

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, what is your attitude toward cosmetic surgery?
I would never consider undergoing it. | 42%
I might consider it in the future. | 27%
I am considering it. | 21%
I have had it performed. | 10%

Assuming you are an Asian woman willing to consider cosmetic surgery, which of the following procedures would you be most likely to consider?
Hip/thigh reduction | 4%
Breast augmentation | 33%
Reshaping the nose | 18%
Thinning the eyelids | 17%
Facelift | 8%
Removing skin irregularities | 20%

What is your attitude toward people who have had cosmetic surgery?
I have no particular feeling toward them. | 45%
I scorn them for being so vain and/or insecure. | 24%
I pity them for having the need to undergo it. | 23%
I envy them for being able to afford it. | 8%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I got my eyelids done 2 months ago...he didn't do a good job. First of all, he didn't do the crease the way i wanted it...i didn't want it attached to the inner part of my eye but he did it anyway. And the worst thing is that my right eye, the beginning of the crease line sticks out instead of sinks in. So it's like a raised scar. But i am now in the States and i'm not going back til May so the doctor can't see how bad it is. It's not that noticeable unless you stare at it but it is there and i hate it!
This doctor is Dr. Middleton from Toronto...NEVER get a surgery from him cause he obviously doesn't listen and doesn't know what he's doing. He is also very rude but most of all, he doesn't know what the hell he's doing when it comes to asians. So PLEASE do not go to him. I feel like he's made this a traumatic experience for me...I should've listened to my gut instinct after the consultation with him. He didn't listen at all.
I am planning on getting a correction done in California in a year or so from now at the Asian Eyelid Center if things don't get better. That place does alot of corrections.

The bottom line of this post is don't ever go to Dr. William Middleton in Toronto. He is a total jerk!
Strawberry    Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 00:19:13 (PDT)    []
TK Chang,
My dentist thought I should get jaw surgery also to re-align my teeth, but I'm afraid it would hurt. Was it very painful? How much did it cost?
just wondering    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 13:59:37 (PDT)    []
Jackie Chan had eyelids surgery back in the 70s or 80s, by the way.
T'K Chang    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 13:25:31 (PDT)    []
First of all, I am an Asian MAN. I had two cosmetic surgeries in the past two years: LASIK and orthognathic surgery. I consider LASIK (i.e., laser vision correction) as a cosmetic surgery because it is not covered by most health insurance plans and classified as such by health professionals and industry.

I wasn't specifically looking to have cosmetic surgeries. I signed on for the surgeries for non-cosmetic purposes, but I received cosmetic benefits from them. I had LASIK because I hated wearing glasses. The eye surgery has allowed me to have the freedom and confidence to participate in intense workouts and water sports, which in turn gives me a better body and further improves my confidence. The orthognathic (jaw bones) surgery was an integral part of my orthodontic treatment. The jaw surgery greatly altered my facial features by giving me more prominent cheek bones, lower jaw bone and straighter, prettier teeth. The jaw surgery was a major but routine surgery. Both treatments have greatly enhanced my appearance.

The most important benefit of the cosmetic surgeries is a gradual and HUGE improvement in my SELF-ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE. Before my first surgery, I had never paid much attention to my appearance or facial features. But today, whenever I look into mirrors, I KNOW I look much better than I was before. Women started to pay more attention to me (yes, it's obvious.) I started to have better luck with women. I definitely feel much better about myself because of the surgeries.

I used to be against all forms of cosmetic surgery. In fact, I had waited years before finally decided to get braces for my teeth because I didn't want to have the jaw surgery, which was an absolutely required part of the complete treatment. Now that I have had good experiences in cosmetic surgery, my attitute and opinion has changed. I actually look forward to have few more cosmetic surgery to improve my appearance. I will most probably have operations on my eyelids and nose. I will have hair transplant if I start going bald.
T'K Chang    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 13:20:09 (PDT)    []

hmm i smell jealousy in the air

jc there are no permanent techniques which will give you a double eyelid (besides surgery). but there are some makeup tricks that will make your eyes look more double eye lidded.
AsianBeauty    Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 16:01:07 (PDT)    []
hhahahhaha- Yo, that's too funny. I kinda agree. egirl- What's your point? and what's being a control freak have to do with anything.

"there are pros and cons to having a beautiful face, but for the most part, they are probably pros"- What the #### is that?! hahahahaa
Danny boy    Friday, September 27, 2002 at 22:50:27 (PDT)    []
yo julie:
you sound like you're having a bad day... you're looking for the negative and as a result, have twisted what I intended to say. Although my post may have seemed out of place to you, I merely intended it to add an insight from my own experiences with feeling insecure and being short and feeling like it kept me from doing something.

