Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Would you go to a movie because it features an Asian in a positive starring role even if you weren't otherwise interested?
No. |
Yes. |
Yes, if the Asian were male. |
Which of the following is the Greatest Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
Enter the Dragon |
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon |
Romeo Must Die |
The Corruptor |
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story |
Joy Luck Club |
Which of the following is the Most Offensive Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
The World of Suzie Wong |
Sixteen Candles |
Breakfast at Tiffany's |
Year of the Dragon |
Tai Pan |
Joy Luck Club |
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Astralius wrote
"Van Damme tried, he was good, but Jason Scott Lee was better and had the style. The Kung Fu fighting, that's gonna stick with us for a long time but it's only because it's unique."
But why would you want to rid that part of your culture from movie scripts. I can understand not wanting it solely but to exclude such an art that's truly dazzling, graceful and crisp seems like a sin.
It's cool to see asian influence in movies. We should try to incorporate it into mainstream but retain the flavor.
Political Observer   
Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 12:49:23 (PDT)
You said, "The worst movie I have ever watched was Rush Hour 2. I h8ed the script." What did you hate about it? I thought it was very funny, just as good as the 1st one. I've watched it several times. Did you think it was demeaning to Asians? I know many Asians who saw it and liked it too. I admit that the script had Chris Tucker taking many potshots at Jackie about being Chinese. A couple of the comments even made me flinch and I'm not even Asian. But overall it was funny. I am sure they intentionally left out any comments for Jackie to make towards Chris being black b/c more blacks would be up in arms about it... whites too. I do see on TV and in films that Asians are the brunt of ethnic jokes many times. I particularly thought the comment re:Snoopy was in poor taste. If you don't remember, Jackie said women find him cute like Snoopy and Chris said, "Man! Snoopy's 6 inches taller than you!!" I felt that was somewhat below the belt but remember that white writers wrote it, not black.
Curious 1   
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 23:39:15 (PDT)
True Brother
Your post was very insightful, however it did bring something to mind for me. You said, "Use your imagination for a minute and think of all the white females and all the other females who would be chasing us as if we were major studs. How would that bode for white society? Say if white females married us Asian males at the rates of 50% or better? Do you think that white males would be happy campers? They'll become extinct." I know you're only pointing out a possible occurrence but it somewhat scares me. I guess to best put my feelings into words is to say that it scares me to think of Asian men reaching this status b/c even from your comment, it sounds like you're saying most of these Asian celebrities would sell out immediately when white women begin to come after them more. Is that the agenda for wanting more Asian leading men? What's wrong w/these men making it big and marrying Asian women? Or other minority women? I think Asians seem to put way too much focus on hooking up with whites. It's kind of scary. You mentioned that if they married white females at a rate of 50%, they'll (WM) will become extinct. Not that that is true, but what about Asians? Doesn't that also mean they would become extinct? Are you not concerned about that? Plus, the bigger picture is that if all these leading men took white wives, what kind of message is that sending to American society and worse, to Asian society! It's saying to them, make it big man so you can get a white woman! That's awful. The sweetest revenge would be to make it big and take an Asian wife or any other minority as a wife. Remember, if they married white women, they are in essence, giving their power and money right back to the white community! And your children would, no doubt, sense that same self-hatred and sell out and marry white too when they get older. So who would become extinct then? The Asianess in the family would completely dilute down and disappear within a generation or 2. Or is that the main goal here? Very sad!!
Curious 1   
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 23:34:55 (PDT)
Wow! I just read your extremely long post. Just out of curiousity (no harm intended at all), I was wondering if you think the agents accepted the script because it is a stereotypical topic (Japan=samurai, geisha, etc . . .) submitted by an Asian American, or do you think you submitted a generally historically accurate script that was well written? I ask you this because I am aware of the cross over of non-whites writing and directing scripts for white actors, but in the end, my issues with Hollywood lie with the end result. Often, it is who we see on screen acting and not so much who wrote the script. When an Asian American or African American writer or director wants to use an all-Asian American or African American cast, there has to be some stereotypical element in it.
If the audience doesn't want to see people "getting high and killing each other", I wonder why these films continue to be made. Why do people continue to flock to the movie theaters to watch them?
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 19:52:29 (PDT)
eh-eh-ehem *cough* *cough* Tommy Chong? The quintessential stoner himself! I'm sure he'd only get a lukewarm reception for being merely a half-asian, but still, he's left his mark on the american psyche :)
take what you can get, and then some.
kimchi d'evil   
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 16:24:18 (PDT)
Have you seen the upcoming movie The Transporter? It's another action movie with a WM/AF combo. I wonder how this movie turns out.......
