Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan |
Queens/Flushing |
Westchester |
Long Island |
Brooklyn |
North Bergen |
What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe |
Great Street Life & Nightlife |
Not Having to Drive Everywhere |
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation |
What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters |
Lack of Personal Space |
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians |
Cramped Overpriced Housing |
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John Liu was elected as the first Asian-American city council member in the City of New York by a wide margin of over 60%.
Let's hope he can begin a new trend in east coast American politics and bring AA voices to the table.
Friday, November 09, 2001 at 08:31:27 (PST)
John Liu, a Democrat, has just been elected to the New York City Council. This is a historic event because John Liu will be the first Asian to have a seat on the New York City Council. He will represent a district in Flushing, Queens. No longer will Asians be ignored in New York's City Hall.
Former New Yorker   
Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 20:07:47 (PST)
Can anyone recommend a great place (a bar, club, etc) in NYC where Asian guys meet white girls? I'm Asian but I'm into white girls.
Do these parties from XO and GenAsia have a lot of white girls?
Asian Man 4 White Girl   
Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 18:55:57 (PST)
to live in NYC, you have to be a club person. Especially them asian clubs. here is some information on that.
most of the asian clubs are held in NYC. they vary from place to place depending on the people who are throwing the party. Since i live in NY, i would only go to those parties in NYC (i actually live on long island, but the real parties are held in NYC) here is the information that you requested:
www.xonetwork.com (guestlist@xonetwork.com)
www.genasianetwork.com (guestlist@genasianetwork.com)
cover is typically $20.00
some helpful people? you can usually use myself as a point person for the XO parties. If you need some people on the guestlist, just send me the names, and i'll add them to my regular list. I usually have about 40-50 people there that i know.
Dress for a girl:
Women usually wear seductive clothing. Tight tops, and dresses or tanktops with skirts or leather.
Guys wear khakis, muscle shirts or those who are preppy wear suits, dress shirts. Most of the asians there though wear tight shirts to show off their arms / chest (though many are very puny and small) I personally wear tight shirts to show off my progress of my workouts :) heh
Most of the clubs thrown start around 10pm and last until 4am. Genasia typically have their parties on a friday night, and XO usually has theirs on saturday nights. MAX has their's on Thursday nights (happy hour)
Cliff reddawg317@yahoo.com   
Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 18:37:33 (PST)
Asians who live in NYC are not Asian Americans, just as New Yorkers overall are a class by themselves. We all know the Big Apple has its own unique culture which America likes to ignore and hate. Whatever happened on September 11 doesn't bring NYC closer to America, in fact, more apart and distant. Think about it!
NYC is the only place where Asians are better known as Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos..etc. Go to the West Coast and you see these people simply being labeled and lumped as "Asians". Seattle's Asian Ethnic Enclave "The International District" is one perfect example. Geesh, America is a place for simpletons and klannish cowards. Why? Because the USA=Provincialism and NYC=Worldliness.
Brassy Asian New Yorker, So What!   
Monday, October 29, 2001 at 22:07:58 (PST)
wish i could afford nyc!
jersey girl   
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 14:33:47 (PDT)
I haven't heard any such thing. Mind if you identify the source of your information.
I like to remind people here that false rumors can cause people to be killed, property damaged, etc., An example of this occurred when a white woman in Jackson Heights started a rumor that the Indian community there were cheering when the WTC was destroyed. A Hispanic reporter for a local newspaper was at the scene and saw no such thing. However because of the false rumors, numerous storefronts suffered from broken windows and graffitti. Fortunately no one was hurt. However in other incidents around the country, three non Muslim Indian-Americans were killed because they were mistaken for Arab-Americans.
Let's remember we're all Americans here and should act responsibly.
Wednesday, October 10, 2001 at 15:34:54 (PDT)
too expensive
Tuesday, October 09, 2001 at 07:02:17 (PDT)
I heard that a Chinese reporter was deported to China from NYC when people saw him cheering at the collapse of the WTC. Is this true? And if it is, what was his reason for laughing at the collapse?I don't understand how a person with conscience would do such a thing. That wouldn't have made anything better to our Asian community as a whole.
curious george   
Saturday, October 06, 2001 at 13:41:17 (PDT)
Things are slowly but surely getting better for Asian Americans in New York City - an Asian American recently won the Democratic primary for a City Council seat from Queens. He will certainly win in November since he is running in a heavily Democratic district. No longer will Asian Americans be ignored in City Hall. Also, the Democratic primary runoff for mayor between Fernando Ferrer and Mark Green will probably be close. Ferrer will most likely need every vote he can get in order to win the Democratic nomination, including the votes of Asian Americans. He may very well go on to be the city's first Hispanic mayor.
Hey, what about the Bronx!
Former Bronx resident   
Friday, October 05, 2001 at 16:36:36 (PDT)
good food is what matters,
you are a total mo-fo idiot for stereotyping all the koreans. get the hell out of here moron.
Saturday, September 22, 2001 at 07:34:47 (PDT)
Well with the World Trade Center gone. And Chinatown in Mahatten shutdown.
Flushing rocks!^_^
Flushing cool   
Saturday, September 15, 2001 at 19:40:04 (PDT)
New York is, well, New York. I've been a New Yorker all of my life. I really can't imagine living anywhere else. Possibly London, but that's it. As for Asians in New York, an Asian American woman is up for City Council in Queens. I'm starting to wish I lived there. And as for the weather, I thrive on wildly disparate climate changes. I've never lived in a place where the weather is always sweetly warm and nice, but it must be awfully boring.
And oh, yes: Indians are Asians, too! And if you disagree, that's your problem, not mine!
Elizabeth, Eurasian Lady   
Tuesday, September 04, 2001 at 13:57:19 (PDT)