

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan | 53%
Queens/Flushing | 32%
Westchester | 3%
Long Island | 5%
Brooklyn | 4%
North Bergen | 3%

What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe | 32%
Great Street Life & Nightlife | 22%
Not Having to Drive Everywhere | 13%
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation | 33%

What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters | 32%
Lack of Personal Space | 2%
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians | 5%
Cramped Overpriced Housing | 61%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Anyone can suggest a good place for stylish haircut for Asian dudes in Manhattan? Most white hairdressers don't know how to cut Asian guys' hair. And the Asian hairdresser in Chinatown I went to gave a nerdy looking haircut. I want something more stylish yet it fits to my Asian features. Any idea?

trendy    Monday, May 13, 2002 at 12:33:06 (PDT)
Peter Luger's - being a big steak fan myself every now and then too, just want to mention they have a second location in Little Neck, LI. It's on Northern Blvd.

The Little Neck location is better and much more appropriate for dining. But it's out in LI, which is a pain in the a$$ just to head out there.

Being a generation X'er myself, who in the world carries that much cash in my age group.

Yeah, I hear u...I myself belong to the later X'er generation (mid 70's). I have to say the X'er people are the classiest group so far when it comes to money, we spend on things with value. The previous generation don't spend much, and if they do, they buy gawdy things. And the generation after us, well, most of them overspend on things that aren't worth a single penny.. However, we are known to be the slacker generation, not doing much, not saving $$$ and many dependent on parents. But, we proved something..that is, we opened up to the world that knowing one thing in life is not enough...Xers are learning to be multifaceted..and soon the younger gens will follow this path too.

Bottom line=We are the pioneers for new trends after the old school generations (people born before 1965)

Asian Manhattanite    Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 18:05:46 (PDT)
"They might be a little cautious with Asians, if so tell them u like their stuff, and want to spend lots of money on them "

I never I had problems with them. Just stand in line or call in advance. It's not like they're a five star restuarant with "jackets required" policy.
AC Dropout    Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 13:29:31 (PDT)
"In my opinion, Flushing Queens is far more interesting than NYC Chinatown as it reflects the influence of Chinese from both southern and northern regions in China as well as Taiwan and Hong Kong, while Manhattan Chinatown is mostly populated by natives of a few counties in provinces of Guangdong and Fujian on the southern Chinese coast. you are also likely to find some gorgeous Chinese ladies in Flushing Queens, whereas basically non-existent in NYC Chinatown. Also, Flushing is the home of the largest Korean community on the East Coast (not to mention many gorgeous Korean ladies also)"

Of course, Flushing Chinatown is more a middle class Chinatown while the one in Manhattan is where the Chinese exploit other Chinese in order to survive.
You're talking about 2 different societies. One is a society based mostly on mutual cooperation (Flushing) and the other is based on the dog eat dog principle (Manhatttan).

It's like comparing an educated individual to a who's more interesting? depends of course....

NYC is a diverse place but we would all agree that the city is intense.

Tough NYer    Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 11:45:57 (PDT)
That may be due to the fact that whites in NYC is dominated by descendants of second-wave immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe (not first-wave immigrants from northern Europe)

Um... so if a girl isn't tall, thin, blonde and blue eyed she's not pretty? There are those of us from Southern Europe that are quite pretty, with our brown hair and eyes. Don't make such generalizations.
me    Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 11:25:06 (PDT)
Asian Manhattanite,

Peter Luger's - being a big steak fan myself every now and then too, just want to mention they have a second location in Little Neck, LI. It's on Northern Blvd. Yeah I know you crossed the city limited when you get into Little Neck. But the neighborhood is a lot better.

That cash thing really sucks. It's like $75.00 a plate. Being a gene X'er myself, who in the world carries that much cash in my age group.

"East Village, Village, Soho and other parts of lower Manhattan. Yes, near ground zero too!"

Not to be a downer on cheap rent in the city. But try to stay North of Houston St. For Pete Sake they've been arguing air quality there for like 6 months. It's not kosher yet.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 10:03:12 (PDT)