Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
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Would you go to a movie because it features an Asian in a positive starring role even if you weren't otherwise interested?
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Yes. |
Yes, if the Asian were male. |
Which of the following is the Greatest Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
Enter the Dragon |
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon |
Romeo Must Die |
The Corruptor |
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story |
Joy Luck Club |
Which of the following is the Most Offensive Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
The World of Suzie Wong |
Sixteen Candles |
Breakfast at Tiffany's |
Year of the Dragon |
Tai Pan |
Joy Luck Club |
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I rented Jet Li's movie "The Contract Killer today." It's a must see. It's in English, by the way.
Do you know exactly what Chris Tucker said about Jackie Chan? I did know that he said something somewhat offensive, but could not find out what. Please explain in an exceptable form.
Besides Chow Yun Fat, Jackie, Jet Li, Leung, and Russell, I think it's about time another Asian superstar emerges. Jackie is the best, generating more money than any of these men, but he is reaching his fiftees. We will see alot more movies that he makes, but it won't be like "Rumble in the Bronx."
Chris Tucker better show more respect to Jackie; without Jackie in Rush Hour with him, the film would not have made that much money. Many people including whites, blacks, and Asians did not even know who Chris Tucker was before Rush Hour. I rented some of his videos and trust me that he is not that funny without Jackie.
My sentiments towards Black Films stereotyping Asians is sick. It's just one of the ways that they can find solice to their problems and seek more popularity.
You might have noticed them strereotype white men as well in "How High" and other Black films. The white man being clueless and the white women being men hungry who can easily be controlled. It's sick seeing that. They over-emphasize them too. It may be funny to a certain degree, but there is just a point that reached madness, which is why these films always flop. Flops.
Unless Black film makers can learn how to make serious films, there films will always be third rate.
I have never once seen a black film being considered the same quality as rated Hollywood movies. There are some, but it is rare. Hollywood movies focus on worldwide audiences, not a particular race or ethnic group, which is why they always do well. That includes movies with black leads. Have you noticed that these films always focus on the storyline, therefore, it always comes out pretty well? Black films, on the other hand, focus on how funny their screenplay is going to be.
That does not work in Hollywood. A movie could have good dialogues and still not be refined. It has to have a killer story, dialogue, structure, and a killer ending. That's what makes a good film. Rarely do I see this combination in Black films. I write screenplays and currently am a film student. I once started asking myself why certain films do frankly well and some flop. I came with the same conclusions. It's all bad film making and lack of appeal to the public. A film needs appeal.
Rarely do I see the same foundations in 1st and even 2nd rate Hollywood and Asian movies. That is why there are plenty of Asian directors who have settled a name for themselves in Hollywood. You know them. These men know appeal. It doesn't even have to be in English. I could be in any language as long as it is good film making, which means refined. When these foundations are combined, people won't mind seeing the film again.
Look at "Undercover Brother." That is one of the worse films I have ever seen. When I left, I tell you that I wanted my money back. I was so angry of the poor film making that I slammed my hands to the wall. The only reason why I saw it was because I basically saw everything else there was to see, which were all so-so or high quality film making. But "Undercover Brother" was so far low beneath the equation. That is why it lasted only 1-2 weeks in the theater. The theaters were losing so much money that it was better off playing 2nd rate movies.
You might question why I was so angry. Too much emphasize is devastating, bad structure, awful storyline, and bad film making all contributed to my anger. Not that it was a black film, but it was 3rd rate. "How High" had the same structures as well. Don't get me wrong. I have enjoyed plenty of black films like "How Stella Got Her Groove back" and "Two Can Play That Game." It all had Hollywood endings and a Hollywood beginning. Hollywood knows what it's talking about when it comes to film making and appeal.
