

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, what is your attitude toward cosmetic surgery?
I would never consider undergoing it. | 42%
I might consider it in the future. | 27%
I am considering it. | 21%
I have had it performed. | 10%

Assuming you are an Asian woman willing to consider cosmetic surgery, which of the following procedures would you be most likely to consider?
Hip/thigh reduction | 4%
Breast augmentation | 33%
Reshaping the nose | 18%
Thinning the eyelids | 17%
Facelift | 8%
Removing skin irregularities | 20%

What is your attitude toward people who have had cosmetic surgery?
I have no particular feeling toward them. | 45%
I scorn them for being so vain and/or insecure. | 24%
I pity them for having the need to undergo it. | 23%
I envy them for being able to afford it. | 8%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
hi strawberry,
thanks for your openness about your surgery. i'm very curious to know how your healing is going now and if you were planning to put new pics up on your website anytime soon? i'd love any info you have as i am going to have a consultation in about a month.
gloria    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 23:31:02 (PDT)
strawberry-- where can I buy the glue?? I def don't want to go in for surgery, but would like something for backup when I've been crying...
egirl    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 21:47:42 (PDT)
It didn't seem that recent when I realized I could have the shape of my eyes changed. I've been using scotch tape (pre-shaped them myself) on my eyelids to create a fold since I was 13, and now I'm 20 yrs old. Sometimes, my crease stays tucked in for the whole day and sometimes it doesn't. I practically wore it everyday to train the muscle in the crease to stay in place like a beauty routine. Worked for me only temporarily. But now, I might as well get my eyes done since the skin is stretching a bit and it would fit my profile. My dad has double eyelids. Funny, that I didn't inherit that feature from him. A decade ago, I would oppose to having surgery but y'know, thank god for the surgeons out there. If you ever get into an accident and lose a nose, an arm, a leg and such, that's what's surgeons are there for. I think the reason for plastic surgery is to make you feel good about yourself, supposedly. Making some changes aren't all bad. It all comes down to money. I need money to finance this procedure. For those who are interested in getting an eyelid crease but don't want to undergo surgery, then check out this site about a non-surgical eyelift. Here
Linoa    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 18:26:12 (PDT)

Julie and Strawberry,

Thanks for the advice on the eyelid tape. Although could you tell me where I can order or get some of this precut eyelid tape? I live near Chicago so I've been thinking of looking in the Korea town there, but I don't even know if they sell it there. The kind I've tried is just the ordinary double sided tape which works okay but such a hassle. One thing I'm worried about if I give this tape thing a try everyday, is if people will notice the sudden change in my eyes from creaseless to double and whether it looks unnatural. I'm also worried that the tape will come undone during the day and I won't even notice. Has anyone out there who has used the tape encountered these issues before?
Creaseless    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 16:56:48 (PDT)
I desperately need the surgery. I think my nose grows bigger and bigger every day. I put alcohol on it to make it shrink. But I want it to be nice and medium sized naturally. This is really killing me. Strawberry, so you're saying that I can finance it? I think that would be a great idea as I am only a poor college student. I might have to do it next summer though because I don't want anyone to know I done it.
Amy Lau    Friday, August 16, 2002 at 18:08:24 (PDT)

i used to use eyelid tape- it worked pretty well for me but i don't think it's true about it making a crease later without the tape. it's only temporary.. like- u can tape yur eyes, take the tape off, and it'll stay for a few hours but then u go to sleep and u'll hafta do it again
julie    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 15:26:34 (PDT)
To Creaseless Eyes
About 2 weeks before my eyelid surgery i tried the tape and even the glue...just to see what i may look like after the surgery. I didn't have success with neither. The tape didn't work well on me and the glue was better but didn't look that natural. But i have heard about other people who have used those with great success. I've heard of alot of people who have used the tape like you said and after a couple of years the eyelids just automatically become double lidded permanently. With the tape i didn't try the wearing it at night method but maybe i should've tried that years ago to see if it could've happened for me. But honestly, i didn't even think about eyelid surgery until 7 months ago.
To Amy Lau
My eyelid surgery was a bit was $2500 canadian plus $80 for the consultation fee. I paid by debit. You can actually finance the surgery if you're strapped for cash...or pay by visa.
Strawberry    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 00:47:50 (PDT)
Has anyone had any success with eyelid tape to get a doublelid on creaseless eyes? Is it true that after wearing it for a while it will create a double lid without tape? I've also heard that some women wear this tape to sleep and then have double eyelids the next morning. I've tried this for the past couple weeks with no success.
creaseless eyes    Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 19:06:57 (PDT)
I don"tt think that anyone needs to undergo and kind of surgery to make themselves look better! you're perfect the way that you are!!! i have a big scar on my face and i scar from everything from shaving cuts to cat scratches! sometimes people even compliment me on my scar on my face because it makes me look unique!!! you are beautiful!!! don't ever let anyone say that you're not!
thugmissy    Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 20:52:35 (PDT)
I desperately am in need of cosmetic surgery, I need to get my nose done. Every day I see this nose I feel worse and worse. however it is too expensive. around $5000. Is there anyway I can finance it. How do you guys get your surgeries done?>
Amy Lau    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 14:13:48 (PDT)
I had my eyes done 8 days ago. The stitches were out yesterday. It actually wasn't painful at all, the procedure (I was dead asleep) nor the healing process. The only thing that gave a little pain was removing the stitches. It was over in less than a minute or two though. The first week your eyes are very uncomfortable though, you can only keep your eyes open for a period of time before it feels very irritated and uncomfortable.
I think if i had to re-experience my surgery and healing so far, the only thing i would dread is the removal of the stitches.
Anyway, my left eye crease is healing alot quicker than my right, although the bruising surrounding my left eye is taking longer to fade. It is almost gone now, just a yellowing colour. The right crease is still bumpy and more swollen which makes it look bigger than my left eye, but they said that the healing is not always semetrical and it's too soon to judge the final results. I was told to expect my final results between a month to two months.
If anyone has any questions because you're interested in getting your eyes done too, feel free to ask.
Strawberry    Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 18:53:36 (PDT)
Hi taller wannabe,

be careful what you wish for -- all that plastic injected into your body can't be good for you. And you're only 16!! give yourself a chance to like your own face and body! When I was 16, I hated my face and body, but by the time I was 20 or 21, my looks became actually fashionable and I was actually hired to be a model. So you never know ... give yourself a chance.
chicky poo    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 17:20:38 (PDT)
I think Strawberry looks nice, and it's really rude that some of you comment on her nose. She doesn't need anything done if you ask me but if changing her eyes makes her happy, then she should go for it.
Kate    Friday, August 02, 2002 at 13:12:30 (PDT)