Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Would you go to a movie because it features an Asian in a positive starring role even if you weren't otherwise interested?
No. |
Yes. |
Yes, if the Asian were male. |
Which of the following is the Greatest Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
Enter the Dragon |
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon |
Romeo Must Die |
The Corruptor |
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story |
Joy Luck Club |
Which of the following is the Most Offensive Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
The World of Suzie Wong |
Sixteen Candles |
Breakfast at Tiffany's |
Year of the Dragon |
Tai Pan |
Joy Luck Club |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Rare stuff:
Egyptians are not proto-types of whites, they WERE people of African decent in those days. There were however Egyptians who had Asian characteristics (I can provide you with a list if you'd like) so I think The Rock was an excellent choice when it came to casting a character to play his role. Also...since when do Asians "genetically" look closer to whites? Swimming in the pool of hopefull delusion are we?
There are tribes in Africa and South America who look more "Asian" than any White person could ever muster. Read a little bit, it can do wonders.
Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 09:52:25 (PDT)
The Joy Luck Club was not offensive at all. It was an incredibly wonderful movie. Some people think it dumped on Asian men b/c there was a stingy Asian character in the movie that calculated everything. But that was the movie--it was not produced by Amy Tam. She just wrote the book. And in the book, that character was not Asian. But the producer and director (W. Wang, an Asian dude) turned that character into an Asian. Amy wrote about her life, her experiences and what she knows to be true. And that is legitimate. Just the other day, I saw this book at the store written by some Korean American man who was dumping on Asian women and glorifying white women.
Joy Luck Club was a great movie   
Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 02:00:20 (PDT)
that film with Tony Leung?-Boring! I read that some people found that stuff romantic--but for realistic people it should be just porn. You could a manga instead!
rare stuff   
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 17:11:23 (PDT)
What does everyone think of "The Lover"?
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 12:37:28 (PDT)
I regret that nowadays many Asian films seem to be made in a white-washed fashion: too fast movements in the pictures,lightning effects everywhere...
Old-fashined movies from King Hu or Kurosawa were different: you could relax your eyes during the minutes with the landscapes on the TV and see relatively realistic fighting-scenes.
Has anyone seen Bollywood movies? -Each movie repeats the action of all other movies --like the Indian karma cycle:
rare stuff   
Friday, April 19, 2002 at 18:41:57 (PDT)
I'm kinda used of seeing John Lone as a bad guy...but love to see him more as a good guy. He's such a beautiful man
The Rock...oh my god, he's so gorgeous. Oh yeah, he looks kinda asian to me.
Can get enough of these guys...   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 05:40:15 (PDT)
I'm not Asian, but I winced when Rush Hour 2 went into the girlie massage place and hated to see the handsome John Lone being the bad guy. The Corrupter did nothing for CYF's career as crime in Chinatown is not a popular topic with most moviegoers. If you really want to see how many Asians or other groups should be represented in movies, TV, etc. go to the 2000 census records and find out their populations in the country. I think African Americans is something like 12%. That means that 12 out of every 100 actors should be represented in the media. Asians are probably less than half of that. I do agree it's strange when filming in certain parts of the country (like San Francisco) more of the areas ethnic population is not represented.
Lacey Lacyguymon@aol.com   
Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 07:15:19 (PDT)
Any movie with Akira Fubuki should be watched by Asians.
Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 00:31:18 (PDT)
I like his look more than most of the other WWF characters. (but I really don't watch it enough to know who the other characters are) I think he does look like a superhero. I am glad he's getting to have his own movie --I liked him in the Mummy 2. the movie was ok, (but just too loud, and not much story), but he did a good job.
Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 07:50:46 (PDT)
"he looks kind of asian to me",
If "scorpion king" was that stuff with Egyptian people: no, Egyptians don't look like Asians.They are a kind of proto-type of the whites,thus they look as if genetically closer to us Asians in
some cases.
rare stuff   
Friday, April 12, 2002 at 07:49:08 (PDT)