

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Who handles the household checkbook in your family?
The Wife | 74%
The Husband | 26%

Which of the following ethnic groups attaches the most importance to making money?
Chinese Americans | 51%
Vietnamese Americans | 14%
Japanese Americans | 1%
Corean Americans | 30%
Filipino Americans | 4%

Which of the following do you consider to be your most important investment method currently?
Buy/Upgrade Own Home | 39%
Other real estate | 4%
Stocks/Options/Futures | 31%
Mutual Funds | 10%
Bank Deposits | 16%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Lacking Investment Skills,

Some suggestions for investing for retirement.

1) Max out your contributions to your 401k plan.
2) Contribute to a Roth IRA (limit is $3000/year).
3) U.S. Savings Bonds.
4) Stocks - This is the riskiest of them all, so only put a small portion into it, and a mutual fund would be better if you don't have the time/knowledge/experience.

And here is a recommended web site:

He's Ric Edelman, a popular financial advisor.

B. Lee    Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 17:30:59 (PDT)
to Repost

Sound so...difficult to maintain. I'm so busy as it is, maybe I'll just stick it into some kind of annuity, or keep it with the house. I'm not that good with investments and in my old age, I don't want to be a homeless old bag lady pushing my little shopping cart around the bay area with all my worldly possessions in it. That sounds so depressing, doesn't it?

Anyway, it's a bit strange to be posting to you outside your normal gender divide board. I don't believe we've ever had a conversation that didn't revolve around something of that gender-divide nature, unless you've been posting to me with a different name that I just didn't know was you.
MLK    Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 16:22:55 (PDT)

"You say you got slammed well let me ask you how many hours you studied it and trained on how to invest?
I bet very very very little."

It seemed like you misread my letter. I didn't get slammed. I was rejoicing that I did not put too much cash assets into stocks.

Sure, my portfolio is down, but I didn't lose anything because I didn't sell at a loss. I'm waiting for it to rebound, but I can wait, because I didn't put all my eggs into one basket. I also invest in high-yield stocks, so I get generous dividends coming in, even as I hold onto it.

For the past few years, I've probably made several thousand dollars overall in profit. Limit orders are helpful, especially if you have to work, and have no time staring at real-time quotes.

B. Lee    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 20:14:11 (PDT)
Max out your 401K each year, saves about 15% *salary (there is a limit--something 11.5K) *40% --that's your really savings. essentially 401K -saves only on taxes (fed,ss,state,nyc) and compounding of investment gains (assuming there is actually gains--mine lost like 30%--so, it would have been better if i enjoy the money)

1/2LostSoul    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 11:26:24 (PDT)
i disagree with the assessment of Fundamental analysis is BS. Fundamentals determine long term price. Technicals determine short term price (directional price movements). The reason you don't like fundamentals is because your trading strategy depends on technicals and not fundamentals.
As for learning as much as you can about the stock market, knowledge helps but is not the only factor. Emotions can be a big hindrance. I study the market since i was like 9 and i believe fundaments are the way to go (lost my shirt because of emotions and hype).

1/2LostSoul    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 11:15:43 (PDT)

Actually maybe it was a few post back that has perpetuated this perception that I'm high-brow. But I'm just a normal guy in everyday life. I have a few more extra bucks in the bank compared to the average joe, but it doesn't matter much.

Bikini wax is a necessity if men wear marble bag to the beach.

TKD is a the sport Tae Kwon Do. I played it in college. But unfortunately, I realised that I did not have the funds to continue training at the Olymic Training Center once I graduated college.

And please pray tell what are these exciting things you alluded to if the right man pushes the right buttons on you? hehe.

"Once you've found her, you wouldn't mind losing everything to have her. Mark my words, Mr. Don't Like to Lose AC Dropout."

Dear sweet delusional MLK...Mark my words, woe to the women struck by Cupid's shaft-butt over AC Dropout. For they will lose their heart, their identity, and even perhaps their sanity...heheh

Marley..that's so retro, Lenny Kravitz for retro people of the 21st Century.
AC Dropout    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 09:55:45 (PDT)

I've decided to get the preferred.
AC Dropout    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 09:31:20 (PDT)