Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
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Which of the following is the Greatest Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
Enter the Dragon |
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon |
Romeo Must Die |
The Corruptor |
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story |
Joy Luck Club |
Which of the following is the Most Offensive Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
The World of Suzie Wong |
Sixteen Candles |
Breakfast at Tiffany's |
Year of the Dragon |
Tai Pan |
Joy Luck Club |
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Hey Two Wongs and BokChoy buddy
When has Jet li made any "B-movies". All his films esp. His Hong Kong films are big budget A-list movies. I dont know what planet you are from, but Jet Li has been in some of the best Martial arts films. Also try this on for size The Matrix's actions scenes were choreographed by Yuen Woo Ping.. who directed some of Jet Li's films and some of the actions for Jet Li's Hong Kong films. Im appalled at you attitude. The Matrix is actually a Hollywood version of Hong Kong film.
You know Hollywood has been inspired by a lot of Hong Kong martial arts films
thats why they are copying them so much lately, so for you to call HK films trash is ridiculous, if Hollywood is copy them, they must not be trash.
By the way, i have seen the film you are talking about its called "The Defender" or "The BodyGuard from Beijing" and i thought it was a great movie, much more exciting than the bodyguard. Kevin Costener is not a great actor himself and doesnt even know a lick of Kung Fu, there's the guy that should stop making movies right there.
Jet Li just needs to find better movies
of the the 3 Hollywood films he has made
only Kiss of the Dragon is even close to his Hong Kong films.
Up until the Matrix, Hollywood martial arts movies were poorly choreographed and guess who they had to go to make them look good.. The Chinese.
I guess u prefer stupid movies like Pearl Harbor because they have Hollywood stars in them.
Jackie Chan acts very well, by the way
if u ever saw the subtitled version of Heart of the Dragon u would know this.
Just because some speaks English with an accent in their movies doesnt make them a bad actor. He is a better actor than Van Damme or Arnold, even with his
accented English and so is Chow Yun-Fat.
I guess u dont like Asian films, some are cheesy B grade movies, but America makes a ton of them too.
Most of the films with the big stars Jacky Chan, Jet Li, or Chow Yun Fat are
big budget high quality movies.
Have u seen "StormRiders" or a "Man Called Hero" those were the most expensive Hong Kong films ever made, but
you will call them awesome if they would have been made in Hollywood.
On the contrary, my friend Hong Kong films are known for their creativity, their fast pace, and top notch action scenes.
Ever since Chow Yun Fat has been using two guns and diving and flying back with 2 guns in John Woo HK films everybody including Hong Kong films, but especially Hollywood has been ripping off the John Woo action style and the Chow Yun Fat 2 gun shooting style.
You should check out The Killer and Hardboiled, hardly cheesy films. They were made years before Face/OFF(directed by Woo), Desperado, Reseroir Dogs, but they are a big inspirations for them.
You have a condescending attitude, typical of American movie goer who saw a bad kung fu movie on USA networks Black Belt Theatere (and those were some really crappy movies) and think all Hong Kong films are like that.
I guess thats why Sammo Hung has his own show here and why Donnie Yen is in The Blade 2 and directs some of the action scenes.
Im glad im not as close minded as Two Wongs and BokChoy Boy.
Patrick aka chowyunpat chowyunpat@aol.com   
Monday, January 14, 2002 at 08:33:10 (PST)
hey whos that chick in that one jet li movie, "the defender"? i think thats what it's called.
Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 20:54:37 (PST)
Two Wongs don't make a right.,
I think some of Jet Li best martial art films are the one produced in China and HK. But a lot of them are anti-western. Evil white people kind of stuff. So it might not appeal to people in USA. "Once Upon A China 1," "Asia Invincible," "Chinese Hero," "Shoalin Monk"
Having study martial arts from a young age. I always grade martial art movies on story and the actual choreography. So if a side kick doesn't look right or if a combination of traditional thrust punches don't look fluid, I pick on it. For god sakes a scene usually has 25 takes. If they can't get the pyshical motion right in the 25 takes, they should get a double.
So on my scale. The Matrix has good special effects, stills, slow motion. But on martial arts. It's a negative 1. The choreography has a lot of HK influence. But the performers could not execute the sequences convincingly. I would wince when I saw anyone throw a high kick in that movie. I'm like throw a punch, it won't look as painful.
As for Jet "the One". That was a bad movie also. I just couldn't believe they were going to have him fight himself. Choreographing a good fight scene is tough enough. But doing half of it at a time is crazy. Fans of Jet Li like him for his natural martial art talent. To smother it with all that gimmick is just wrong. I mean you can even tell in some scene Jet did not visualize the target properly, so it looks off balance. But they use those shots anyway.
Jet's been moving up the film industry in the last 10 years. He had the producer position in the few USA films as well has HK films. And directed a few of his own fims in HK. probably getting too old for the action stuff.
AC dropout   
Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 19:48:15 (PST)
LOL, "Two Wongs..", you're so right! Except for the part of Jet Li being ugly. A lot of women find him attractive. I think he's okay. The worst part is his personality. Jackie Chan can't act either but at least he's got a very endearing personality. You must not be very familiar with the Hong Kong movie industry since it's infamous for making cheesy B-grade flicks. They LOVE to make copy-cat movies. I remember watching a HK version of "The Bodyguard" with Jet Li several years ago (don't blame me, I was living in Taiwan at the time and there was nothing else on TV!) and it was so contrived and cheesy that I wanted to GAG big time! It was really embarrasing to watch such a BAD stinker! They'll never change, "Two Wongs", since its in their mentality to make that kind of a movie (sigh and cringe).
Bokchoy Buddy   
Friday, January 11, 2002 at 17:21:33 (PST)
I agree with T.B. i saw that movie last week and understood what they were tryin to do.
Friday, January 11, 2002 at 13:50:41 (PST)
To ping? ling? ching? actually its david....what surprised? ===
You say that Not another Teen Movie had a white guy who wants to be a wannabe asian and you found it ffesive, the stereotypes but the rest of the movie was hell funny.
Does this mean you don't mind other races getting picked on except for asians?
Your opinon is a bit open-ended.
Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 21:23:54 (PST)
"Actually it's david"...
yeah, I saw "Not Another Teen Movie" too, and yeah the kid who wanted to be Asian was acting in a stereotypical way, but I think the makers of the movie were poking fun at the way kids in high school sometimes hang out with or "act like" other cultures because of their own severe idenity crisis. After his intro, did you see the two white guys who were supposedly acting "black" say "man, that cracker is white!! Why is he trying to act asian, yo?" I kinda knew right then that's what they were getting at.
Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 08:31:39 (PST)
If i see another hollywood flick starring Jet Li, i'd yank my eyeballs out. I just saw a quick promo on TV about his latest effort "The One" in the sci-fi martials genre and i just couldn't help but cringe. In short it's a rip-off of "The MAtrix". When will this guy ever give up making b-grade Kung fu style flicks? I've absolutely had a gutful of him. He's ugly with a personality like the concrete walls he punches. What's worse is that the director, producer and screenwriter is an asian by the name of James Wong. I reckon this fella saw the Matrix, and said i like its style, lets copy it. Sheeeesh.
Be a bit more creative man..
Movie rating : half a cabbage out of 5
Two Wongs don't make a right.   
Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 09:17:15 (PST)
has anyone seen the teen movie take off called 'Not another Teen Movie' they have this white guy who wants to be a wannabe asian, i found it offensive the stereotypes but the rest of the movie was hell funny
ping? ling? ching? actually its david....what surprised?   
Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 05:51:25 (PST)