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 14:29:50 (PDT)
Yeah Asian guys are always looked down upon in the movie industry, the one thing that has the most effect on society. Too bad, but maybe it's because we're lacking big Asian script writers. There's no way that we'll ever get a great Asian GOD script because it'll be written by a totally different perspective. It's either the stereotype or the asian funny man, some Charlie Chan clone. The Rush Hour saga was pretty good, hey you have to admit that it was funny eventhough Jackie wasn't the smoothest but he sure did kick some ass (even kissed a latina woohoo!). It's getting better but way too slow. Even if there was a great script it would still depend on hollywood to decide what's gonna go to the big screen. The Kung Fu ass whooping is a stereotype but hey let's look at it this way: No one kicks ass the way we do it. Van Damme tried, he was good, but Jason Scott Lee was better and had the style. The Kung Fu fighting, that's gonna stick with us for a long time but it's only because it's unique. Maybe one day we might see an Asian Forrest Gump movie but i doubt it though lol...
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 13:30:38 (PDT)
Another factor why ethnic films do not sell is because we are still living in a racist society"
Ray, it's good to know that we have our rep in Hollywood, meaning yourself, of course. Let's think about that French movie called "The Lover" not only did Ms Dumas do well with her book but also the film did smashing success at the box office.
It's fascinating how you describe life in Hollywood. I'm daydreaming when you talk about it. Focusing on your point about the racist society that we live in, I'm sort of puzzled which came first; the Hollywood execs or the society. After all it's through the racist execs eyes that determine whether or not a storyline will appeal to the racist audience. Let's use Bruce Lee's example. Racist Hollywood execs didn't want Bruce as a leading man because in their racist eyes, he would not be able to carry it off successfully. However the so called 'racist' public bought Bruce lee hook line and sinker and all of his works before and after. Therefore my question; who are the racists? The execs or the public? I'm not going to get into the background of these execs but I think we all know what is going on around here. I seem to get the feeling that Bruce Lee was faced with the choices of if he wanted to become a big star who has pride and dignity, he certainly wasn't going to be bankrolled by these racists to whom I'm referring. And why should they? They've carved out their own world where they rule supreme and call all the shots. I can appreciate that. For 'them' just to step aside and let us enjoy the sweets would be a bit much to ask. Let's take it even further. If there were more movies like 'The Lover' played by Russell Wong and Rick Yune types and we had achieved positions as high as Denzel and other famous non white actors then where would this society be today? Use your imagination for a minute and think of all the white females and all the other females who would be chasing us as if we were major studs. How would that bode for white society? Say if white females married us Asian males at the rates of 50% or better? Do you think that white males would be happy campers? They'll become extinct. These Hollywood execs, aware of their power and influence throughout the world, have a tremendous responsibility to maintain their supremacy and thus the staus quo. The fact that they are the minority in the world dictates their underlying motivating purpose to squelch the films that we Asians would like to see. They must not allow it. To them it's a matter of survival pure and simple. I'm not speaking about which films would or wouldn't make money. Bruce Lee has already demonstrated that. There is a much more urgent reason for 'them' to throw your script into the circular file.
True Brother   
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 14:49:11 (PDT)
"You mentioned about a celebrity wanting to make a true story about raising twenty children. That storyline in my opinion is very weak. Even though it is a true story things must be changed. That certain plot alone will not sell. There are alot of actors out their black, white, and yellow(Asian) who think they could write, but writing is another thing. There are of course some successful actors/writers/producers out there but it is rare."
You attach a name to this property, and all of the majors will suddenly want to play ball. In Hollywood, the folks whose names are above-the-line have the clout.
That's the only immutable fact in the Hollywood film industry...everything else is fluid.
But the script would likely never get sold as a spec, however. Not high-concept enough.
Apache Driver   
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 13:19:21 (PDT)
That's why asians need to penetrate the Indy Film market. Down with the production studios.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 10:00:14 (PDT)
One issue I would like to address is the defense given to Asian actors (male or female) who take on two dimensional roles that only remphasize existing racial stereotypes. I have read that we musn't judge them because they have to pay the bills or that any exposure is good exposure.
This brings me back to the man who started it all for Asians in western cinema. Thats right, the Dragon himself, Bruce Lee. YOu want to see an actor with backbone and character, take a page from the book of Bruce. He was offered plenty of roles in Hollywood to play waiters and servants or other hackneyed Chinese images. He turned them all down at the expense of his own career and money for his young kids. Even in his role as Kato on the Green Hornet, although he played a man servant to the Green Hornet, his character was a complete equal. He spoke forcefully, walked with a straight back and perpetually saved the Green Hornets hide from villians with a flurry of fast kicks. I have the entire one season box set of the Green Hornet and I must say he carried himself with more dignity in that campy, low budget t.v. show then I have seen by most Asian American actors to this day.
Dragon forever   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 22:01:58 (PDT)
The worst movie I have ever watched was Rush Hour 2. I h8ed the script.
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 12:59:37 (PDT)