For those you who haven't seen the movie "Seven Samurai" you've got to see it. It was one of the best and most refined foreign films I have ever seen. By the way, it was the film that inspired "THE STAR WARS" series way back in the 1950's and was the birth place of current Hollywood film making. You'd see the same structures applied. Akira Kurosawa is considered among the best film makers of all time. It was also the film that the Western movie "The Magnificent Seven" got its storyline and structures.
Peace to everyone.
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 07:11:43 (PDT)
Having actually checked out Goldfinger i can now say that the Fook twins are a minor blemish on an otherwise funny film.
I don't think the audience agrees with me coz they were in stitches (this is in cosmopolitan New York mind you)
Forget about the whole racism question the thing is they just weren't funny.
here is an extract from Jade magazine which purports to represent the views of asian women:
"Playful and innocent, yet undeniably sexy, the twins may soon be remembered the way audiences remember characters from previous Austin Powers films such as Ivana Humpalot and Alotta Fagina"
what a load of crap!....and the article continues in the same sycophantic tone....you do have to sympathise with the actresses however.....if they complain at all about being stereotyped they risked being outed from Hollywood.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 10:12:54 (PDT)
People like Mike Myers who have to resort to childish racial humor are demonstarting taht they lack creativity. That's what happened to Saturday Night Live. It used to be funny, but now its the same old stupid jokes.
SF AM   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 06:27:32 (PDT)
kings of comedy did have some racial s*** in their act. that was one of my earlier post i made to that female who said that asian people are making a big deal out of nothing when movies poke fun at us.
as for austin powers, his movies arent that great. they're just stupid-funny. i dont feel like wasting money on his movies. did any1 see Signs? it was pretty good
Mr. Hann   
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 21:17:29 (PDT)
I remember hearing from someone how creative Mike Meyer's was, but after hearing this thing about 2 Japanese twins Fook Mi and Fook Yu, I would have to disagree. That something your average third grader could have came up with. I think I will skip this one. I thought the other 2 were entertaining.
I don't find it being offensiche and as much as I find it just being childish, sophmoric humor.
I can't believe that they are still people who find sophmoric asian name puns funny. There are some people who think stuff like cream of Som Yun guy or Miss Chokesondick is funny. Apparently Mike Myer's is in one of them.
By the way, since we are on the subject of Asian stereoptypes, has anyone noticed the treatment of asians in black films lately? I have and I find it sickening.
In a clip of "How High" I saw a stereotyped silly asian guy wanted to be like the star thugs and talk the street and Red Man or Method man slaps this guy. I also heard that in Kings of Comedy there were some anti Asian comments and how about some of Chris Tuckers comments toward Asians and Jacky Chan? You would think blacks would be the last people to stereotype someone else, but think again. I guess it's ok because after all only white people can racist according to some.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 23:16:18 (PDT)
I agree with another opinion, maxdacat and viet guy.
I think is not something people should get too worked up about, after all the main butt of the joke in all the 'Austin Powers' films is Austin Powers character himself: an unflattering stereotype of a Englishman (fey, dorky, bad teeth...etc). And guess what? Mike Myers' parents are ENGLISH immigrants! He is just as willing to send up his own heritige as anyone elses. You don't hear the English complaining about that do you? ( We love Austin Powers here!)
mrs mopp says lighten up!   
Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 07:17:16 (PDT)
I just checked out Goldmember tonight, and as far as Fook Mi and Fook Yu, go....yeah, they did act like giggly schoolgirls who wanted a piece of Austin, so you're either gonna find that funny or somehwhat stereotypical. The whole thing was kinda on the silly side, so I couldn't really give you a straight answer. I'm black, and Beyonce acting like the jive talking '70's chick did crack me up, though another girl said she was just there to be the sassy black eye candy...LOL. The whole second half of the movie takes place in Japan, and the twins are not the only Japanese based jokes in the flick...there are quite a few more. Some people are gonna think it's funny, some are gonna think they're totally wrong....all depends on how ya view it, I guess.
Friday, July 26, 2002 at 23:27:37 (PDT)