 at 11:35:54 (PDT)