

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, what is your attitude toward cosmetic surgery?
I would never consider undergoing it. | 42%
I might consider it in the future. | 27%
I am considering it. | 21%
I have had it performed. | 10%

Assuming you are an Asian woman willing to consider cosmetic surgery, which of the following procedures would you be most likely to consider?
Hip/thigh reduction | 4%
Breast augmentation | 33%
Reshaping the nose | 18%
Thinning the eyelids | 17%
Facelift | 8%
Removing skin irregularities | 20%

What is your attitude toward people who have had cosmetic surgery?
I have no particular feeling toward them. | 45%
I scorn them for being so vain and/or insecure. | 24%
I pity them for having the need to undergo it. | 23%
I envy them for being able to afford it. | 8%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
You mentioned that you had a consultation with Dr. Chen. Is there a reason why he suggested you to get a revision in a few years? Also, did you have eyelid surgery before since you're getting a revision and if so, what do you want corrected?
Also, in the photos he showed you of befores and afters, were their eyes done nicely in your opinion?
Thanks so much.
I'm really considering a revision next year with him.
Strawberry    Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 16:03:44 (PDT)    []
My bro thinks Lucy Liu is sexy, especially her eyes- very mysterious and inaccessible. Same with Zhang Ziyi's eyes. They're very peircing; very strong eyes.
Crea    Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 11:48:28 (PDT)    []
zhangziyi or coco lee have epicanthic folds and I don't think any one could think they have plastic surgery. usually when a slanted eye person has eye surgery he/she has pronounced eyelids afterwards. I like eyes like those of zhangziyi
storm    Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 01:18:44 (PDT)    []
The annoying thing about eye-lid surgery is that it creates a stereotype that all Asians with "folded" eyelids had surgery in order for their eyes to look that way. Some asians are born with it, some aren't. So what? Single eyelids are considered to be "sexier" anyways. There are a lot of girls I've seen(and no, I am not gay)that have single-eye lids, and guess what? Guys "dig" they're eyes. Dark and shapely, chiseled-like. Single-lids have a kind of beauty that is distinctly asian, and Sure there are some people whose single eye lids make them look bland and boring, but there are also some people whose folded eyelids give that same effect too. In any case, what I personally don't understand is, why do so many fobs get eye-lid surgury, but don't get braces??? I'm sure there are alot of people who know what I am talking about. All these pretty fobs(with natural eyes, or surgically enhanced eyes, ugh. who knows, can't tell)with horrrrrriiiibly horrendous teeth! It's like they crack a smile, and it's alllll over.

why spend money on your eyes when you can get braces???
single lids and proud!    Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 21:01:14 (PDT)    []

I agree! What's wrong with single-lid eyes? They can be very beautiful. "double-lid" eyes can be very ugly too. It goes both ways.
me    Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 20:44:59 (PDT)    []
Hey Toto
Dr. Chen's full name is Dr. William Chen.
Strawberry    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 21:31:35 (PDT)    []
No offense or anything, but it's impossible to go around screaming "Asian Pride", but on the other hand, getting plastic surgery on your eyes and using scotch tape in unnatural ways. It's like you hate your Asian features and want to get away from them or something. Seriously, some people with double eyelids are extremelyl ugly, and some people with single eyelids are really beautiful, and vice versa. I don't think it's as much the eyelids as the eyes themselves, which can portray a variety of expressions(which is why I also look down on the whole scotch taping/keeping eyes open wider than they're natural capacity...please, it makes people look like stuffed bunnies).
person    Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 21:22:26 (PDT)    []
Is your surgery the 31st of October? If so good luck on it. And who did you decide to get your surgery done by?
Please keep us posted and let us know how everything goes.
All the best to you!
Strawberry    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 14:41:20 (PDT)    []
Hi Girls,
Can someone please give me Dr. Chen's full name
I live in CA, and are considering 4 differect surgeons for Rhinoplasty (namely nose implant to bring up the bridge and some nasal tip refinement)

One is Dr. Peter Nguyen in Orange County, his website is really cool, go onto if you want to see his work, Second is Dr. Joseph Wong in Toronto, is he good???
Third, Dr. Robert Kure and lastly Dr. Won Bae

Does anyone out there who's had or who know of someone who had a rhino done by these surgeons? Does anyone know how long is the recovery time, and does it bruise and swell a lot? When can I see my results?

