

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, what is your attitude toward cosmetic surgery?
I would never consider undergoing it. | 42%
I might consider it in the future. | 27%
I am considering it. | 21%
I have had it performed. | 10%

Assuming you are an Asian woman willing to consider cosmetic surgery, which of the following procedures would you be most likely to consider?
Hip/thigh reduction | 4%
Breast augmentation | 33%
Reshaping the nose | 18%
Thinning the eyelids | 17%
Facelift | 8%
Removing skin irregularities | 20%

What is your attitude toward people who have had cosmetic surgery?
I have no particular feeling toward them. | 45%
I scorn them for being so vain and/or insecure. | 24%
I pity them for having the need to undergo it. | 23%
I envy them for being able to afford it. | 8%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To just sayin:

In my own defense, I said "I don't think Asians should do it specifically to look "white," IF that's why they are doing it." Meaning, that in my opinion, Asians who do specifically get the surgery to look like a white person (maybe no one has ever done it for this reason, who knows?) should reconsider. Or any other race, for that matter. I did not say that I believe that EVERYONE who gets the surgery is trying to look white. Just wanted to clear that up. (I don't think I'm all that, honestly.) The truth is, I didn't know why people have it done, that's why I asked. And it is true, not just white people have double lids, you are correct about that.

And Erin, if you would reread my post, I believe that you would not find "anger" or "emnity" in it, which you implied.

Sorry to disappoint:

Your name implies that you think I'm sad now because I know that Asians don't get their eyes done to look white. Why would I be sad? I said that I hope they DO NOT do it for this reason. Anyway...I did not realize that Asians had been getting eyelid surgery for so long. I guess I learn something new every day.

The original intent of my post was just to say that I like how Asian people's eyes look, that's it, not to make people mad. Sorry, you guys. :(
Asian eyes look nice to me. Still.    Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 10:25:58 (PDT)
I am a Asian woman. I am considering being done a plastic surgery. But I have little information about it, including that where I can find a good doctor, How much it cost, how long the time required to recover. would you tell me some information about it.
thank you very much.
Ms.Yvonne Ye    Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 10:24:59 (PDT)
Hey Josh
To your comment...I never thought i had the best looking nose in the world, but you know what? The only thing that makes me feel uncomfortable without makeup is my eyes. The only reason why i'm doing my eyes is so that it can look nice without eyeliner and i don't have to go through the hassle of putting it on all the time. I would be happy if my eyes without makeup can make me look the way i do with my eyelinered eyes now. Plus you don't know how my eyes look like without eyeliner so you don't have to comment that i shouldn't do my eyes and do my nose instead. The pics on my site i'm wearing eyeliner in all of them. I am comfortable with my nose thankyou. I'm not for a total face makeover...Just wanna do my eyes.

And to comment about wanting to look white. WF, I have to agree with the other people who posted. Today i had my eyelid consultation and I boldly stated to him that i do NOT want to go for the caucasian eyes look. I just want a bigger crease and showed him samples of other asian girls eyes that i liked.
Believe it or not, there is a large percentage of asians who are proud of their heritage...just the few percentage who oddly dislike their asian race. But that is another story. We asians are doing eyelid surgery to get those beautiful asian eyes that we liked on other asians.

Strawberry    Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 00:20:54 (PDT)
To WF-
So you say asians getting their eyelids altered means they aret trying to be white? That is pretty bold seeing as how white people aren't the only ones with double lids. Maybe we're trying to be black or hispanic. ;)

And if I went with the same argument, are white women who get Botox trying to be asian? Asian women in their 40's generally look a lot younger than their white counterparts... so we could argue that since they are trying to look "younger" for their age, they are trying to look asian. Pretty stupid, huh?

just sayin    Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 07:20:08 (PDT)
To Asian Eyes Look Nice to Me-
You are totally mistaken on the topic. 99% of asian people do not want to look white. In fact, the majority of us think we are a very beautiful people with our own unique features. Eyelid surgery has been very common in Asia long before Western media even reached there. What was our excuse then?

When an asian person gets their lids altered, the fact remains that they are still very asian. They don't look any more white compared to pre-surgery. And frankly, the goal is not to look like a white's to look like their asian sister or cousin who has the double lid which you've always thought was pretty.

sorry to disappoint    Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 07:14:48 (PDT)
I find it troublesome that anyone's choices regarding their bodies are being met with such criticism and anger. Such "holier than thou" attitudes simply breed intolerance and emnity.

Erin    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 20:00:14 (PDT)
TO "Asian eyes look nice to me",

some ppl have some pain with single eyelids only because their eyelashes point downwards sometimes, and into their eyes so they have it done to relieve discomfort.

I think the biggest misconception about have eyelid surgery is that asian do it to "look white"- and it really angers me to know that people are going around believing that... (u seem really nice and just to let you know, this is not a direct attack on you or anything, just my opinion in general.. )

First of all, for ppl to say that asians considering this procedure do it because they want to look WHITE- i truly believe that this reasoning was brought about by arrogant westerners who think they are the epitomy of all that is beautiful - as if everyone wants to be like them... (?!) just about every race in the world has "double eyelids" - why is it assumed that we 'want to be white' and not of another race? all in all, i think it's stupid because people don't even realize that most ASIAN ppl have double eyelids naturally!! why then, would people not just assume that we are trying to achieve a standard of beauty that is present among our very own ASIAN counterparts?

i had the surgery done myself, i think single eyelids are beautiful on many asian faces, and not so appealing on others.. wide eyes have been considered beautiful in every culture, even before asia starting becoming westernized (from media, etc.. )

for those ppl wanting surgery for the wrong reasons and those FEW ppl who may be out there disillusioned enough to think that their asian features will disappear with a few surgeries -THAT'S another story..

but the point is, i don't think this surgery should be associated with asian wanting to be anything else than asian. i am, and have always been proud to be asian.
skittles    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 11:48:58 (PDT)