Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan |
Queens/Flushing |
Westchester |
Long Island |
Brooklyn |
North Bergen |
What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe |
Great Street Life & Nightlife |
Not Having to Drive Everywhere |
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation |
What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters |
Lack of Personal Space |
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians |
Cramped Overpriced Housing |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Can anyone tell me why the Cantonese community in New York has not made any real progress with politics? Margaret Chin is the biggest loser of all of the Chinatown candidates running for District Council. Rocky Chin, no relation to Margaret, also failed miserably, his debut was far from impressive.
The Taiwanese who are smaller in numbers and in presence are already making progress by electing Mr. Liu to office. Their community seems to care more about their people and others.
Maybe it's our Cantonese mentality of being self centered and apathetic towards everything except money! Or maybe we still cling on to our old tradition or saying "one man only for himself and his family"!
Cantonese need to re evaluate themselves   
Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 08:37:39 (PST)
I went to school in NYC in Bx of Sci. I saw Korean dating Chinese, Chinese dating Japanese all the time. Unless there is something I'm missing. If your asian and english is the predomintent language used. Korean, Chinese, Japanese interdate all the time.
If the people don't use english and use their native tongue of course they limit themselves to dating in their own group.
Chinese and Koreans are the real NYC Asians!,
Scrappy looking Chinese? Look if you part of the nerdy crowd they all look scrappy. If you part of the wannebe gangster crowd you dress intimidating. If your a banna-republic, AX, Gap, J Crew loving yuppie person, you look like a yuppie. There are so many different asians in the city. The only thing that I think really stand out are certain korean girls and the thick foundation they use.
AC dropout   
Friday, January 11, 2002 at 15:58:19 (PST)
the MAX party was gay and the GenAsia party was gay too, just like all the parties. you can stop talking about clubs and parties now, Cliff. we already know how cool you are.
Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 23:28:21 (PST)
Why don't you talk about Chinese people? We're not into the interracial dating as much as other Asians. If you're a cool person, most Chinese will be cool with you. The problem is that many other Asians dislike Chinese because they're "scrappy" looking, they don't look as well dressed as others or somewhat rough in appearance. Some Koreans are also cool. I talking about those who are open minded and not wannabe white, and like to associate with Asians.
All Asians should be brave and associate with other Asians. Do you see white people disliking other white people so much? Many Irish, Jewish and Italian people are now friends with each other. Asians still have not form strong friendships with one another. It is sad!
Japanese and Fillipinos in NYC are mostly white worshippers. Most of their people don't give a damn about other Asian people. Their presence in the city is minor and unimportant, they don't even represent us so we should leave them alone! Many of them also think they're rich so they don't work as hard as Chinese or Korean people.
Most white girls in NYC aren't that great either, I don't see that many attractive ones myself. And most of them are so messed up. It's like they don't have a real agenda in their life.
Chinese and Koreans are the real NYC Asians!   
Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 12:03:01 (PST)
I need suggestions on CentralFly lounge or any other clubs similar
Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 16:45:21 (PST)
Hello, I put in my two cents worth of info in life in NYC. I am a Korean American male. I would be considered 1.5 generation. Anyway when it comes to dating for asian people I would say it is pretty hard. If I want a korean girlfriend there are korean international students but, you have to be able to speak korean for these girls to even look at you. Most koreans tend to stick in thier own groups. I dated other asian nationality and find that korean girls tend to be more into money than other girls. Perhaps it is the way they are brought up. Other asian girls like Japanese and filipina tend to date mostly outside their race. They will not give an asian american brother a time a day. Dating in clubs is pretty hard it's like trying to hit a homerun in a base ball game. For most koreans there are alot of korean churches particularly in flushing. But you have to be a believer if you want to date a korean Christian girl. Some of my friends actually decided to move out to california for the dating scene. (I don't know if it is better over there) YOu could try inter-racial relationship(I was never involve in one). But, from my experience it favors asian women more so than asian guys. Most white girls I meet just wants to be friends nothing more. ..
Youngjune kwak76@earthlink.net   
Monday, January 07, 2002 at 17:24:46 (PST)
Hope you all had a great new years. anyone go to the MAX party in times square? how about the GenAsia Party? how were they?
Cliff reddawg317@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 03:08:48 (PST)