

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife | 74%
The Husband | 26%

Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans | 51%
Vietnamese Americans | 14%
Japanese Americans | 1%
Corean Americans | 30%
Filipino Americans | 4%

Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home | 39%
Other real estate | 4%
Stocks/Options/Futures | 31%
Mutual Funds | 10%
Bank Deposits | 16%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

How does one buy and sell stocks and derivatives? Suppose I have a bunch of money sitting somewhere and I wanted to invest it without the use of a broker. What is the best way to do it?
Money, Cash, Bling-Bling    Friday, June 21, 2002 at 14:34:00 (PDT)

What do you think of the GE preferred stock that are being issued on 6/28/02.
AC Dropout    Friday, June 21, 2002 at 13:15:23 (PDT)

don't give it away for free. Write a book and sell it.

AC Dropout    Friday, June 21, 2002 at 12:57:50 (PDT)

You think my head is the size of Conan O'Brian. heheh. My head is just the right size thanks. I'm mostly indifference about what other people think about me. Because I'm already aware of my flaws. I have my own timetable and priorities when it comes to my flaws.

I wouldn't recommend the stock market right now, unless you had a trusted professional working for you.

I'm still mulling over the you being naked part in you getting wrap. But I'm pretty sure they take the needles out first. Naked and inside a catcus. That's a straight line I think I will pass on.

I'm not too much of a beach person. The sand is quite annoying. But it is good to visit and get a tan. I like the days right after getting a tan when the skin seems shiny and brown.

You own real estate? The cottage with the dogs. You can use it as a shelter with home improvements. Talk to a good accountant about that.

"A good man is a good man, regardless of whether he leaves his toilet seat up or down."

I bet you won't be saying that at 3 am in the morning, when your butt goes plop in the toilet. I bet you walk over to the cute King Solomon and kick him out of bed.

You would really let a person cheat on you once. Quite a forgiving person aren't we. You mean if you had a bf, and he gave you a card with a name on it. The name of a person he would 100% cheat with if he had a chance, you would give him a "by" if he cheated on you with that person?

Verbal abuse...what do you mean? Couple always get into verbal arguments at one point of another. It is just a part of the relationship.

I think if you "keep it together" while in a relationship. You will know naturally know when to let go of one that won't work out. I think dumping occurs when neither party has any foresight about the relationship. So sudden changes occur, which is disruptive to the other party.

I think clinging is dependent on the individuals not on sex. By your definition only men in your life would cling. But on the hypothetical you had a few lesbian relations, you could quite well see you would have a few clinging women in your life as well.

AC Dropout    Friday, June 21, 2002 at 12:57:11 (PDT)

well i am surprised that you lost half your money in one week. Sounds more like option trading than stocks. But glad you guys did ok.

"trying to trade back our losses"
big mistake, here based on psychology. Because it sets your mind frame to the original amount rather than current amount. What it does is clouds your objective mindset. Also the pressure to "get back" money for tuition significantly reduces your chances of success. In any case, i am glad you guys made some moo-la in best buy.
SOG    Friday, June 21, 2002 at 12:26:07 (PDT)
AC Dropout

What, you with an inferiority complex? That'll be the day. You are one of the most arrogant (nice, but arrogant nonetheless) men I've ever been in contact with! It's just as well that I have no idea what you look like. I'd probably get the serious giggles if I could see how big your head really is. Seriously, it's refreshing to know a person who's not concerned with how others see him. That takes a very large ego (or self-confidence) to pull off.

It's just as well that I'm not meant to do anything with the GE stocks. I usually pick all the losers anyway. I guess Bali's out of the question too (another bad choice, huh?). I would hate to get kidnapped and then have to find a way to go home without any friends, passport or any money. (sigh) nothing's going quite right in my neck of the woods. And the thought of wrapping my naked self in catus sounds quite...painful. I hope they pull all the spikes off before they stick me inside the plant. What do they do, cut a hole in the cactus plant and then shove me inside? And being indoors all day doesn't sound like much fun to me. I spent part of the weekend at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk lying on the sand and getting baked and I am now a toasty brown chick. That was fun. It was hot, but it was fun.

Fuzzy logic? I'm not looking for a saint. Just someone who's not an outright crook, out to harm others! Everyone cheats on taxes. Uncle Sam takes way too much you know of any way I can cheat on mine? And I'll have no problem whatsoever living with King Solomon and his upright toilet seat (he's a cutie!). There's no comparison between these two traits (that's like comparing apples and the little green button inside the navel of an orange). A good man is a good man, regardless of whether he leaves his toilet seat up or down.

To be sure, I've left my fair share of men. And if I had to do it again, I probably would do the same. If a serious situation (like cheating or verbal abuse) occurs more than once, it's a sign from above that I need to get on with my life. I'm not so desperate that I have to stick with a loser regardless of his attitudes and morals (or lack thereof). And I actually have never been dumped in my life. Not that I'm dying to find out how it feels, mind you. It's just never happened to me. If anything, it's always that the men don't want to let go, and keep clinging on and on and on...
MLK    Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 21:00:34 (PDT)
Common guys. You guys can ask me anything about stock\options. I am an expert. I'll give you a little background. I have studied technical analysis, fundamental analysis, options pricing, and real time money management. Further more i developed my own strategies that has proven time and time again in actual trading scenarios. I scan the Entire stock market all stock 15+ that means 6000+ stock charts in two week cycles. I have easy access to prearranged charting tools and am happy to be of any help.

I really dont know why, i am typing this. Anyways, dont let a valuable resource go to waste!!!!!!!!
SOG    Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 18:58:28 (PDT)

You know I had an interesting experience in college with a Bloomberg machine (internet quotes were not available yet) in the business school on campus.

Some friends got together and we used our scholarship money to buy stocks. We lost half the amount the first week. We spent the next 3 months trying to trade back our losses to pay our tuition. We made a lot on a small company called Best Buy. Definitely a hectic college experience.

AC Dropout    Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 11:31:09 (PDT)