Where's _your_ contribution to the topic, Miss Control Freak?
eurasiangirl    Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 00:49:18 (PDT)    []
hey egirl,

take a look at the topic, this ain't a place for your superficial self to brag about how much u love yourself. get off that high horse of yours and get the hell out of the message posts. if u wanna talk about how beautiful u think you are (despite how short u are), take your narcissism somewhere else.
julie    Monday, September 23, 2002 at 22:17:48 (PDT)    []
crista: I'm 5'2" 95 lbs and modelled on and off for 5 years. I did have agencies turn me away for my height or my look or whatever other reason. But anyway I did mostly face stuff (makeup, skincare) and it was fun. I would have continued but I'm 21 and too busy with college. I personally love being short, but that's probably because I have few insecurities about my appearance. The main reason for this is that over the years I've realized how unimportant are in the general scheme of things. For me, I feel best about myself when I'm on top of things in school, and having a great time with the people close to me in my life and when I'm really psyched about what I'm doing with my life. None of those things are based on my looks, much less my height or weight!
Anyway, Crista, you're lucky that you're beautiful, and don't ever feel "gypped" for being short because reality is, you have the face and the pesonality to attract guys. Sure, there are pros and cons to having a beautiful face, but for the most part, they are probably pros! Just one less thing holding you back from doing good in the world. For me, I dealt with the "guy problems" by just keeping in mind at all times what kind of person I wanted to keep close (someone who was interested than just my appearance, someone with an interesting insight about the world) and ignored the rest! It might seem a little snooty, but in the end, it's more honest AND nice.
egirl    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 18:55:17 (PDT)    []
Actually, you can still make a lot of money modeling if you're short. For example, a lot of the import models like Tila Nguyen are barely over 5'0" tall but they have quite the fan following. You just gotta have the right "look" and proportions to be model.

my cousin who is only 5'2" and 95lbs is drop dead gorgeous and does a lot of modeling in the LA area also.
dpj    Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 11:58:11 (PDT)    []
does anyone know any non-surgical techniques that can get u double eyelid?!?! not including tape or glue.. i mean eyes exercises or something.. or anything else! please tell!! thanks!
jc    Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 14:45:24 (PDT)    []
has anyone had that eyelid surgery the "noncutting" method where they only use stitches and then twist them to make them stay? sounds like a nice alternative for those of us that don't have the eye crease. but does anyone know if someone has their eyes done this way and are not pleased, can it be undone? inotherwords, can the stitches be removed?
jessica    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 20:43:20 (PDT)    []
Hi taller wannabe,
I am not a very tall girl, only 5'2, but i have no problems getting dates. In fact im having too much guy troubles if you ask me, i try to be nice to tell them i only want to be friends but no guys want to hear that friendship speech. I wish i was taller only for one reason, for me. Because everyone tells me its such a waste i wasnt tall cuz i could probably make a lot of money modeling, so i guess there is a price to everything. Would you rather be short with tons of hotties or tall with hardly nothing??
Crista    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 20:29:40 (PDT)    []
For those of you would like to have a double eyelid without surgery, check out this website "". I email them a few months ago and they replied the next day. The cost of the procedure is pretty reasonable. I hope this can help a little bite for those who want double eyelid.
karen kwan    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 11:39:01 (PDT)    []
what is double eye glue?
??    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 09:13:36 (PDT)    []
I have had Cosmetic surgery on my nose! If I had it to do all over again I would!
Young mom of 3    Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 19:59:24 (PDT)    []
even though i don't know much about plastic surgery, me and my friends agree that it is a matter of why are you doing it and did someone else make you do it. if i were in an accident and i needed reconstructive surgery, i would do it! on the other hand, if you're doing it because your boyfriend wants you to look better, then you have problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
us girls*    Friday, September 13, 2002 at 15:01:47 (PDT)    []
Anyone Looking For Double Eye Glue?
I know where you can order some! I order from this person:
She gets it from Japan.
I haven't tried the tape yet, but I love using the glue. I don't go anywhere with out it.
I hope the post helps other "crease-less" people out=)
Cherry Blossom    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 18:56:01 (PDT)    []
i live in California, in the bay area.
i'm an asian female looking to get her nose done. but can anyone recommend a good plastic surgeon who does asian nose or who has experience doing asian nose.

looking for surgeon who does asian nose    Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 16:44:06 (PDT)
I live in Portland, Oregon and i haven't been able to find the glue or tape here anywhere. When i went to Toronto, Cananda where i'm originally from 5 weeks ago i found the tape and glue at Market Village and Pacific Mall for any of you who live in Toronto. Here in Oregon i've even looked in Japanese stores and couldn't find them. So i'm not sure exactly where you can find those items in your cities...except to try any asian beauty stores like korean, chinese or japanese stores. But the eyelid tape is actually only sticky on one side and i couldn't get it to work on my eyes. The glue didn't look that natural on me. But other people have had better luck.

My eyes are going through the phase where it's swollen more in the morning and get better during the evening. Today is exactly three weeks since my surgery. When i work, my eyes get tired after an hour or so. But today i was able to work for 7 hours and my eyes didn't feel as bad as the other days this week. It becomes tight and irritated feeling after it's opened too long. It wasn't as bad today though so i'm glad. It also looked alot better. I started wearing a bit of eyeliner the other day when i work to make me look less tired since the crease is swollen still. I am getting impatient with the healing process but it actually takes a couple of months to 6 months before your eyes fall into the positon and shape it's suppose to be at.
I will post a new pic of me on my webpage in about two months from now, or once it's about all healed.
Good luck on your consultation!

Amy Lau,
Look online and some will talk about financing your surgery. Or if you go in for a consultation, ask them about financing.
Strawberry    Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 00:31:35 (PDT)