

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan | 53%
Queens/Flushing | 32%
Westchester | 3%
Long Island | 5%
Brooklyn | 4%
North Bergen | 3%

What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe | 32%
Great Street Life & Nightlife | 22%
Not Having to Drive Everywhere | 13%
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation | 33%

What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters | 32%
Lack of Personal Space | 2%
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians | 5%
Cramped Overpriced Housing | 61%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
[NOTE TO READERS: Due to an isolated system glitch, posts between February 20 and April 22 have been lost. Our apologies. --Ed]
AM Truth,

Where can I find those Asian Professional groups and single meetings in NYC? Mind if you give me some URL links?
clueless AM    Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 20:08:59 (PST)
Asian Life in NYC:
-the asian guys are hotter, cuter, finer-in L.A. asian guys in nyc are just not all that. (sorry)
-The white guys in NYC are hotter than white guys in LA AND asian guys in NYC.
-The asian girls in new york are not as good looking as the girls in LA. Therefore, if you are just average in LA, you are HOT STUFF in new York--less competition. I'm shocked out how many average and even below-average girls here are considered "hot." In LA, they'd be dogmeat.
-The european girls are stunning.
-the european guys are even more stunning.
-There is more interracial dating in NY than in LA.
But overall, the asian populataion is by far better looking and better personality in Los Angeles.

pet shop gurl in NYC    Monday, February 18, 2002 at 16:21:09 (PST)
I love Chinatown, even though it's my very own people that have called me white while whites have called me chinese and the the rest have called me white. Get it together people! It's not a black and white world. I love the neighborhood I was born and raised in because there was a small group of people that acted like humans and allowed me to be immersed into the cultural of my ancestors. Asians should raise their awareness and respect of each other. It's the only way to gain respect from the rest of the world that trashes us.
NYC proud to be ABC    Monday, February 18, 2002 at 15:12:03 (PST)
For most of the guys trying to score or get laid in NYC:

Why not try those single meetings where single people get together and meet for social reasons?

You can also join those Asian Pacific American Clubs in the Universities if you are a college student as well as those Asian Professional group, if working.

I've been to some of them and I have had some successes. The problem is finding ones where there is lesser people so you don't get lost in the crowd. Having a membership as a officer or in the planning committee can do wonders to your social life. You can socialize with other Asian singles namely Women as well as contribute to the organization.

There are many Asians who live in NYC with traditional as well as American values and your chances of meeting the right one is better for you living in a big city as opposed to other Asians living elsewhere.

And who says you need to just date Asians only? There are many other types of females there who will give you the time and day there. You have the advantage of dating a Model for Europe or a hot latina there, it doesn't have to be - wait for that Asian girl who will open up to you, if she only just makes the first move type deal.

If you find a girl you like, wheither it is on the street or in a bookstore, Just say "HI, How are you doing?" Keep asking open-ended questions, show a geniune interest and you will get lucky! It is not rocket-science anyone can do it! Even Hugh Hefier of Playboy does it with his women, granted that he has the money and reputation but you see him in action and he shows appreciation to every person, especially females he meets, lucky Bastard!

You have options my friend. Just do it!
AM Truth    Monday, February 18, 2002 at 01:37:42 (PST)
yes cliff,

im too AFRAID to leave my name

like it matters? what are you gonna do with that information, track me down?

well keep us informed of all the cool parties you always hear about
Steven Zeng    Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 22:18:40 (PST)

You better double up on the rain-coats when you party, dude.

But happy hunting.
AC dropout    Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 09:24:30 (PST)
Hmmm...I figure ..if you can get booty does it matter what race or nationality there are?

Until you are ready to settle down you can't discriminate..get out there and grab what you can...

RuffRuff    Friday, February 01, 2002 at 08:45:42 (PST)
too afraid to leave your name, whoever you are? from what i heard, the genasia party was pretty good, the only bad thing was the drinks were very expensive and that there was a huge line outside for people hoping tht they had some room for them. The max party though, i heard sucked pretty bad..
Cliff    Monday, January 21, 2002 at 18:11:10 (PST)
Cantonese need to re evaluate themselves,

Well a lot of Cantonese have left the city already after they became successful. That could be a contributing factor. Then 9/11 cleared out Chinatown that could be another.
AC dropout    Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 17:17:29 (PST)