

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan | 53%
Queens/Flushing | 32%
Westchester | 3%
Long Island | 5%
Brooklyn | 4%
North Bergen | 3%

What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe | 32%
Great Street Life & Nightlife | 22%
Not Having to Drive Everywhere | 13%
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation | 33%

What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters | 32%
Lack of Personal Space | 2%
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians | 5%
Cramped Overpriced Housing | 61%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I find that NY Asians are generally very clickie. They either fall into one of the below categories:

1. Totally Asian and only associate with other Asians who speak the same language (ie: Cantonese). Will rarely date outside their group.

2. Totally white-washed. Proud of the fact that they dont speak a word of Chinese or whatever language. Looks down on other Asians (mostly women); generally dispicable people.

So what does a normal ABC who's proud of his ancestry do? He obviously cant fit into either group. It can be tough to be an outsider in NYC.
NYC ABC    Monday, August 20, 2001 at 10:17:35 (PDT)
Hmmm...well said, " D*ckridah "
Whatevah, man!
KAMEN HANYA (Bx., native)    Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 17:42:52 (PDT)
Why do you Koreans like to back up your own people who are so obnoxious and undeserving of any merit? Admit it already. Just like almost any damn Korean that come to this site, you like to defend you own people like they are flawless. C'mon, Koreans overall, are not a well-liked group. Your women like to bash on their men probably more than the Chinese or the Japanese women do, Koreans get into trouble with other minorities more than the Chinese and Japanese especially in a city like NY. Koreans are a strongly suspicious people and show a lot of hate towards others. Just look below at the post below by your fellow Korean who said his own people haven't been treating him like equals. That proves it all. Enuff said.
good food is what matters    Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 14:48:17 (PDT)
NY is a helluva city...dirty, grungy, noisy, unexpectedly rude at times...but there is so much more that is good...beautiful buildings, a rich and complex culture that is diverse, great food, great clubs, great music (IRVING PLAZA FOREVER!! YEAHHH!)...NYC is open and forgiving, and just like the people of Korea, they may seem gruff, but they share a kind of sister- or brother-hood with you, just 'cuz you live in the same city. Sure, there are a lot of parts that need fixing...the people of East Harlem segregate themselves from the rest of Manhattan, the people on Korea Way tend to overprice while leaving their streets dirty, Chinatown is rich in culture but is too chaotic and (yes, it's true) stinky.
By the way, everyone who is showing so much animosity against Koreans - it just goes to show how ignorant you are, because no nationality is generally better or worse than another - you can't judge a person by their national background, but for their own personality. Who the f*** do you think you are bashing Koreans? I am open to Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Japanese, I enjoy all cultures' foods and support them economically by buying their products, etc. As citizens of a single city, we should stick together, not segregate ourselves more.
You know what I'm talking about.
d!ckridah    Saturday, August 18, 2001 at 17:31:01 (PDT)
Chinese in NYC will always be the true Asian New Yorkers. Forget about the Japanese and Koreans living here. Don't people ever realize Japanese and Koreans in general are the more "elite" Asians. Perfect example are their restuarants. It's like you gotta have lotsa $$$ to eat in one of them. Koreatown is very exclusive, if you're not Korean, it's like you shouldn't be there. Hell, everyone goes to freaking Chinatown. Despite it's reputation for being downright dirty and crowded, many people still love to go there for bargains and good food. And yes, even Japanese and Koreans are now common patrons of Chinatown just like white people. I have a Korean buddy who has become an expert in Chinatown. He could tell you what to order and what not to order in a Chinatown Restuarant. He also knows his way around Chinatown and could tell you which restuarants and stores to go to. Isn't that impressive?
good food is what matters    Tuesday, August 07, 2001 at 18:48:13 (PDT)
In my experience, Chinese people have always been the coolest. They have always treated me fairly and accepted me as a "bro".
Korean was (and still IS bad)!
Japanese people 50-50; sometimes they act scared and other times, they are friendly.
In my opinion, Chinese people are the only group (along with Filipinos) who are built to last in the apple.
Koreans and Japanese people should split before they get crushed. No disrespect to Koreans, but if a person walks with an "asian " woman down 32nd Street in Manhattan, or down Rosevelt Ave in Flushing, that doesn't give you the right to stare at her and shout epithets in Korean because you think she has "betrayed" her people. That shit happens a know it's true.
Chill with the hostility.
KAMEN HANYA (Bx., native)    Monday, August 06, 2001 at 06:11:22 (PDT)
To Woman Warrior,

