Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
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Would you go to a movie because it features an Asian in a positive starring role even if you weren't otherwise interested?
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Yes. |
Yes, if the Asian were male. |
Which of the following is the Greatest Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
Enter the Dragon |
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon |
Romeo Must Die |
The Corruptor |
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story |
Joy Luck Club |
Which of the following is the Most Offensive Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
The World of Suzie Wong |
Sixteen Candles |
Breakfast at Tiffany's |
Year of the Dragon |
Tai Pan |
Joy Luck Club |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Two Wongs, I wasnt agreeing or disagreeing with you about THE ONE being an imitation of
THE MATRIX because i havent seen it, my point was THE MATRIX is an imitation (and a darn good one at that mind you)
of a mix of Japanese animaton, John Woo's Hong Kong films, and the wire fu
movies of Hong Kong that u call cheesy.
THE MATRIX used the same wire style of
flying fight scenes that many HK films used because guess what it was choreographed by Yuen Wo Ping who directed many Hong Kong films and the action scenes in many Hong Kong films many which starred Jet Li or Jackie Chan.
True some Hong Kongs films are imitations of Hollywood films, sometimes with a bit of an original twist, but Hollywood films lately have been imitating John Woo films like HARDBOILED, THE KILLER, and A BETTER TOMORROW : the cool guy with 2 guns, diving forward while firing, sliding back while firing, two people facing each other with their guns pointed at each other, guys dying slo-mo
guess what, they are imitating John Woo
and i wish they would stop, but hey imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Sure Keanu Reaves is cool firing 2 guns with shades and a raincoat, but Chow Yun-Fat did it first and is a much better actor making u believe he is actually firing real guns (A BETTER TOMORROW part 1 and 2).
As for Hong Kong ripping Hollywood, well its a two way street, Hollywood does the same thing, but u wouldnt know if u havent seen a Hong Kong film which
most US movie goers havent seen.
Your insistence on calling these films Grade B annoys me, because for cheesy films the major HK films have big budgets. If they were cheesy then why is Hollywood imitating them? Would u want a cologne to imitate the smell of garbage?
Hollywood may have the monopoly on SFX, but Hong Kong film makers are catching,
watch StormRiders, Shaolin Soccer, and A Man Called Hero, some of the most expensive Asian films ever made and the use the same CGI special effects that Hollywood does, Cheesy, hardly! But who has the best fight choreography in both kung fu and shoot'em ups? HONG KONG! Thats why they have called Chinese action directors in for THE MATRIX, CHARLIE'S ANGELS, and THE BLADE 2. Their fight scenes are leagues ahead of
the one kick, one punch at a time antics of Van Damme, or the usual grapple the other around for 20 min in Hollywood, tightly timed like a good dance number.
By the way, no even comes close to Bruce Lee on screen or off, he paved the way for many stars to come and guess what the movies he were in were
really low budget Hong Kong, with the exception of ENTER THE DRAGON,which Hollywood made because the saw the success of his HK films worldwide. His films would have been B-movies without him, HE IS THE REASON FOR watching his movies. Im tired of people who hate the modern Hong Kong films bringing his name up again and again say things like
"Bruce Lee films are better" or "I bet Bruce Lee could kick Jacky Chan's ass"
Jacky Chan would probably agree with you
as Bruce Lee could kick anyone's ass.
and No if u have seen one you have not seen them all. I got bored with Hollywood action films doing the same thing over and over, thats why i gravitated toward HK films and Yuen Woo Ping is one of the most creative action directors i have seen, coming up with a fresh and sometimes comic way of
filming fight scenes.
I agree, that Micheal Wong is a terrible actor and so would many HK film fans like myself. He is THE ONE
making the B movies that you are talking about.
Wow we agree on something..lol
Patrick aka chowyunpat chowyunpat@aol.com   
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 08:29:49 (PST)
what does everyone think of Ricky Yune playing a baddie in the 20th bond movie?
personally i think he's too good-looking to be playing a bad guy still it's nice he's finally getting a shot at the big times
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 04:04:28 (PST)
Did you guys hear about that new martial arts spoof called Kung Powl or something? I think that will definitely make into the list for Most Offensive Movie. I actually thought TJLC was very tastefully filmed, there were some melodramatic moments, but I still liked it. If you hated TJLC the book, you'll puke at Amy Tan's other books.
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 15:19:41 (PST)
i'm not even going to comment about the character development.
Two Wongs   
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 13:46:05 (PST)
James Wong is a dope director. He made Final Destination, one of the most original movies in the past couple of years. He is also one of the X-Files guys, so he has some good credentials.
"has anyone seen the teen movie take off called 'Not another Teen Movie' they have this white guy who wants to be a wannabe asian, i found it offensive the stereotypes but the rest of the movie was hell funny"
Shut your hole, Wang Chung!
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 11:34:00 (PST)
Her name is Christy Cheung. She was Miss Hong Kong International in 1994, I think. She's from Canada, is Chinese-Vietnamese, and speaks little Cantonese.
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 09:38:56 (PST)
Chow Yun Pat
Don't get me wrong here, but i reiterate-"The One" is a ripoff of the Matrix, period. I agree, the fighting scenes were inspired by movies from Hong Kong but have a close look at the plot, special effects between the two films and notice the similarities. Both deal with parallel universes and utilise remarkably similar SFX. Unlike yourself, i evaluate films partially on their plot and i think "The One" fails dismally because i think the whole idea of travelling from some fourth dimension to fight an evil version of one self seems a bit convoluted. I don't find it at all interesting to see some poor guy high on testosterone punching through a steel wall numerous times.
I agree, there are a lot of bad hollywood movies out there and i am deeply insulted at your claim that i prefer to watch movies such as Pearl Harbour because that movie was nothing but kitsch, sentimental crap showing American jingoism at its worse.
I am not going to dismiss B-grade kung fu films from Hong Kong because they are a genre in their own right. I admire some of the early stuff Bruce lee did who made Hollywood audiences aware about the martial arts and who was sincerely passionate about it. I think its one of few genres where i find the early stuff better than recent ones.
It is just crass nowadays to see action films that are very similar to each other that have very flimsy storylines to rely on and "The One" is a case in point. It's like if you've seen one, you've seen them all. Give it a rest.
P.S. Jet li doesn't even come close to Bruce Lee.
Two Wongs   
Monday, January 14, 2002 at 15:07:51 (PST)