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to AC Dropout
"...Education, Humor, flowers, and candy all require some money to attain. Those are all cultural displays used in courtship."
Humor??? You lost me again. Why would we need money to attain humor? Isn't that a state of mind that doesn't require wealth but rather a light heart to attain? Education can be financed, even by the poorest person in the US, and the most expensive candy and flowers you could possibly buy will cost you no more than one hundred US clams. Any more than that and you've been ripped off.
Like I said, I am not a violent person, but you seem to bring out the worst in me, I don't know why.
Perhaps I do. I tend to get very protective of those I love, and threatening my puppies will bring out my claws. Remind me never to eat anything you make (and wouldn't they be called hot dogs then, rather than breakfast sausages? :)
And once again, I would have to repeat myself. What does money and happiness have to do with cultural display of love or courtship? The one does not cause the other, nor does it affect it in any meaningful way. Money does not bring happiness, and happiness does not require money. Cultural display of love or courtship vary from one culture to another and neither requires you to have too much money or too much happiness. Cultural display of love or courtship doesn't even cause you to acquire more wealth or happiness either unless you are out to get a rich woman, in which case, it may be that you're right, and you could attain money from courtship (but never happiness); however, I get the feeling that that's not the point you're trying to make.
Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 20:27:10 (PDT)
"And I would wrestle you to the ground and beat you to a pulp if you dare lay a hand on my puppies!"
Your violent streak is showing again. You sound like a very pyshical person. I will wait till your sound asleep and serve them up as breakfast sausages. ^_^
"After all, if he loves me, he's not gonna hurt me, is he?"
Well that depends. Old testament God was pretty firm. Out of love he will flood the Earth, bring on the plague, and turn people to pillar of salt. New testament God is a push over. Turn the other cheek kinda of stuff.
Education, Humor, flowers, and candy all require some money to attain. Those are all cultural displays used in courtship.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 07:32:59 (PDT)
to AC Dropout
Yes, I do believe you're right! I am what you would call a happiness junkie. I would actually do things for others just to get a rush of cool joy when I see how happy they get. And I'm pretty lucky. I taste it all the time! This fits right in with your theory on how rats stand on that pleasure plate to get their fix and then die of starvation. Damn, you got me nailed down as the rat that I never thought I was.
OK, now that you know one of my worst traits, here's another. Yes, I do keep my puppies out of sheer selfishness. It's not in their best interest that I keep them, although I do feed them and take very good care of them. It's for the love and joy that they give me! And, more than likely, they are probably just hanging out with me for the free meals and free lovin', but that's ok. As long as they're happy, I am too (I'm not asking for too much). And I would wrestle you to the ground and beat you to a pulp if you dare lay a hand on my puppies!
I don't go to church. I actually don't have any religion at all (I hate organized crime!). But I do believe there is a higher power over us, and again...my joy is a selfish one. I prefer to believe my creator loves me, just to keep myself happy and unburdened by worries about sins and other such trivialities. After all, if he loves me, he's not gonna hurt me, is he?
I don't really understand your comment about money being a tool for cultural display of love or courtship. I thought we were talking about money bringing happiness. What does money and happiness have to do with cultural display of love or courtship?
Monday, June 03, 2002 at 21:43:50 (PDT)
To try and prevent yourself from becoming like those around you who you deem as "fake " will require you to fully analyze and understand the aspects which you believe makes them fake.
I assure you aquiring wealth does not make a person "fake."
Contentment comes from acceptance. Once you are able to come your terms with yourself and your goals, you will be content.
AC dropout   
Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 21:20:53 (PDT)
Happiness is a selfish emotion in my opinion. Only to be tasted once in a while.
Even by your definition, for you to experience happiness it was your free choice to give someone something to achieve happiness. Isn't that in a of itself a forced occurance upon someone else? Quite selfish I might add.
Puppies...sounds like a co-dependent relationship. I'm sure their just sharing their affection for their daily walk or meal. Buy your puppies?...I'd make them into dinner when you're not looking. ^_^
The Creator only desires our worship to exist. He will do anything and say anything to ensure that we worship him. For that is the game he has set up. We have free-will and the Creator our salvation, for the price of worship. And the cost is the price of a donation to a weekly sermon.
Money is just a tool. A useful tool. From the average highschool kid to the riches tycoon, the cultural display or love or courtship has been going on for ages. Money is just one tool in this complicated dance.
You are making me into such a cynical person.
AC dropout   
Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 21:17:00 (PDT)