Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which NYC area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Manhattan |
Queens/Flushing |
Westchester |
Long Island |
Brooklyn |
North Bergen |
What's the best thing about living in the New York City area?
Being at the Center of the Universe |
Great Street Life & Nightlife |
Not Having to Drive Everywhere |
Intellectual & Cultural Stimulation |
What's the worst thing about living in the New York City area?
Horrible Winters |
Lack of Personal Space |
Rampant Ignorance & Prejudice toward Asians |
Cramped Overpriced Housing |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
What does hong kong have to freakin do with nyc? some of the people that post here are so lame. this isn't the hong kong/new york city forum! so once again, what the heck does hong kong have to do with new york city?
you peole are sad   
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 14:32:20 (PST)
great web site .. keep up the good work
rob rbt_1@yahoo.com   
Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 20:18:14 (PST)
Hong Kong is in no way beautiful
All the buildings look tacky and it's very dirty
Monday, October 28, 2002 at 16:18:45 (PST)
Everyone has the right to complain..about certain injustices directed towards them.
Look, you are very unsympathetic about the sufferings of Asian people in this country. African Americans still complain about the inequality they face in this country. Jews, being the most successful of all the minorities still bring up the issue of Anti-Semitism. Both Blacks and Jews have made much more inroads in this country than Asians.
Now you have an African American who blaming the Jews for the 9-11 attacks in NY. Now, what does that tell you?
So why can't Asians complain about something? I ask you????
You need to re-evaluate what you just said in your last post.
Friday, October 18, 2002 at 07:41:52 (PDT)
You people all need to get over yourselves. Everyone has a right to be proud of who they are and where they came from, but if you call yourself an Asian AMERICAN, then you also need to realize who you are and what you've become due to the immense opportunities granted you in this country. There is nothing wrong with loving Hong Kong and Singapore, etc. but you don't have to knock NYC to validate your point. Grow up. And it's very interesting that so many of you posting here complain of prejudice against Asians, but then keep grouping and generalizing all "Jews" and "Whites". A bit hypocritical if you ask me. Why not be who you are and stop worrying what you THINK others think about you. Everyone deals with prejudice - EVERYONE - in every culture, for one reason or another. If you ask me, Asian Americans have really been more and more accepted in the Western and European mainstreams, i.e. Asian cuisine is very popular around the world, HK cinema and modern Kung Fu movies have reached an all time high status and have influenced Hollywood more and more, Asian Americans have role models today unlike ever before, many Asian actors have become household names in Western Homes, so many of my Asian friends hold positions in the upper echelon of corporations, etc. I really don't need to go on. Just be proud of who you are without being so god damned defensive and attacking others.
Friday, October 11, 2002 at 18:12:14 (PDT)
Yep, White people in America like to play what we called the double standard.
It's like they are entitled to do whatever they want, but others cannot, because it's the law of nature...hogwash!
It's not that just China outcompeting America by having a better work ethic, AAs also doing the same in this country.
If people say knowledge is power, then we have the bi-cultural edge...u know what I'm talking about.
Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 07:46:54 (PDT)
Yeah it goes into the "China threat theory." China is a threat to America because they are out producing it in the manufacturing sector. Which reflects how the USA came to be a world power.
Oh well, as long as there are enough proud asian people in the USA. Hopefully, we won't have to put up with this BS.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 11:27:06 (PDT)
Starbucks suck,
What is your problem? I assume you took on a new tag after your last post.
Who are u? You strike me as a Westerner because you are so critical of my love affair with HK as a NYer. Asian Americans have every damn right to love the homeland of their ancestors. If many Jewish Americans have the right to love Israel more than the USA, then the same should apply to Chinese Americans. Talking about the Double Standards granted to Westerners....! I am also tired of the same crap put up by these people when they tell minorities of the following statement...'If u don't like this country, then go back where u came from' It's like these people own the damn place, guess what??? Nobody owns America except the natives!
Buildings in HK were erected by the Chinese during British rule.
There was a book recently published titled "The China Threat: How the People's Republic Targets America". Now some people believed the Chinese might have been involved with the 9-11 attacks...geesh..Now according to some, China is the next Al Qaeda, and that includes military and economic destruction of America!
'Especially HK at night... the HK skyline at night is really something else... even NYC skyline cannot really compare...'
Yep HK is beautiful, but I have met Whites and Jews working in HK who were saying that the West and Israel are more beautiful. And these Westerners have the nerve to say whenever an overseas Asian says his homeland is more beautiful, he is automatically deemed an 'unworthy'person. DOUBLE STANDARDS!
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 07:22:07 (PDT)
ABC who knows NYC and HK, HK may have a beautiful skyline, but NYC's is unique in its own right...you can't compare two cities whose foundations and structures are totally different. New York's charm is its history, it's architecture...not everything has to be new and shiny to be absolutely breathtaking. I admit that NYC's skyline has seen better days (pre 9/11), but who can't say that a picture of the Empire State Building or any building at night with the glowing city behind it isn't gorgeous?
Girl in Stuy HS   
Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 07:54:46 (PDT)
LSD, What's your love affair with HK when you live and collect unemployment checks in NYC??? Such love affair with a city that the British built on Chinese soil. So you can thank the Brits. Chinese could never of built such as place. I personally like Paris, I'm sure it'll would make HK look like another overcrowded concret, smelly dump. You think that's beautiful?
Starbucks suck   
Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 19:10:21 (PDT)
to LSD, all other New Yorkers:
One other unique thing about HK that somehow has been left out by other posters:
The natural scenery of HK is unparalleled; it is comparable with the most scenic world cities (maybe San Francisco or Vancouver are in a similar class)
Especially HK at night... the HK skyline at night is really something else... even NYC skyline cannot really compare...
So, HK qualifies as a truly beautiful city, unfortunately NYC cannot be called that.
ABC who knows NYC and HK   
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 16:17:41 (PDT)
Girl in Stuy HS,
Oh sty girl relax. You know you breathed in too much of the carcinogens when you ran across the bridge that day.
People aren't putting down NYC and our smelly subways.
They are just saying there are certain aspects of Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, HK and Shanghai that we don't have in NYC.
Like Night Markets or clean mass transits or the latest gizmo or the latest fashion for size 0 girlz.
AC Dropout....Bx sci guy   
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 09:58:37 (PDT)
It's true that NYC has diversity, but when it comes to excitement...I prefer HK for amusement. I have mentioned this before in the previous post.
And no, I am not trying to be ethnocentric. I have met several Whites who also think that Asian cities such as HK and Tokyo are more advanced and exciting. And the reason they said this, is because they have been to these places. Ask any average White American and they will tell you the only places they visted are in the Western Hemisphere. Speaking of ignorance.....! American cities including NYC are stale in comparision. Just AC has mentioned, they are like ghost towns!
And yes, I prefer HK because I'm Cantonese. But one thing, I would never live in HK, because it is a faster paced city, and people are cutthroat as hell.
Please do not compare Seoul with NYC or HK. It is not on par with these world class cities. I would never put Shanghai or Beijing on the level with NYC or HK!
I agree that NYC is sophisticated but HK is more....and talking about work ethic and income levels, many HKers and Japanese who live in NYC find it a 'breeze'. $2000/month apartment to a well to do HKer or Japanese is way too cheap.
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 07:11:42 (PDT)