

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife | 74%
The Husband | 26%

Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans | 51%
Vietnamese Americans | 14%
Japanese Americans | 1%
Corean Americans | 30%
Filipino Americans | 4%

Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home | 39%
Other real estate | 4%
Stocks/Options/Futures | 31%
Mutual Funds | 10%
Bank Deposits | 16%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Did King Soloman have 100 wives? Do you really want marry a guy like that?

1/2LostSoul    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 09:48:27 (PDT)
all the stuff i have read and hear says that the market is in holding/trading pattern. And those analysts are bias to the upside. Also, the analysts has been lowering investor expectations on market returns to something like 7-8% a year verus 12-15% a year. Basically they are saying the market is going to be sub par for the next few years. The NASD at 5000 is going to take something like 10-15 years.’s going take a long time for people who bought companies at the high to make any money back. I know wrong philosophy- a loss is a loss but you have to be a robot to realize that kind of loss.

I personally don't think the market will break out of the trading pattern (and stay up) anything soon because of the excesses of the longest bull market ever (similar to the roaring (19) 20s). So, INHMO, it will take at least another year. Recently, I been hearing (Wall Street w Loius R) the market should rally in august due to technical factors. Is that what you are talking about?

And as a side note, I’m so negative because I lost my shirt in the market –more than 200K (and counting).

I agree with SOG, GE has been cooking the books for a long time and will need time to straighten itself out. Also, GE is in need of capital to decrease reliance on commercial paper. I believe the market ( I have not checked) is pricing GE CDS spreads as AA even though the company is AAA. The question becomes why is the market pricing GE at AA verus the official credit rating of AAA?

1/2LostSoul    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 09:45:23 (PDT)
sorry for the late response. Ok, i would not say exchange work emails--that's a no no. I'm sure everyone got a web email (yahoo,hotmail) to exchange.

1/2LostSoul    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 08:58:25 (PDT)
to AC Dropout

Hmmmm...interesting prospect--you claim that verbal arguments are part of every relationship. I actually don't really like to get into verbal arguments. I'd prefer to talk out my points in logical fashion like a lawyer would and may the most logical person win, as opposed to shouting out my case where no one hears anything anyone says anyway, and no one really wins. And if my logic fails, and I know I've lost the case, well, I can always assault the man's erotic senses and win by default. Works every time! Oh, and by the way, verbal abuse is not arguing. The two are very different, and I think you know what I mean when I say verbal abuse.

And you're right, King Solomon would get his butt kicked out of bed if my butt goes splash in the middle of the night. But it would be a gentle kick and he wouldn't be flying out the window, only to the soft carpeted floor. I wouldn't disown a valuable King Solomon guy for such simple (though irritating) things like that.

What, you don't like the beach? Not a water-lover, are you? That's a shame. Sand has quite a charm all its own, especially when combined with tropics weather, balmy blue days, melting coconut Mai Tais, and an itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini.

Yeah, I own a really tiny piece of Americana, and it's not worth much, but it's home and it's real estate in silicon valley. My dogs aren't worth anything. They're more liability than asset at this point. I have a little equity in the house, but I'm saving it for a rainy day. Sorta like my modern-day old-maid's nest-egg.

And I do apologize if you are uncomfortable with the thought of a cactus wrap. After all, you were the person who came up with that idea. I just brought it to the next logical step. When you connect the dots, it's a pretty straight line, I should say.

No, cheating is a once-only occurence that's never happened to me before. No man has dared to try my wrath. But the interesting thing is, I've always had that tendency to pick the males who are not at once obviously attractive to all the women in the world, so I don't really have to worry too much about competition. And any man who's got such a penchant for cheating is welcomed to do so if he should choose. People will do whatever they have a mind to do, and my policy has always been very open. If it's a great relationship, stay. If it sucks, leave.

Time table for flaws? Should I give you a list of what I've observed as possible candidates for flaws in all the time we've communicated? Your timetable would stretch out to fill quite a bit of your lifetime, AC dear. And your indifference shows so clearly. That's why you spend so much time defend your stands so eloquently and go out of your way to convince me of the logic behind your reasoning or try to persuade me that you're not such a cad after all at certain times in the course of our conversations. Of course you don't care what I (or anyone else) think about you. :)
MLK    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 22:07:25 (PDT)
Money, Cash, Bling Bling.
Well it is impossiable to invest in the stock market or derivatives (same market) without using brokers. I suggest a internet account at E-trade or Ameritrade. Dosent really matter. Keep only one account, two at most. They have discount commissions about $8 per stock trade or $10 for option trade. The intense competition between the various brokerage houses have driven price down significantly.

You invest by first learning how to invest. I can write literally hundreds of pages on that topic (you'll have to ask a more specific question) But before you learn how to handle yourself, the best beet is to buy into a index fund (qqq) they have very low MER (management expense ratio) basically it wont cost an arm and leg to get in. Also load up on some mutual funds. Stocks are to be avioded till you are proficient invesetors. Derivatives are a BIG NO NO for non seasoned investors. You'll get your clock cleaned. Although profit potential is HUGE. learn to walk before you run.

AC dropout:
thanx I might do that. Also GE is not a good company. The fundamentals suck. For one it is so huge the growth is stagnated, also it has 4.25 debt to equity ratio. Means for every dollar it has in asset it has 4.24 dollars in debt. BAD BAD BAD. I like my companies growing at least 25% annually with preferably less than .1 debt to equity ratio. The technical charts say GE is bad also. It is consolidation and although it might go up in the new bull market. personally i would never own the stock, nor buy it.

SOG    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 10:02:38 (PDT)