Know anything about them?? Any comments??
Please help!! I am so confused as to which is the best for me.


toto    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 14:27:44 (PDT)    []

[FYI, we don't allow posts to promote websites for plastic surgeons. --Ed]
Hi Gloria:

With the regular scotch tape it is visible, so it does show. I cut the tape and shape it like they do on the site. For a wide crease I just cut a piece of tape 1/2 cm in width and cut the corners off. Somehow, it does work for me. I've been able to create a double eyelid since wearing the tape for many years. But it's not permanent- the fold doesn't stay tucked in for long. Sorry to say, there's no method to help train the crease to stay fixated.
I haven't tried Claven's clear double eyelid tapes yet; I tried to order but the order form page doesn't seem to go through. I'd imagine that their tape would work better b/c it's adhesive on both sides and it's clear. It wouldn't hurt to try them, but I still use the scotch tape as it's more convenient for me until I have the surgery on the 31st.
Linoa    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 09:41:05 (PDT)    []
american born taiwanese,
Wow, you are so cool. I have a single eyelid. I wish more guys were like you. You have excellent taste ;) I also agreed with what you said about character.
Bonkers (aka AA)    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 21:37:36 (PDT)    []
from a "double lidded" guy... haha... actually asian women with double or single lid all look equally beautiful. Remember what you have originally gives you that thing called 'character'. it is who you are , don't change a thing about yourselves women. Recently I've gotten to know a very hot girl who has beautiful single lid eyes... doncha know girls like this look sexy and mysterious. also i love the way your eyes look when you smile and laugh. hmmm love dark eyes...
american born taiwanese    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 20:03:01 (PDT)    []
gloria, what's the site you were looking at? i'm interested about tape too.
;)    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 17:51:14 (PDT)    []
I tried to post Dr. Wong's website but it didn't post.
Strawberry    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 15:04:36 (PDT)    []

[That's because we don't allow posts that advertise or endorse businesses. --Ed]
Hey Gloria
Thanks for the info about Dr. Chen...that really makes me feel even more positive about going to see him in the future. I'm actually living in Portland, Oregon right now so it shouldn't be a problem for me to go the VIP service that he has. I think Dr. Chen sounds like he really knows what he's doing...with all the books he's written and stuff. My sister in law also lives in LA so i shouldn't have a problem. But i don't have time until next year cause in May is my sister's wedding in Toronto. So i'm thinking that a few months after her wedding i'll go see Dr. Chen.
Thanks for the info. Did he say how much he charges for it by the way? Did his samples look good that you saw?
Strawberry    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 15:02:08 (PDT)    []
how effective was the scotch tape on your eyes? did it show when you looked down? i checked that site out about the eyelid tape and it looks good. have you tried it? i have the double lid but one of my lids are assymetric and so i've been thinking of the tape as opposed to surgery. i look forward to your reply!
gloria    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 16:18:05 (PDT)    []
No offense,

but do you morons realize that by getting eyelid surgery you're merely sweeping the proverbial dust under the rug?

Let's assume for discussions' sake that you all have hangups about your eyelids. Perhaps you find single eyelids ugly. Perhaps you're afraid that some men would prefer double eyelids (I for one, don't care.).

At any rate, your slicing up your face won't do diddly squat in the end because the single-eyelids are in your genes. I dont' have a complete understanding of genetics, but if you marry another single-eyelidded male, you'll probably pop out a kid with single eyelids too. Even if you marry a dude with double eyelids, there's still a chance that the kid will have single eyelids. Now, imagine that you met and fell in love with a man who (regardless of whether or not he has single eyelids and has a complex about that himself) married you partly because he found your surgically enhanced double eyelids (but he wouldn't know that, would he? ;) ) attractive. Unless you tell him upfront that you had your eyes done, you would basically be taking him for a ride. It's probably unlikey that he'll dump you for not having natural double lids, esp. since he went as far as to marry you, but there's a chance that he might feel a LITTLE bit slighted by your little cover up.

So anyway, all I'm saying is that I don't give a flying crap if a girl has single eyelids or not. If a girl is hot, she's hot. Eyelids have nothing to do with that, unless you have a complex about it. I don't.

It's sad how you had to resort to mutilation, and now you have to deal with getting touch ups every few years... don't go Micheal Jackson's way, your eyelids might fall off like his nose does. Lolz.
Feel sorry for you...    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 16:13:28 (PDT)    []
strawberry and linoa-
i recently had a consult with dr. chen in CA and he is really really nice! he is very calm and listens and seems like he cares. he's in his late 40s and he seems very fatherly.....his office is very busy but he took the time to talk to me. they have a ton of pictures too! i know you guys live in canada but they have a VIP service with a local hotel where it cost only $62 a night which also provides free shuttle service to and from the hospital and to and from the airport. dr. chen recommended that i wait a couple more years for revision and i really trust him b/c i'm sure there are a lot of doctors that would have taken my money right away. i really really suggest that you spend the extra money and see him b/c in the long tun whats a couple hundred dollars to seeing the best doctor. i'm not sure if he is the best. but from what i can tell by talking wiht the surgery coordinator there, her name in barabar, and visiting and seeing all their pictures...he seems really really reputable....this middleton guy sounds horrible!!! plus spend the money on airfare and go see dr. chen!! let me know how things go! wishing you the best!
gloria    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 16:09:45 (PDT)    []
Yeah, Dr. M never specifically said that he did those eyes on his samples page. I never asked him.
Strawberry    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 14:13:18 (PDT)    []
If you all only knew what really happens in plastic surgery and the problems that occur--infection, bleeding, seroma formation, hemtoma formation, etc. Not worth the price.
Jux Rux    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 11:19:48 (PDT)    []