What you said is indeed true. However their meekness is what prohibits them from being influential. In fact, I think it's their meekness that propels to the burbs or to the freaking Golden State. Many of these damn Asians who are successful see the Golden State as the place to be. Why? California is a softer place, people are friendlier, less agressive outwardly, nicer weather, and most important MORE ASIANS AROUND. Believe me, I have travel enough to see Asians in many places, and NYC Asians are the weakest throughout, whether politically or culturally. Forget about them moving to the burbs, I have friends who are bragging about buying a house in the west coast.
Proud NYC Asian    Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 06:55:59 (PDT)
This is in response to the fellow Asian who thinks that Asians in NY are too meek for the rough and tumble of New York life to get ahead politically. The reason why Asians have not progressed politically in NYC is that NYC is the portal for all new Asian immigrants. Year after year, waves of new immigrants arrive at these shores. New York is forever a place for new immigrants. There are very few 2nd and 3rd generation Chinese in NYC-they all move away. With the best and brightest moving to the burbs, politically power cannot be amassed. We have yet to elect a councilman or councilwoman to the City Council in NYC. This is a pathetic situation but in time will be remedied.
Woman Warrior    Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 16:26:01 (PDT)
New York is not a friendly city. The people are inconsiderate. There are great restaurants, more so than other cities, and I love that I don't need a car. I'd just like people to be nice once in a while.
Iselin man    Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 18:02:13 (PDT)
Crystal Clear,

Go take that scone-munchin' buck-toothed pseudo-British ass of yours and have 'high tea' on your own f***in' island.

PS: I am a US citizen. Nuff' said.
Get the F*** Out, Smartass    Friday, July 13, 2001 at 23:28:54 (PDT)
Yeah, but the weather's better in California. :)
bob    Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 16:51:17 (PDT)
I live near Hartford, CT and I can tell you that it sucks. I want to move back to Texas where I was stationed while in the service.
BABILIC(Bad Attitude Because I Live in Ct.)    Monday, July 02, 2001 at 01:53:09 (PDT)
a) A powerful Asian man nationally known would boost the esteem of his race in every city, every state.

b) My friend's azn dad is a judge in Manhattan.

c) I feel that azns in the four non-Manhattan boros are representin, but those of azn heritage in Manhattan act too white.
Thomas    Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 16:44:10 (PDT)
It's true that Asians in NYC are politically weak compared to the West Coast, but to say that it's not a great place for Asians is false. First of all, NYC contradicts what Asian culture represents. NYC's character is aggressive, blunt, direct, expressive, individualistic and rude. None of these attributes are stereotypical of the Asian cultures. The Asian cultures stress more on subtleness and conformity. This is the reason why Asians don't thrive as well in NYC than in other places like the West Coast and Canada. If Asians in NYC learn to be more direct and expressive with non-Asians, they can make more progress. Look at the Jews, the Jews basically own one of the greatest city of the world and that's NYC. Why? They are blunt with everything and voice everything they feel that is important to them. You need to be aggressive and open in NYC to be successful. I hate it when Asians in NYC think California or the West Coast as the grass is greener on the other side. They're bunch of losers. Live in NYC and learn to be better.

Proud NYC Asian    Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 09:37:33 (PDT)
comments on AA writers
Reader Ron rronmmail    Wednesday, June 13, 2001 at 17:29:30 (PDT)

     Pray tell, why such hostility? Can't understand it. I dare you to reply. DARE YOU!
     Honk if you love New York!! New Yaawwwkers are the best!! Like Asian Dominatrix said,
     " one messes with a native New Yorker!...." How true.

     NYC is not that great for Asians. Asians are not very politically powerful in NYC. They currently don't hold any positions in the City Council, nor do they hold any of the NYC seats in the US House of Representatives, or the New York State Senate or State Assembly. Nevertheless, the political power of Asians is growing - a number of Asians have been elected to New York City school boards and there are several Asian elected judges in the big Apple. Also, there are Asian candidates for the NYC Council in this fall's election. Several of the mayoral candidates are courting Asians for votes, including Green, Ferrer, Hevesi, and Vallone. So maybe things will change.
     About Asians in CT and RI - Yes, there are a significant number of Asians in the following places in CT- New Haven, Stamford, Bridgeport, and Danbury. There are also Asians in Providence, RI. I believe most of the rural areas in CT and some of the other cities in CT have relatively few Asians.