Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Would you go to a movie because it features an Asian in a positive starring role even if you weren't otherwise interested?
No. |
Yes. |
Yes, if the Asian were male. |
Which of the following is the Greatest Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
Enter the Dragon |
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon |
Romeo Must Die |
The Corruptor |
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story |
Joy Luck Club |
Which of the following is the Most Offensive Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
The World of Suzie Wong |
Sixteen Candles |
Breakfast at Tiffany's |
Year of the Dragon |
Tai Pan |
Joy Luck Club |
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No part of the contents of this site may be reproduced without prior written permission.
[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
we are in sooo much trouble.
we better make sure diana lee inosanto, mark dacascos and lucy liu keep out of harm's way in hollywood.
and does anybody remember the corruptor & replacement killers ?
i know. boring.
and it would seem that asian women as a whole and white women in particular aren't ready for the truth concerning marrying a sincere asian male.
you either want a martial or a sexual or a submissive stereotype.
what do keanu, tiger, jake e lee and the rock have in common ? asia as root and foundation.
but let me guess who everybody wishes to marry.
too many tera patricks and leannie lei and not enough lucy ling.
a sincere jade warrior princess asiatic queen is what a true man needs. not a baboi who eats too much baboi and wishes for no more than a boy toy.
but i don't wish to intrude on nobody's pimper's paradise.
cuz the only asian women of virtue i've met scorn at porn and are master teachers and healers.
ano ang hiya
kalu sakanouye kiricou@hotmail.com   
Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 18:14:27 (PST)
Would you go to a movie because it features an Asian in a positive starring role even if you weren't otherwise interested?
Im not sure what "Otherwise interested means" but, Ill just say that If the movie was a Kung Fu flick starring Jet Li or Jackie Chan, Yeah I'd go. Crouching Tiger attracted my attention when it came out to, even though, I don't perfer Chow yun Fat.
Which of the following is the Greatest Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
Doesn't anyone remember Jet Li's Once upon a Time in China series?
Once Upon a Time in China/America #4 was a great movie which showed the start of Chinatown in America. Racism towards the Toi Sans.
-If I have to pick from the list I'll go for Crouching tiger.
Which of the following is the Most Offensive Movie Ever for Asian Americans?
I guess no one remembers the "me so horny" Vietnamese prostitute from Full Metal Jacket? what about the "Too Buku" from FMJ too?
I think Full Metal Jacket and 'Casualties of War 'are dead ringers for soiling the Asian/American Female Image. How about Apocolypse Now?
I have the luck of being a NYC resident and also having close connections to China and the NYPD.
I know of 3 different gangs and alot of dealings in the Grand Street/Mott street areas as well as the docks. Believe me when I tell you this, I know of many different occourences of women from Asia (China, Myanmar, Burma, etc) and Oceania (Phillipines) being smuggled into America for slave labor and prostitution, as well as, American women such as young hispanic, black and white girls being kidnapped and shipped to Asia for men with fetishes to buy. There is online documentation of this as well as NYPD police reports.
Nike Sports   
Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 00:43:03 (PST)
I also saw Gangs of New York. Truth is right: Gangs of New York has more ASIANS than all other Hollywood movies released this year COMBINED. However, Chinese are merely props in the movies.
Gangs of New York focuses on Irish immigrants. Chinese and Irish mass immigrated to America at around the same time. But today, Irish Americans are accepted and treated as a integral part of America, while Chinese Americans are still treated as foreigners and outsiders.
T'K Chang t_k_chang@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 13:52:20 (PST)
Check out Gangs of New York which came out this past weekend. Truth be told, I saw more asians in "Gangs" than I did in all other U.S. movies that were released this year COMBINED.
Gangs is based on true events, about the exceptionally violent time period that plagued New York from the 1840's to the 1860's.
It was also humbling to see Chinese immigrants portrayed on the screen, I can only imagine non asians watching "Gangs" and thinking, gee willickers, there were o-ree-en-uhls in America back then? It was humbling because Chinese/asian immigrants were in the U.S. as long as many white european immigrants, the way racists speak you'd think asians just came to america in the past decade. It was humbling because our asian american forefather's had to endure trials and tribulations the current whiny generation have no concept of.
Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 02:58:23 (PST)
How about Full Metal Jacket? I am of Vietnamese descent..and because of that
stupid movie...now there's the stereotype of "me love you long time..suckie ..suckie. There's even a song I heard one time at the club...that had Me love you long time..as one of the lyrics. I unfortunately went on one date with a guy that even had the gall to say that to me. Perverts with yellow fever. GO FIGURE
Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 20:10:39 (PST)
For a comedy, you people sure are taking it very seriously. In fact, the only reason racial issues are even offensive any more is because no one will get over themself. There is a difference between grading a person as less of a human being and poking fun at how they dress or their accent or whatever else people get so uptight about. Learn that yes, every ethnicity has quirks about them that are funny. To compare making a joke about a culture (such as the twins in Austin Powers 3... where there *are* people who dress/behave/talk in that way) to racism (which, by defintion, is believing that one race is superior to another for merely genetic/cultural reasons) is just... a careless, uninformed accusation by someone who obviously takes life much too seriously. One of my best friends is an asian, and the funniest thing I've ever heard him say was, "Well blindfold me with dental floss!" (you had to be there) It's people like him who truely understand what it's all about. Accepting your quirks, and being able to laugh at them. And like someone else mentioned, it is a parody. A parody takes a stereotype and exaggerates it to comical proportions. Humor is humor. Overinterpretation is dangerous... just get over yourself and laugh.
