Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife |
The Husband |
Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans |
Vietnamese Americans |
Japanese Americans |
Corean Americans |
Filipino Americans |
Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home |
Other real estate |
Stocks/Options/Futures |
Mutual Funds |
Bank Deposits |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
What makes you think the market is at the bottom? The trend still seems to be down. And even if we are at the bottom, we can stay at this position for a long time.
Why don't you guys exchange emails? There seems to be a bit of chemistry between the two of you with so much discussion back and forth...LOL
Monday, June 17, 2002 at 08:10:53 (PDT)
yeah well guys, usually i dont write on this forum cause i dont see any worthwhile topic posted. But since I am a professional trader (an excellent one at that) in derivatives. (stock options) I'll just impart a few things that might help you guys out.
1. Psychology. Most important part of investing, least understood. The thing is we must always be objective. Hard to do. so get some good books on psychology of investing. If you're too lazy give your money to a mutual fund.
2. Market right now at bottom. Yep at bottom, you heard it from me first. It is channeling moving up and down in a certain range. This action means the big boys (institutions) are loading up on the stocks. So pick your favorite stock and buy.
3. learn as much as you can about investing, it will be well worth it. The most dangerous person is he who knows just a little bit, and thinks he knows a lot. That man is gonna lose his cash.
finally i wish you all luck and success in your investments and feel free to ask me any questions regarding investing. Especially stock\options. I'm really good at that. No kidding too. lol
Friday, June 14, 2002 at 15:53:14 (PDT)
Your allusion to the wildernes....are you one of those nature nuts that walks barefoot in the park?
Your quite right. I'm a fish out of water in the kitchen. But I would lay a nice trail of Scooby Snacks from the bedroom to the Kitchen oven. And if cartoons are any indication of animal behavior, I would probably end up cooking myself.
How about lowering each standard by 1/4 notch. That adds up to 1 quality.
But stupid men are loyal. Remember a bored smart man might seek other sexual conquest to keep himself entertained. Unless you are an infinitely entertaining person.
My fiancial advise would depend on your fiancial health. What do you want me to say? Buy GE stocks, they're close to their 52 week low and are a great value right now.
I always find Canada to be good place to visit as a short vacation. They're very laid back and some of the older cities has a distinct European feel. And the exchange rate makes everything about 40% off.
Why not take a weekend trip to one of those famous CA spas. A little pampering does the soul some good.
AC Dropout   
Friday, June 14, 2002 at 13:29:37 (PDT)
AC Dropout
OK, OK...I do have to concede that we do tend to ramble on about wierd stuff on all the boards. I really don't know why, and I normally stick to the subject...or at least I try to...but you keep pulling me off the beaten path and into the meadows and woodsy forests where we meander through paths of most resistance, gathering all sorts of flowers and insects, and then I come up with the wierdest ideas. I do have to admit, you are a very good conversationalist. At least I know that you would never ever bore me, regardless of what our topic should happen to be. (...burning the water? you are quite hopeless in the kitchen, aren't you? Well, that bodes well for my pups, at least. They wouldn't stand still long enough for you to find your way around the kitchen to even locate a good butcher knife...and by then, they will have chewed a hole through your fine tailored pant-cuffs and pooped on your expensive Italian shoes).
And the elongated conversation regarding that biochemical love thing is me again talking to you. And you are winning, yes you are, I won't deny that, because I'm not so familiar with the intricacies of biochemistry...I think I made a very low C in that course at University, so no competition there. So is that violent person threatening to rip your foreskin off...that was me too, but I hope you realize that I was just joking with you. Nobody uses MLK but me, and you can usually tell if it's a fake, nobody writes like me either. My brain works in ways no one can predict, least of all myself.
And in regards to the bar that I have set for male standards...(sigh)...it really needs to be lowered just slightly, but I can't make up my mind which of the four points I can bear to throw out. I guess I could do without intelligence, that seems to be the least of the four. But stupid men are soooo boring! Maybe I'll keep intelligence and let compassion go. On second thought, compassion is really critical to me. hmmmmm...decisions, decisions...
Ooops, we're supposed to be talking about money and investing, aren't we? See what I mean? you throw out other ideas which I tend to flow along with and then we're off-topic again. So, AC, what should I spend my money on this year? I just used up most of my spare cash on my piano earlier this year, and now I'm looking at a possible trip to somewhere (anywhere...death valley?) away from my ogre of a boss. What is your prognosis for financial matters?
Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 20:35:13 (PDT)