

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Would you go to a movie because it features an Asian in a positive starring role even if you weren't otherwise interested?
No. | 14%
Yes. | 69%
Yes, if the Asian were male. | 17%

Which of the following is the Greatest Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
Enter the Dragon | 15%
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | 14%
Romeo Must Die | 5%
The Corruptor | 2%
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story | 57%
Joy Luck Club | 7%

Which of the following is the Most Offensive Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
The World of Suzie Wong | 1%
Sixteen Candles | 13%
Breakfast at Tiffany's | 24%
Year of the Dragon | 25%
Tai Pan | 1%
Joy Luck Club | 38%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
i've never really seen any of the offensive moviez before, but i don't think i'd wanna cuz they're offensive to us. Romeo Must Die and Kiss Of The Dragon were really good moviez by Jet Li. Rush Hour 2 was really great too. If yer not azn, u betta not be a hata..
Azian    Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 22:45:18 (PST)
Shaolin Soccer is very funny. However, I liked "Love on a Diet" even better.
windandcloud    Friday, November 23, 2001 at 19:41:17 (PST)
I really enjoyed "My America or Honk If You Love Buddha", a documentary by Renee Tajima-Pena. As far as films, i really can't think of many off the top of my head that portray both Asian-American men and women both in a positive light. It's usually one or the other. Like in the Joy Luck Club, AA women are good, AA men are jerks. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story is probably the best depiction of an AA man in American cinema, to date. But there are no postitive AA women in there, at least no significant roles. Only non-American productions show Asians as human beings, not the stereotypical bull***t we're used to seeing here. Unfortunately, HERE is America and racism is still loud and clear and we still don't get the respect we deserve. So, in conclusion, there are lots of good films with positive depictions of Asians, but they're not made in America and they're not about Asian-Americans. The films that are made in America about Asians and Asian-Americans are usually crap, save a handful of gems.
Valley Chinese Dude    Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 00:08:24 (PST)
Shaolin soccer was a tight ass movie.
shaolin soccer rules!    Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 22:29:11 (PST)
There's a Pinoy film out there called the debut and you can preview it at --> I haven't seen it yet but it looks pretty good. Anyone seen it???

asianite    Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 06:40:04 (PST)
TO: Maznguy

I agree! Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock have made some very derogatory remarks about asians. But they also talk about whites, spanish and even there own race. Reguardless of who they quote on quote talk about the issue here that concerns me is your last remarks("I wish there was an asian comedian who made fun of blacks just to get them back")Key word them this is how the vicious cycle begins. One race gets offended by the ignorant comments of one person and they lash out and considers everyone in that race should feel the backlash of one person comment.
some people are just ignorant they don't know any better.I'm not saying it's right by far!!!!!!!!!
Please don't take one or even 10 ignorant comments made by people and catergorize a race.

trust me i know how it feels!!!!!!

skindeep    Friday, November 09, 2001 at 20:49:09 (PST)
William Hall,

Then why do whiteboys go for such "ugly" Asian girls? WE don't have your "white beauty". I dont get it..
F*** you, whiteboy (pissed off asian chick)    Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 17:57:30 (PST)
Anyone here seen Shaolin Soccer?

Victor Mancini    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 19:41:29 (PST)
have you seen the movie, 'breaks' and 'the Clerks: animation' (listen to the director's commentary track on DVD)
it is up to us    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 01:38:21 (PST)
I think most of the racist comedy putting down AA comes from black people, e.g. eddie murphy, chris rock.

eating dogs?? sure some people in china eat dogs, but some people in africa eat cats, dogs and anything they get theyre hands on, in some cases even cannibalism. So why do they always give asian people shit about eating dogs, i find it very offensive and i wish there was an asian comedian who made fun of blacks just to get them back. Im in Australia at the moment and there is a racist political party here called One Nation. There was recentely an asian comedian who called himself One Asian to mock the political party, he ended being the most popular comedian.
So to all my fellow asians please when you here this stuff on TV dont take it to heart, prove them wrong.
Maznguy    Friday, October 26, 2001 at 09:07:41 (PDT)
'Caucasians are [a] very good looking race.'

Yeah--when you forget the hairy backs, cellulite, pear-shaped figures, major obesity, watery blue eyes, blotchy or pasty skin, and premature wrinkles.

I believe Caucasians are better looking like I believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy--and other WHITE LIES.
Asian Dominatrix    Friday, October 26, 2001 at 07:28:16 (PDT)