

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan | 53%
Queens/Flushing | 32%
Westchester | 3%
Long Island | 5%
Brooklyn | 4%
North Bergen | 3%

What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe | 32%
Great Street Life & Nightlife | 22%
Not Having to Drive Everywhere | 13%
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation | 33%

What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters | 32%
Lack of Personal Space | 2%
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians | 5%
Cramped Overpriced Housing | 61%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
to NYC is a tough place to live and work, more of a learning city Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 20:48:56 (PDT)

You've made the mistake of overgeneralizing about what is perhaps the most diverse city on the planet.

First of all, NYC consists of five boroughs, four of which would be among the largest cities in the USA by themselves (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx).

Secondly, on the issue of Chinatowns, there are at least three Chinatowns in NYC, in Manhattan (commonly referred to as NYC Chinatown), Flushing Queens and Brooklyn respectively. Of the three, NYC Chinatown is the oldest and most heavily populated, but the Chinatown in Flushing Queens has grown rapidly in recent years. As far as I know, the Chinatown in Brooklyn is a satellite of NYC Chinatown.

In my opinion, Flushing Queens is far more interesting than NYC Chinatown as it reflects the influence of Chinese from both southern and northern regions in China as well as Taiwan and Hong Kong, while Manhattan Chinatown is mostly populated by natives of a few counties in provinces of Guangdong and Fujian on the southern Chinese coast. you are also likely to find some gorgeous Chinese ladies in Flushing Queens, whereas basically non-existent in NYC Chinatown. Also, Flushing is the home of the largest Korean community on the East Coast (not to mention many gorgeous Korean ladies also)

With respect to white ladies, I agree that most white ladies in NYC are not so attractive, compared to other regions of USA. That may be due to the fact that whites in NYC is dominated by descendants of second-wave immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe (not first-wave immigrants from northern Europe) However in Manhattan, there are many whites who originate from other areas of the USA as well as European countries, some of whom are quite attractive also.

On the whole though, I agree that the women in NYC are mostly unattractive, especially compared with some other cities such as Boston or cities in California.

ABC who knows NYC    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 22:35:58 (PDT)
I agree with everyone that most places in Manhattan are a great place to live and have fun. But, outside of manhattan, there are places that you have to be careful of. I wish I could live in manhattan but than damn rent is so expensive. In fact anywhere with a close commute to manhattan is so expensive. NJ is a little bit cheaper and less income tax (more property tax).
As for eating out, don't follow the Zargats for chinese food.
1/2LostSoul    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 10:45:58 (PDT)
AC Dropout,

The rent prices in NYC are decreasing, and on top of that..there are many vacancies.

Certain areas in the East Village, Village, Soho and other parts of lower Manhattan. Yes, near ground zero too! Many people left after 9-11 and this made some rent prices decrease and created vacancies.

You could live in a studio of newly built building for as low as $800 per month in some section of mid town. I'm talking about a "NEW" "Mint Condition" apartment.

In midtown there are many of these newly built buildings up for rent. Some of them are subsidized by the city for people of the middle income bracket $30,000-50,000. Mayor Bloomberg just like any typical real successful Jew believes underdogs can have a good life too! Anyone making this type of salary range should inquiry about these rentals, if interested. I believe there is a waiting list based on a 1st come 1st serve basis, but if u don't want to wait, they will rent u one immediately for $1200-1800/per month. This what I called another slick business

Check out Veniro's on 12th between 1st and York.

Yes, Veniero's is a good place for Italian pastries and cakes. They might be a little cautious with Asians, if so tell them u like their stuff, and want to spend lots of money on them and they will gladly serve u. If u feel ur not welcome, then head down to Chinatown, and pick up a dozen of these budget Chinese style

One place that I recommend is Peter Luger's steak house. Located in a "not so safe" neighborhood of Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, you can have the best steaks in the world with very rude waiters and service, and they only take $$$, no credit cards. The ultimate NYC dining experience, rude people who offer u excellent food and then take ur fat wallet away (or maybe it's the people from the neighborhood), typical of what NYC is meant to!

Native NYcer,

Actually what I found out about NYC is that patience is a virtue, despite the fact that many NYers have an intolerance for it. This is one of the keys to being successful in NYC. If u have many ambitions, develop them, don't rush them...One last thing, this is not the city to PROCRASTINATE, any waste of time is detrimental to ur health. Procrastination in NYC is like a heart stoppage. This is why I recommend senior citizens to move out to the West

Asian Manhattanite    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 10:30:22 (PDT)
The best advice is when you are in NYC is to not go too far north or too far south otherwise you end up in the black ghettos.

After you live there for a while you will know the best and worst places to live. You will become street smart in no time. Yet you will probably feel safer there than in say San Francisco where you have bums and weirdoes coming up to you. You can always in NY say to lowlifes to "F##* Off!!" and they will do so, otherwise you can hit them back to show them you mean business.

NYC is very good to make more money than any other place on earth but you have to learn to eat cheaply which means going to your local Chinatown for food where it is cheaper and tastier than your average and expensive western/european cusine.

Other depending on your income, you can wine and dine everyday there and party all the time but even then you will get tired of the city scene and you can always go to upstate NY and do some hiking, fishing and camping. That is the one thing I do like about it and the state is able to provide a better outlet and so not everything just revolves around NYC.

NY city girls are more street smart and know what they want. They come from diverse backgrounds and it depends on who you meet and who you can get along. I meet some very memorable females growing up there and they are still in my memory to this day. There are others who will not be worth it either but because there is such a large mix of people you can always pick and choose who you want to hang out with so you should never limit your options.

So welcome to New York and if you can make it here you can make it ANYWHERE!
It's up to you!
Native NYCer    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 02:03:03 (PDT)
Asian Manhattanite,

"The rent prices in NYC are decreasing, and on top of that..there are many vacancies."

Where? Battery Park across the street from Ground Zero.

"You could live in a studio of newly built building for as low as $800 per month in some section of mid town. I'm talking about a "NEW" "Mint Condition" apartment."

Where? Everything from York to Braodway is around $1200 - $1800 for a studio. Sounds too good to be true. Must involve a sexual favor or a bribe to the super. ^_^

Before you go trying a dirty work dog or a bagel from a box vendors I would recommend drinking our tap water for a couple to days to acclimate to any foriegn microbes you might not have been exposed to before. Wouldn't want to get any unexpected runs while walking around. Better yet get your hot dogs from Papaya King (56th and 3rd?) or Gary's Papaya (8th ave and 37th?).

I'm more into snacks and cafe. Check out Veniro's on 12th between 1st and York. Best NY cheese around. Serendipity (in Zagit) I think there on 56th or 57th and 3rd, near the Roosevelt island cable car. Oh, get a slice of pizza from any corner store, not called Sbaro.
AC Dropout    Monday, May 06, 2002 at 13:51:28 (PDT)