Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American woman, what is your attitude toward cosmetic surgery?
I would never consider undergoing it. |
I might consider it in the future. |
I am considering it. |
I have had it performed. |
Assuming you are an Asian woman willing to consider cosmetic surgery, which of the following procedures would you be most likely to consider?
Hip/thigh reduction |
Breast augmentation |
Reshaping the nose |
Thinning the eyelids |
Facelift |
Removing skin irregularities |
What is your attitude toward people who have had cosmetic surgery?
I have no particular feeling toward them. |
I scorn them for being so vain and/or insecure. |
I pity them for having the need to undergo it. |
I envy them for being able to afford it. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hi Linda:
I have a tube of Double Eyelid Glue that I can give to you. I've used it only once. It didn't work that well for me. If you're interested in having it, then email me if you'd like and I could send it to you. Maybe you'd have better luck w/ it.
Linoa puresnowpureheart@hotmail.com   
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 08:52:03 (PST)
Hi Linda,
How much did you pay for your surgery? Please keep us posted on how does it go.
Hi Strawberry,
Thank you for your information. I went to the website. I want to see some sample pictures that show Dr.Chen's work, but i couldn't find in the website;therefor, I will e-mail to Dr.Chen and ask some question that i want to know.
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 15:17:16 (PST)
it depends on the person i think.. what state are u living in?
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 14:38:09 (PST)
I also experienced hematoma on my left eye as well. It was minor and easily taken care of. I noticed that in Korea, the Drs. allow the stitches to remain in only for 3 or 4 days max. Here in the states they remove them after 7 days. I was concerned and mentioned this to my doctor to which he replied: "there will be less scarring if the stiches are removed sooner. If stitches are left in more than 4 days, your eyelids will appear to have "pierced" skin where the thread was placed." Oh, btw...the swelling will drastically reduce by the minute once the stitches are removed and the bruising will disappear soon after. Hope you like your "new" eyes!
rubyskies rubyskies1@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 11:10:39 (PST)
Anybody used eye lid glue before, or tape? Does it work? Where can you buy them? I wanna use these until I save up enough $$$ for eyelid surgery. Any info would help,Thanks!!
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 09:59:41 (PST)
Hiya everyone,
I had my eyes done on Oct 31st by Dr. Middelton. Same procedure as Strawberry's, I suppose. My experience? Not too much discomfort at all after the surgery and wasn't nauseous which was good. I'm going through the healing process; my eyes are stiff, sore, puffy, and there's even some yellow and purple bruises. I have a bit of hematoma; some blood trapped underneath the skin of my upper lefty. I'm going back this Thursday to have the stiches removed and hopefully get the blood drained out. The doc was nice to me but his staff were more nice and patient with me. Middleton made my eyelid crease deeper and complete. Email me if you'd like to see a pic of my eyes before the surgery. What did I lose from the surgery? Well, my money. Lol. But I'm still me, more or less. My eyelids aren't plastic, it's still my skin. Though I did regret having it done at some point.
Linoa puresnowpureheart@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 19:32:10 (PST)
Hey Shellie,
"Like any surgery, cosmetic and facial surgeries carry an inherent risk. Your health should be screened by your cosmetic surgeon before the procedure. However, in the hands of a specialist surgeon, your risks are minimal. The chance of infection are especially small when done in a well-equipped surgical facility. Bruising and swelling are normal, temporary by-products of surgery and are quick to go away. Bleeding and hematoma [the pooling of blood] are extremely uncommon but should they arise, they are easy to control. Although every effort is made to keep scars as inconspicuous as possible, they are the inevitable result of surgery. In most cases, scars will begin to fade gradually and will eventually become barely noticeable. As in any surgical undertaking, other risks are possible. Any concerns you have should be discussed thoroughly with your surgeon prior to surgery."
(quoted from Dr. Wong's website)
Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 19:01:33 (PST)
Korean Barbie [post of October 20, 2002]:
Your are right on the money. Eyes that haven't been tampered with are da bomb.
Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 18:11:05 (PST)
Hi Shellie,
Everyone's face will begin to sag at a later point in their life whether they've had surgery or not. It's an inevitable part of natural aging. However, having your eyes done now may delay the appearance of aging because often excess eyelid skin is removed during the process. As for where to get eyelid surgery...Korea! No other place has as much state of the art procedures and extensive experience. Don't bargain or go anywhere else for your eyes. Any other type of surgery can be well satisfied here in the states.
rubyskies rubyskies1@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 11:13:41 (PST)
!Hey! i've also been thinking about getting my eyes done including my nose and a face lift but im afraid that this will do lots of damage as it goes later on in life. what are the risk anyways? im afraid to get it down because i heard that it only last 10 years after that your face starts to sagg is this true? this is probably the only reason im afraid to get plastic surgery done. but i had also wonder; should i get it done in korea? i mean i've seen lots of korena star that are so pretty and it was because of plastic surgery. i want to be as pretty as they are too but there are too many risk.
