Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
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Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife |
The Husband |
Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans |
Vietnamese Americans |
Japanese Americans |
Corean Americans |
Filipino Americans |
Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home |
Other real estate |
Stocks/Options/Futures |
Mutual Funds |
Bank Deposits |
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GE isn't really an energy company. They're more of a financial company these days. The process private label credit cards, like Home Depot, Mobil, Exxon, etc. They are lease trains, planes, and boats to commercial companies. I guess if a scandal turns up at GE it would not be surprising these days.
Anyway the stock spiked on Monday, so the window of opportunity has closed on that stock for now.
Bali...I would be careful there are some kidnapping cases in Malaysia of tourist these days. And if your ethnically Chinese I would not recommend leaving that island or your resort you're staying at.
Dessert Springs...sounds fun. I have they have a catcus herbal treatment wrap that is to dye for. Your going to be inside all day, what do you care how hot it gets outside.
fuzzy logic on intgrity and intelligence. How about measuring on interval of occurance. Like if you know an honest man that would return a wallet untampered, but cheats on his personal taxes. Or a man who is like King Soloman on critical issues, but insist on leaving the toilet seat up. Stuff like that.
Better to be the Cheater than the Cheatie. You sound like some people I know who break up with people, just so they will not be the one getting dumped. I find that behavior infinitely amusing.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 13:00:27 (PDT)
like to know:
Derivatives training is another word for proxy. Basically in the stock market it is INSURANCE trading. We trade insurance for stocks. For example if a stock is at 50 and i think it is going to go to 60. I'll buy an insurance called option to purchase the stock at 50. This means that I have the right to buy the stock at 50. If after a few months the stock does go to 60. Then my option is worth at least 10. because i have the right to buy it at 50 and immediatly sell it for 60.
This works either way. up or down. You can even make money when the market is not doing anything. For example if you have 100 shares of a stock that has option capability. You can sell insurance!!!! cool eh. if your stock is at 50 you can sell someone the right to buy it from you at 60!. The time frame varies. Isnt it cool that someone will pay you to buy your stock at 25% above what it is now???
Its very profitable. If you're good 100% monthly trading returns are very common. This is like a very very sharp sword, master it and make a fortune. If you mess up, your whole fortune disappears faster than the blink of an eye. Like i said before, most dangerous thing is if a person knows just a little. IF you want to know more, i suggest definatly read TONS of books and practice. And dont pay 1000's of dollars to let someone teach you. (unless your rich) they speed up the learning curve but you can easily get same thing from books. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.
No i am not a day trader. My time frame is intermediate (3-7 weeks). I do options trading thats why i have spectacular results. I go to school in day and trade when i get out.
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 12:54:04 (PDT)
What? you mean I can send you porno ads. :)
You know I was going through my email box the other day. I think I might be getting an inferiority complex soon.
All the junk mail I get seem to say
1. My penis is too small
2. My head is getting bald
3. My debt is too high
4. My penis is too small
5. My sexual drive is decreasing
6. My penis is too small
I might start actually believing these ads soon.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 12:47:30 (PDT)
AC Dropout
No, my idea of a wilderness adventure is palm trees in the sand and waves crashing onto rocky shorelines with the only wild things around being the fish and chips, and me.
Yeah, my pups would probably shove you right in and cackle as you roast to a nice buff brown. Cheaper than going to the tanning booth.
Lowering each standard by 1/4 sounds like a good idea. I would like to see how a man could be 3/4 of the way fair, though. You're either fair or you're unfair. And you either have integrity or you don't, how can you be 3/4 of the way there? That's something I would like to see, if it's at all possible.
I'm an infinitely entertaining person, when I want to be. When I don't want to be, I am an infinitely boring person (that's how I get rid of folks I don't want to hang around with! bore them to death). And I would be the one getting bored with a stupid man and then having to seek other sexual conquests to keep myself entertained. No, I'd rather hang out with a smart guy and have fun figuring out how to keep him entertained than to yawn and stretch and try to come alive with a loser.
I'm so scared of energy stocks...look what happened to Enron!!!!
I was seriously thinking of going to Bali or Queensland, except that right now, it's winter time down under and I'm not in the mood to freeze my ass off. OK, you've convinced me. I think I'll go to Dessert Springs or something like that...it's the off-season at this time, and it's going to be cheap! And HOT!!!
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 20:54:22 (PDT)
Wasn't it at one point that we exchanged inane banter? I think I stopped because you stopped posting to me. And AC Dropout's right. Email is for work and for people to send me porno ads and junk and CCs of stupid jokes. Goldsea is for me to share my thoughts with all of you (not just AC, except he seems to be the only one who'll reply to my inane banter at this point in time...he doesn't seem bored with talking to me...yet...).
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 20:39:08 (PDT)
Of course you have to take a brokers advise with a grain of salt. The make commision from every transaction on your account.
Are you day trading at some brokerage firm.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 14:35:03 (PDT)
What is derivative trading?
Like to know   
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 13:48:41 (PDT)
NO the trend is not down my friend. It is in a consolidation pattern right now. Look at nasdaq composite or DJIA. 9600-10200. a 800 point range. for the last six months.
The economy is poised for a rebound, it is happening right now. Regarding your question of "if it is at bottom we could stay for a long time." True however since the consolidation pattern has exsisted for the last 8 months. and most bear markets only last 1.5 yrs. This current one lasted 2 yrs already.
The most explosive time is the first 6 months of a rebound, of course the majority of the people do not buy until well a year into the new bull market. Thus missing out on rapid gains.
Of course when you buy stocks, keep a stop loss and use technical indicators (stock patterns) to protect your assets.
oh yeah, dont ever trust your broker (they suck, thats why they broke. If they're any good they would be making the big bucks) I got 25% return for my ENTIRE portfolio last two months. using derivative trading. Under strategiclly controlled, risk protected conditions, not crazy all in one shot.
although my expertise didnt come cheap, i spent 5 yrs and lost 50,000 to get to where i am today. But now i developed my own strategy that literally kicks ass.
Monday, June 17, 2002 at 12:31:08 (PDT)
Now what fun would that be. I thought we added value to goldsea with our inane banter.
AC Dropout   
Monday, June 17, 2002 at 12:02:31 (PDT)