

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan | 53%
Queens/Flushing | 32%
Westchester | 3%
Long Island | 5%
Brooklyn | 4%
North Bergen | 3%

What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe | 32%
Great Street Life & Nightlife | 22%
Not Having to Drive Everywhere | 13%
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation | 33%

What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters | 32%
Lack of Personal Space | 2%
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians | 5%
Cramped Overpriced Housing | 61%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

My honest opinin is that the night life in Asian city seems more vibrant, because of the population density. Honestly, NYC does seem like a ghost town in comparision at night.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:18:55 (PDT)    []

Pretty sad incident. Young kid confronts a cop for writing a ticket, while his car is illegally parked. The cop and kid are asian. They get into a verbal fight and light pyhsical contact is made. The asian cop partner is not asian jumps in. The kid's father jumps in. The gang of squad cars come down the street over a kid and a father over a traffic ticket about double parking, in congested Flushing.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:17:08 (PDT)    []
NME:It's clear that these ideas are grouned not in fact but in opinion, and the narrow opinion or limited experience of the original author.

Exactly, just like many White ethnics think NYC is the "greatest city in the world". Is it? To many Asians, it isn't, everyone has their own personal opinions.

For example, NYC thinks it has the greatest institutions in the world. Really? Everytime I go to the Public Library I can't get the book I want, but when I am in the Chicago or San Francisco Public Library, every damn book I search is in the library for easy access and perusal.

Have you worked in the same corporate company based in NY and in HK? I have, and the efficiency and professionalism is definately more pronounced in HK than in NY. For example, in HK, the information on the Fedex Bills are generated by computer, not by hand. This might sound petty, but when you are shipping items for a major company, bills should be printed not handwritten.

NME: Wordly Trends? What are these trends? Again have you done a poll to find out what HK people are aware of in the world vs NY'ers?

Just ask how many Asian Americans in NY have visited Greece, Turkey or Israel. In HK, I have met 20 people who I have, and all are ethnic Chinese! Hell, ask the average NYer, and the only damn place they've been outside of the US is HK!

NME:Also keep in mind HK is a very small place. People in the US have a HUGE area to know about internally and HK is so small perhaps there's not much to know about internally so the writer focuses on things outside!

I was talking about HK and NY, not the big ol' US.

NME:Afterall you wouldn't learn all this great inforamation about the world if you didn't have all the global communications technogogy invented and put into place by Americans.

One last thing before I go, Americans are stupid, they allow others to exploit their products and achievements. Take Japan as an example, it basically stole many American concepts and improve upon them or used them for their own advantage!
LSD    Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:08:12 (PDT)    []

Why don't you do us a favor and move to HK? NYC won't miss you,or perhaps you like collecting those unemployment checks too much?
So move    Monday, September 02, 2002 at 19:55:53 (PDT)    []
This is one of the most ridiculous and over generalized pieces I've read in a long time.

The statements made about Hong Kong are generalized and paint a rose colored picture that is not in anyway documented. Does the author offer statistics or explantions or definitions to how s/he quantifies or qualifies fashion or professionalism? Does the author conduct studies or do any research that shows that, for exmaple, based on the standards established that NY fails and HK prevails? No. While the author's points about fashion on professionalism may be true about HK nothing is documented to prove that this is not true of NY.

It's clear that these ideas are grouned not in fact but in opinion, and the narrow opinion or limited experience of the original author.

Perhaps you are right about your hypothesis but I am forced to discount your ideas simply because of the irresponsible method of reporting to your audience.

Yes perhaps the average consumer in NYC doesn't have fiber connections but please tell me the % of the poplution that has fiber in NYC and in HK. Please also tell me why you would equate technology with only one gauge that of internet connections.

The irony here is that if it weren't for the technology developed in the US once called ARPANET now called the Internet HK would have fiber optic cable hooking them up to nothing!

What about aerospace? How's the aerospace program in HK? Tell me about the HK nuclear fision program. How's the transportation industry there? When's the last time you launched a satellite in HK? Afterall you wouldn't learn all this great inforamation about the world if you didn't have all the global communications technogogy invented and put into place by Americans.

Technology is a lot more than dialup vs fiber.

And what about fashion? Who says that fashion only exists in Europe. That's like saying only Europe has culture. First, Europe is a continent not a city and I thought the author was comapring cities not continents. Second, every place has its own culture and every palce can have its own fashion too. Casual fashion and haute coulture are different but both are fashion just like the Chinese have their own cutture and so do the Candadians but neither is more right. One is newer but both are valid culutres.

Next time you where a pair of jeans or a t-shirt or running shoes ask yourslef where these fashion items come from. Even Dolce and Gabanna of Italy have now copied the t-shirt made famous in the US and have their own version.

Professionalism, this is hardly worth commenting on. What standard of excellence? Tell me more about who and document this standard. Is it written? Is it a pledge each employee must abide by? Many company's in NY and the rest of the US have very high professional and CREATIVE standards. Have you explored them. What proof have you given us of lacking in professional standards? I'm sure you can find similar ones in HK.

Wordly Trends? What are these trends? Again have you done a poll to find out what HK people are aware of in the world vs NY'ers?

Also keep in mind HK is a very small place. People in the US have a HUGE area to know about internally and HK is so small perhaps there's not much to know about internally so the writer focuses on things outside! Look at other very large countries like China or Canada or Russia and see how they compare.

Now that might be a little less of an ethnocentric and unprofessional survey.
No More ETHNOCENTRICITY    Monday, September 02, 2002 at 10:55:56 (PDT)    []
On Aug. 21, a Chinese elderly man and his son were beaten senseless by the NYPD over a routine traffic violation.

Any of you heard the news?

How can we truly fight a war against terrorism, when the system here terrorizes against others of different races?
perplexed...    Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 02:05:32 (PDT)
Say What,

New York has culture and diversity, but in terms of excitement and sophistication, HK would be the place.

HK is light years of ahead of NY in terms of technology, fashion, worldly trends, and professionalism.

Tech - Common folks in HK use fiber optic lines for Internet connection. Residents in NYC rely on DSL or worse, dial-up.

Fashion - HK people are way more fashionable than NYers. They are very into in trendy European designs, and it's not an Eurocentric society.

Worldy Trends - HK people know more about worldly affairs than the average NYer, who in my opinion view the city as it was the world.

Professionalism - HK institutions and corporations are way more structured and efficient than the ones in NY. There is high standard for excellence in many companies.

Sometimes NY is overrated with the excitement issue!

The same could be said of Tokyo. But since I am Chinese, HK would be the better city.
LSD    Friday, August 30, 2002 at 07:50:09 (PDT)

I'm new to NYC. This is a tough town to get a job in. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm actually thinking about joining a temp agency. Any done this before? What about recruiting firm? There seems to be a lot of them out there. I have no idea which ones are decent and which ones are a waste of time. Any help would be more than kind.
Looking for Work    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 20:40:22 (PDT)
Speaking of HK, I think I'll make a trip back there next year. In my opinion, it's still the most exciting city in the world.
LSD Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 06:55:03 (PDT)

WHAT??????? LSD doesn't think NYC is the center of the universe??????
What's going on here???????????????
Say what?????    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 19:14:12 (PDT)

New York's economy is in a standstill. Besides myself, I have 5 friends who are out of work. There are also many people that I've encountered who were laid off.

If you say NYC is a ghost town in comparision to HK, now it is the time to say it! It looks the city has lost some of its life.

Speaking of HK, I think I'll make a trip back there next year. In my opinion, it's still the most exciting city in the world.
LSD    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 06:55:03 (PDT)