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 10:49:48 (PST)
Kazu "Fudo" Ishikawa
You completely misunderstood my comment at the end of my post, I was being sarcastic about whites being the only racists, but there seem to be a line of thinking in certain circles that blacks cant be racists.
Also to address your second point true American is a melting pot of different cultures and I think that is great and I am all for say a Chinese person keeping his ethnicity as long as they love this country and commit no crimes against it or use it as a barrier of superiority against someone else. By the way, I am white just for the record and let me tell you, a lot of the whites I have been around want everyone to assimilate into what they consider an "American culture" and expect every other group like to leave
all their ethnic traditions, language, customs, food in the country where they came from or not come to this country at all. Then they will be "racially conscience" for an evening and will watch some trash like "How High" and
think that that is black culture.
As far as the Fook sisters in Austins Powers, my comment was that such humor is too sophmoric to be really offensive and I will have to see them as caricatures in the Alotta Fagina mode and not see it as racial slur, although there is this stereotype perpuated by white Hollywood that Asian women are insatiably hungry for the next white man to pounce upon.
I think anyone using foul language and offensive street culture and thinking that is "black culture" is fooling themselves and they are even blacks who would agree with me on that.
I know every ethnic groups has its racists and separatists, and for anyone to be racist is wrong/
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 23:43:28 (PST)
I just saw Shaolin Soccer, the Chinese version. It was a decent movie. But what irks me is how Miramax is going to release it in America sometime early next year. Of course, they're going to take out the funny scenes, put in stupid "Chinese" music, and dub it in ACCENTED Engrish (not typo). When will Hollywood realize that Asian movies are better subtitled than dubbed, I mean CTHD was only the most successful crossover ever, and it was subtitled...why is Hollywood so stupid? Overt stupidity isn't confined to Hollywood however. I have never seen subtitles on Chinese films that have made sense. I am fluent in Chinese and English and EVERY single line in the movie lost its meaning in the translation- either they translated things literally when they shouldnt have or they just put words that don't mean anything near what was said. Can anybody give me a decent reason why they can't just get somebody who understands both languages to do the subtitling instead of a 3rd grader?
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 20:30:47 (PST)
The kisses were big time tongue actions too!
Secret Asian man   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 03:23:52 (PST)
Hey. Check this out!
I just watched a film called "Personal Velocity" and one of the star Parker Posey kissed an AM in the movie. She got turned on and went for it.
That was nice!
Personal velocity won the best film at the Sundance film festival 2002.
Secret Asian man   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 03:22:01 (PST)
I am Japanese and Italian. But live in Japan. I think that people are being a little "over the top" on this topic. Its nothing at all. Japanese people for instance that are native to Japan did not feel offended by the Fook twins. They actually laughed cause it reminds them of the kogal in Shibuya. Besides Japanese actors and actresses are rare in America. Its a change that movies that have Japanese characters that are actually Japanese, usually they are using Chinese actresses or actors, since its difficult to find Japanese people to act in America.
And Chowyunpat I am offended that you say that whites are the only ones that can be racist. That is so unethical. You contribute to an on going problem. Pointing the finger at someone is not a solution. And by the way I can say that only Japanese people should have the say in this. (How would feel if I excuted you?) Since both the twins in real life are Japanese-Americans. Why should it bother you if you are Chinese, Korean, etc? That is a problem with this country [America] you break into these little races. And try to make yourselves look more superior. Asian-Americans, especially aren't any different then any of the other groups in America. I saw them in Chinatown in New York. I've see quite a few teenagers[Chinese] act like they are African American. Using slurs and language of that nature. On the streets of New York I also hear Asians that make fun of other people because they aren't Asian. So stop trying to make youself look superior it isn't working.
PS: Chris Tucker, was who said that
Kazu "Fudo" Ishikawa   
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 17:13:36 (PST)
Enter the Dragon showed the Asian man at his best. Nuff said.
Monday, November 25, 2002 at 05:23:34 (PST)
I liked Romeo must Die; finally, the asian man gets the girl
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 22:57:31 (PDT)
"The One" is a good movie, however once again it does not show an AM kiss the female, just like Replacement Killers and Romeo must die. But it does show some loving moments between the two. The fighting in the movie is pretty good too.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 01:39:03 (PDT)
How about Jet Li in The One. Sure, it is a martial arts movie and fills some stereotypes, but it is the first movie in a long time where an AM is married to a WF (Italian at that--Carla Garugino (SP?)--I have a special place in my heart for Italain women. The first sexual experience I ever had was with one). Definitely a movie to add to your poll.
AM Med   
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 03:52:46 (PDT)
I write all kinds of stuff; I like to explore everything in association with stories about life whether they are historical, contemporary, drama, or comedy. Most of the things I like to write are those something quite new though and they do tend to be for people at least 14 yrs. old. I have many other possible stories in my head, but haven't yet put them on paper. Thinking about them is one thing, writing them on paper is another.
And yes, I do think they will change many factors in my story if accepted, but the main idea or concept will be same, including most or some of the dialogue. By all means, a writer puts all his faith to the editors or the director to make their story a clear cut one. A director can turn a good script into a bad one, but a good director can not turn a bad script into a good one. Actually, there have been many cases that writers have gone quite frustrated because of that. " They're going to ruin my masterpiece," they say with a certain baffling grin. But when the movie is loved by millions, they become so happy that they could hug the director or the editors. It's normal for a screenplay to undergo many rewrites, maybe even up to 10-20 of them until the company or director is satisfied.
Thank you for congratulating me. That was very kind of you.
Friday, September 27, 2002 at 06:11:51 (PDT)