

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan | 53%
Queens/Flushing | 32%
Westchester | 3%
Long Island | 5%
Brooklyn | 4%
North Bergen | 3%

What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe | 32%
Great Street Life & Nightlife | 22%
Not Having to Drive Everywhere | 13%
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation | 33%

What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters | 32%
Lack of Personal Space | 2%
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians | 5%
Cramped Overpriced Housing | 61%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I don't think my point was actual what material goods one needs to have to know they've become affluent. Once people reach that stage, they know. But Bill Gates has made a personal decision to keep going, instead of taking it easy. That is something I've been debating in my mind for the past few months.

Funny most people I know in the Murray Hill area are late 20's and single. To me a lot of the areas in the city are more of less the same if you live a corporate lifestyle. A taxi ride makes Mahattan very accessible on the weekends.

Personally, I've been to friends apartments in the village. I don't know how they can live there. It is very small and the noisy on the weekends.

The East Side / West Side / Uptown / Downtown debate. It's never ending in the city. If I was going to live in the city, it would be above 14, below 86, not garment district, not the 8th ave sex trade, not the theater district, not near any NYU buildings, and I would be okay. Maybe somewhere near a lot of Japanese resturants like 55-56, or around 14.

Lower east side developments. That's like Alphabet city. Any lower and I think there is only Confucius plaza and a few projects here and there.

Yeah, those places are pretty rough. I feel for you. I grew up in mostly a poor black/hispanic community. But we're adults now so we should have a little more control over our lives.

Before 9-11 I remember reports coming out how various parts of Mahattan were going through a renewel phases. Even alphabet city was becoming hip. With the planned tax hike in city, I don't know what the local economy is going to look like in 12 months.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 12:37:32 (PDT)
entrepreneur wannabe
xboy    Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 12:34:08 (PDT)
entrepreneur wannabe,

Not that I know of. You gotta do it yourself in this town.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 12:29:21 (PDT)

You need some money before the brokers from these banks will call you. I don't know how they find you when have money. But the brokers tell me their firms buy names list of individuals of certain income level and net worth and they start making calls.

I usually open accounts that are insured. IMMA, CDs, Mutual Funds, Bonds all come with insurance from the issuing companies. The insured mutual funds are harder to come by, because they usually cap the size of the funds and are only insure for a short time frame. Usually at these institution have their have private label funds which they insure the value of for a set period of time. It's become more popular since the Enron thing. So let say you put $100,000 in an insured mutual fund for 5 yrs. After 5 years no matter what the market performance was you should get back at least $100,000 if you want. I'm not sure if there is a conflict of interest in the fund when they insure it. I'll let you know in 4.5 years.

It's kind of hard to find people knowledgeable in all aspect of finacial services. I keep an insurance broker, an investment bank brokers, and an estate lawyer to consult with if I have problems in any area.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 12:28:09 (PDT)
Okay..since everyone asks for a recommendation, it's my turn now. Has anyone here ever thought of starting your own business, especially in NYC area? What's your experience so far? Is there an organization in NYC that helps Asians start their own business, especially Internet related?

entrepreneur wannabe    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 11:18:09 (PDT)
wow, ac dropout, JPM account requires like 5MM+. JPM don't even give this option to their employees. JPM Chase(more chase) has much lower balance. I don't know Goldman. As for having all your accounts insured, do you mean against loss or fraud? Insured against loss is illegal besides banks and politicians(Hillary 1K turn to 100K by reading the WSJ?). Also, by having insurance--you mean putting it in cd, the return is really small. Money markets, tbills, tbonds would be better option (tbills probably better now than tbonds) than cd. Also, if conservative investments are your style, there is no need for financial advisor--unless you are talking about the whole package.. wills, estate, trust, tax avoidance, life insurance, etc.

Most of the financial advisor I come cross just wants to sell me stuff (mutual funds, stocks, annuity, insurance, whatever gets them commissions). If you are looking for investment advice, it straight forward depending on your age,risk tolerance,martial status(singe?). Risk tolerance is the hardest thing to figure out because most people don’t know it. My 2 cents is go for something like a pyramid schem.. 50% conservative, 25% moderate,15% agressive, 10 really aggressive (playing yourself--everything else mututal funds--like Fidelity). I prefer Fidelity over Vanguard because they have more branches and you can write checks but Fid have more expenses(fund exp,10B,etc) than Vanguard

And BTW firesnake, does your name begin with J? just curious. Had a similiar question from a someone I know.
1/2LostSoul    Monday, May 20, 2002 at 15:36:33 (PDT)