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Chinese Americans |
Vietnamese Americans |
Japanese Americans |
Corean Americans |
Filipino Americans |
Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
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I was just poking fun at females in general, not you per say. I can understand if you feel insulted, since you are part of the female population. My sympathy for the plight of your half of the human race.
I apologize if you found my humor to be too presumptuous.
It has been from my experience that female logic process is not flawed. They just operate on a different set of underlining assupmtions in life, hence they come to different conclusions from their male counterparts. Which can be funny or tragic depending on the how you view it.
It was merely used to point out, since women in general get to choose their suitors, where men compete to be suitors, women's quest for happiness is predicated on how many suitors she can attract. Hence, to achieve "happiness" women cannot set the bar too high or no one would qualify. And the blissful state of 1.2 kids, a house, and 1.7 cars would not be reached.
Hence, women may choose to lower the bar on appearance and wealth in the mate selections. This leads us to the popular colloquial term, "He may be bald, fat, and poor; but he's the pick of the litter and a keeper. Did I mention he had a great personality."
This all works if you believe classic sexual selection is at play in the human population of course.
"When did love and courtship crop into our conversation?"
Probably somewhere after you accused me of being a male nurse and threated to stuff my corpse in your piano. But before I suggested we have your mutts as a breakfast treats one morning.
If you haven't noticed we have a terrible habit of rambling on various goldsea boards. It's hard to keep track. I believe I'm carrying a conversation with someone with the exact same handle as yours on the merits of biochemical love. I'm winning that conversation, but don't tell her that....shhh. There is also a very violent person using your handle as well, threatened to rip off some foreskin at one time, I dare say. We do good to avoid that one. ^_^ jk
And finally, money does make happiness more easily attainable.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 12:26:38 (PDT)
Having money means only one less thing to worry about and the means to finally get the things you need.
Once you have what you need like the nice car and house, insurance and ultilities, credit cards and mortagages paid for, you can then finally do and pursue things that matter to you like travelling, picking new hobbies, exploring other carefree pursuits that you want instead of slaving away trying to just make ends meet.
Money, in itself is good it is only bad if you feel that it runs your life instead of you controlling it.
"Money makes a wonderful slave but a terrible master" so use it as a slave and make it work for you.
Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 12:05:30 (PDT)
to AC Dropout
"...The logic of a female. ^_^ But all I want is happiness and to be loved(whine). What's money got to do with it, that's not important (fluttering eyelashes). Now make me happy! (stomp and tapping shoe impatiently)."
Whoa there, cowboy...where'd you get that impression of me? Are you actually seeing me flutter my eyelashes and stomp my high heels impatiently in your mind's eye? And did I ever demand that you make me happy? Did I ever ask for your love? I thought we were debating the merits of happiness irregardless of the money factor. When did love and courtship crop into our conversation?
And what's that dig with the logic of a female? We're logical creatures too! ...sorta...
Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 21:36:47 (PDT)
"Have you ever tasted dog? And can you cook?"
Dog is a winter dish in asia. Never around in asia during that season. Although I hear some Korea resturants in NYC serve it up. But i suspect you have to fluent in Korean to get some.
I can cook. Although I do have a tendency to burn the water every now and then.
AC Dropout   
Monday, June 10, 2002 at 06:21:34 (PDT)
you’all know that all these discussion back and forth is a justification of the individual’s lifestyle--with a lot, some or a little money. Have you made any headway into changing the other person's view and therefore their lifestyle? And do you realize that a woman perspective on money (in general) is slightly different than a man perspective? Also, a poor and a rich person have different perspectives on money.
Have you ever tasted dog? And can you cook?
Friday, June 07, 2002 at 11:47:21 (PDT)
Humor is making light of cultural observations. If you don't have the money to see all of what society has to offer, the humor one produces will be limited. Education, flower, candy will require money. Even if you are poor it requires money. Hence, courtship requires money.
Touche on the hot dogs. We can call them Canadian Sauage just to make them fancy.
The logic of a female. ^_^ But all I want is happiness and to be loved(whine). What's money got to do with it, that's not important (fluttering eyelashes). Now make me happy! (stomp and tapping shoe impatiently).
You are correct money does not equate happiness. Remember money is a tool. A tool that will be used to purchase items or education to conduct courtship with the opposite sex. The more money you have the more easily accessiable these items and education becomes.
"Like I said, I am not a violent person, but you seem to bring out the worst in me, I don't know why."
Only you. That's good then. Wouldn't want everyone trying to beat me up.
AC Dropout   
Friday, June 07, 2002 at 11:17:45 (PDT)