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where is a good place to meet some asian females other than clubs and churches. i'm not a religious person, and the club girls are all the same. either there to just dance with their friends or have b/fs and just a girls night out. from what people say, the worst place to meet someone is at a club. anyone know of any other places to meet someone? if so, share your knowledge. i've joined a few organizations here in NYC, but they are usually older. (NAAAP, OCA) know of any others?
Cliff reddawg317@yahoo.com   
Friday, December 28, 2001 at 09:11:26 (PST)
what are you all doing for new years? i'm thinking of club2020, but i'm still hesitant due to the fact that it'll be the same faces i c at the clubs all the time. the good thing is that it will only cost app. 20-30$ to get in, (cash bar) and has a champaign toast @ midnight. if you all know of anything else , please let me know.
Cliff reddawg317@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 15:01:40 (PST)
Why is it wrong. That what churches are for. Young christian men and women are suppose to meet and get married then make more christian children. You should study history of the role of church as a social activity.
I mean of course we would like religon to be pristine place. But in reality it is just any another organization it is touched by money, sex, and politics.
Of course pre-martial sex is sort of a touch and go issue at a church group.
I'm just suggesting that if people are tired of club girls, they can try church girls.
Sun Tze,
Asian Guys also suffer from the 18-22 factor you are describing
AC dropout   
Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 08:38:17 (PST)
You can meet strangers (girls) in a club, but you have to be skillz and they have to be more open than the average asian girl. But for most of us, it is not efficient to spent all your time in a club just to meet girls, the best way as far as New York city culture is concerned, is meet them through a friend.
Online is not bad either, but there is a question of quality with the girls you meet, however you can start by being friends with those and through them meet more people and maybe out of those people you will find someone you like?
I personally think the best place to meet girls is in school, plus the girls you meet there are probably more serious type. The is one draw back to this, the asian female 18-22 factor (I name it myself) where you find your sweet first love being corrupted by the real world throughout 18-22 and they decide to go wild and let loose and end the three year relationship for no good reason.
It is not easy to find a mate, especially for guys, since there are a ratio of 3 asian guys to one asian female (But shhhh don't let the girls know this, its deadly if they know how valuable they are in this city, then even ugly ones will be snotty) The best things for all ya single guys to do is be open in meeting new people, meaning meeting other guys too, and perhaps you will find the right one (hey like they say you find love when you least expected right?)
Oh another thing some dude posted many post before that asian girls in NYC is materialistic and superficial? No thats just koreans, all the other race are as materialistic and superficial as normal, NYC asian girls are for most part ghetto and down to earth.
Sun Tze   
Friday, December 14, 2001 at 07:27:20 (PST)
You just got to find the right church. Some are just breeding ground of social activity with a small mantel of religon. You have to find a congegation of younger people. Then let hormones and youth do the rest.
There are so many asian churches in Flushing, Queens. You think asian people are saints or something.
When I was younger I would get phone numbers and dates from people I met at retreats and new people at church. I would sometime even play the person that was losing faith, so the girl would try to re-instill in me the faith in god and doing good.
Your view of organized religion is all wrong. Part of church life is to meet the right person to marry. It's a big social gathering. You just have to work it to your advantage.
Online....I've had too many friends with horror stories. Okay one of my friends is going to marry his online gf next year. But the horror stories I heard is just too much to take the risk.
There are Japanese nightclub all over the city. Just go to a Japanese resturant in the 50's and pick up a free Japanese newspaper. You will find there ads pretty quickly.
There are some Chinese Clubs. But they are pretty lame. One on Flushing Main st. Takes cliff advise and head out to mainstream clubs on asian night.
AC dropout   
Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 13:34:13 (PST)
going to church to meet women? how sad. and wrong.
Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 12:49:36 (PST)