

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan | 53%
Queens/Flushing | 32%
Westchester | 3%
Long Island | 5%
Brooklyn | 4%
North Bergen | 3%

What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe | 32%
Great Street Life & Nightlife | 22%
Not Having to Drive Everywhere | 13%
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation | 33%

What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters | 32%
Lack of Personal Space | 2%
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians | 5%
Cramped Overpriced Housing | 61%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

9/11-->We Remember

I've lived in Brooklyn all my life and I wouldn't live anywhere else if you paid me. "NYC is a ghost town"...excuse me? WHAT is a ghost town?? New York is the center of the commercial and cultural is truly the melting pot, nowhere else will you find so much diversity...and who cares about fashion trends an styles? New York beats other cities (Asian or not) in terms of history (not all in this subject, folks), strength, power, perseverance, and sophistication. (Oh, LSD, on population density, most of the cities you mentioned are situated on islands in the Pacific...there just isn't enough space for houses so everybody squishes together in apartments, like in Hong Kong and Guangzhou.)
Take a walk down Fifth Avenue along 57th to 59th Streets and you'll realize the level of sophistication New York has. Take a walk in downtown Manhattan and SoHo and you'll see the multicultural and artistic diversity in New York. We New Yorkers are strong and capable, as we proved to the world on Septemebr 11th. New York is the home of the commercial world, and the loss of the WTC has not hindered that. People taking the subways in the morning still go in droves to Wall street and Fulton Street. Oh and those ultra-sophisticated Asian cities, they are only ultra-trendy because many of them are trying to modernize quickly and become as Westernized as possible. By trends, do you mean cheekbone shaving, eyelid slitting, nerve cutting, and other plastic surgery like in Seoul? If so, then congratulations, you are correct.

New York City is one of the most expensive cities in the world, ever visit the Tavern on the Green or the (now closed) Russian Tea Room? The only reason things in other Asian cities are expensive is because they are generally "trendy" in electronics and fashion which are expensive and land values are high because there's so little of it out there...but NYC reigns high in property values, just ask Trump why he's filthy rich and you'll understand. Better yet, attempt to purchase a penthouse in Midtown and have a heart attack trying to pay for it.

Chinatown rules, and so do all those smelly herbs the apothecaries sell!!!
Girl in Stuy HS    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 09:48:24 (PDT)    []

I hear alot you guys prefering other major Asian cities to NYC. But for me I prefer the diversity of NYC, everytime I'm in one of these major Asian cities I'm always reminded how everything is same. I like the interaction between different ethncities in NYC some more than others of course.
Jim    Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 18:02:26 (PDT)    []
Where is Scaresdale? Is this a wealthy neighborhood?
Ras    Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 17:57:32 (PDT)    []
Hello, I am new to the city. I like to know where proud asian americans likes to hang out. I'm trying to meet new people and hopefully make new friends. Thanks
New guy    Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 11:18:57 (PDT)    []
GOLD BLESS NYC ! Say a prayer today for all who perished.
9-11    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 19:00:48 (PDT)    []

I never said anything about HK libraries being superior to those in NYC. I was comparing NYC libraries with libraries in Chicago and SF.

I wasn't talking about Jewish Americans in NYC going to Israel or Greek Americans going to Greece...I was comparing Asian Americans with HKers in travel destinations.

Personally, I feel only underdogs (such as my parents) immigrate to a country like the US. If you are doing well in the home country, there is no need to start a new life in the US.
LSD    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 15:43:05 (PDT)    []

Yep, NY is a ghost town in comparision to some Asian city. Just take good look at the city right now, it is a ghost town since the 9-11 attacks. Even a city like Manila in the Philippines is more vibrant.

Asian cities like Tokyo, Osaka and HK are light years ahead of NY when it comes to the latest trends, styles, merchandise..etc. Why do you think these cities are the most expensive in the world, besides the fact that they have a high population density?
LSD    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 07:47:10 (PDT)    []
to LSD:

>New York has culture and diversity, but in terms of excitement and sophistication, HK would be the place.

HK is light years of ahead of NY in terms of technology, fashion, worldly trends, and professionalism.

that was my impression also of HK, it does seem to be light years ahead of NYC in many areas...

the best comparison is between the international airports (HK vs. JFK).
the gap is really too great to describe.
the HK airport (I forgot its formal name) is state-of-the-art and world-class while JFK international is truly third-world at best. or compare HK MTR with NYC subway.

However I would have to disagree with you on some points... NYC central libraries are still superior to that in HK ( I am referring specifically to the main libraries in midtown Manhattan). The new central library in HK looks more like a shopping mall than a world-class library.

As far as worldly trends are concerned, NYC has always been considered the "world capital"... you mentioned Israel, I assure you the number of NYC residents that have visited Israel far exceeds that in HK :) (I would think the same would apply to Turkey or Greece) considering the large number of immigrants in NYC, I would think NYC residents are very well-travelled, even compared to HK.
ABC who knows NYC and HK    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 16:45:15 (PDT)    []
Me, I live in Brooklyn, NY. I've been living here all my life and I think NY is the greatest place to be. Even though our WTC was destroyed on Sept.11 of last year, we all managed to stand tall and moved on with our lives. It was horrifing on that day of the tragedy. Many people lost freinds family members. Many were scared. Insluding a lot of Asian people who live and work at Chinatown near the WTC. But yet we all survived. And now it's almost been a year. People should be proud of NYC people.
BaByTeaRz    Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 15:39:41 (PDT)    []
Looking for Work:

It sucks out here too in Colorado! I thought by going back to New York that i'll be able to find something also.

I got laid off in the damn IT field for over a year and the competition is fierce for even stupid entry level tech work.

Lot's of people are moving away as well as those damn CALI's and Texans are deciding to move as well. Which is a good thing, the less of those idiots you have in this state the better. All they do is populate a place and jack up everything and then when the economy goes down, they all leave the place but still set up the expensive price structures that the businesses are used too but not willing to go down from.

Lucky my Babe is working so for the time being I'm the bitch in the house cooking and cleaning. I'm still looking also but the only damn thing to get plenty of is these low wage, high stress retail and fast food jobs.
Outlet    Friday, September 06, 2002 at 12:15:17 (PDT)    []