should i?
anyways..if anyone knows where i can get information regardless if its off the internet by phone ect anything i want to know.
email me
shellie shellythao15@hotmail.com   
Monday, November 04, 2002 at 15:53:09 (PST)
Hey strawberry,
Don't worry too much about your eyes sweetie. Just give it more time. In Korea, 8 out of 10 girls/women have this performed. Even the ones who already have double eyelids go in to have it made larger or deeper or to change the shape. In the first month or so, all the girls hate the results but then results always turn out great before the 6 months time. I'm more than happy to talk about my experience wiht anyone.
rubyskies rubyskies1@yahoo.com   
Monday, November 04, 2002 at 14:30:49 (PST)
The Dr. is a close family friend so I only paid $1,000 vs the average price of $1,400. I've paid way more for just a purse! hehehe. When it comes to double eyelid surgery... Korea is the absolute best. My Dr. performs 10 of these surgeries in any given day. In fact most doctors only specialize in double eyelid surgery.
Monday, November 04, 2002 at 12:48:16 (PST)
Hi Cynthia,
I would suggest you to see Dr. Chen in California. He is the founder of the Asian Eyelid Surgery Center. If you want the website you can email me.
I am planning to get a correction done.
By the way, an update on my eyes, they are looking better now. I am still going to get a correction cause i want the crease deeper and longer across, i don't like how it's kinda rounded. But it does look alot better...the right eyecrease is still a little screwed looking but it's not that noticeable anymore.
Strawberry StrawberryWild78@hotmail.com   
Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 23:32:44 (PST)
Well maybe some people might say that gals undergo cosmetic surgery are very vain. Most people who has this attitude are always the ones who has double eyelids...but people who do not have double eyelids may not have confidence to talk to anyone or feel inferior at times...
Why double eyelids   
Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 06:31:13 (PST)
Hi Rubyskies,
I am so happy for you. I have been thinking to get my eyes done for a years but i don't know where should I get it done. I live in Toronto now. The only surgeon i know is Dr.Middleton, but after Strawberry's story, i don't think i can trust him anymore. Some of my friends suggest me to go to Korea to get it done, but i don't have any information about it. After i read your story, i am more consider to get it done in Korea. Could you give more information to me. e.g where did you done it(address in Korea)? by whom? the cost? the website address? how long you need to stay in Korea?.... I know they don't allow you to post the website address in here, could you please e-mail the information to me. Thank you so so much!
Cynthia cynthiakwan16@hotmail.com   
Friday, November 01, 2002 at 21:25:56 (PST)
I'm so glad that you are so happy with your results!
How much did it cost you in american dollars?
Friday, November 01, 2002 at 14:39:35 (PST)
I just had double eyelid surgery! I went to Korea to have mine done a month ago and I'm very satisfied with the results! My eyes are very round and much larger than before. I've been told that I have the cute innocent girl look, like a highschooler (i'm 28 yrs old). The best part about the surgery is that my eyelashes appear nearly twice as longer...i'm so excited!
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 15:39:18 (PST)
I think that if you would like to get it, then that's fine. It's your body do whatever you want to it!
thida thida023@aol.com   
Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 21:57:51 (PST)
korean barbie you are right on. that is one reason i find myself attracted to k girls... it's funny since i have the crease and 'nice eyes' or so i've been told. yet i am attracted to both types of Asian eyes, with or without the crease
taiwanese guy   
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 23:15:09 (PDT)
To Nao
I am considering to get my nose and eyes done in Japan. Could you tell more about it? Where did you get it done? Do you like the result? Do you know some good surgeon? Please tell me about it!!
Thank you!
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 21:49:23 (PDT)
Asians should just leave their eyes alone. Double lids look good on Caucasians because they have high brow bones, which causes the lid to fold, due to the pressure of gravity. I've seen an Asian who looked good with double lid surgery, but she had a lot of fat under her lids, like a baby. If you don't have much fat under the lids, you may end up looking like an alien. Who wants to have fake lids? The only good surgery is the one that looks real.
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 10:34:08 (PDT)
Hey Panncake,
Where are you going to do your surgery at? Please keep us posted on how everything goes.
Best of luck to you,
Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 15:49:06 (PDT)
cosmetic surgery is great for one's self image & confidence but too much surgery is just unattractive.
beauty expert   
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 19:05:02 (PDT)
Asian eyes without the crease are far more exotic and attractive!
Korean barbie none   
Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 16:08:21 (PDT)
Made an appt for eyelid surgery. Doing it really soon. Big decision in my life after yrs of taping...
Panncake panncake@singnet.com.sg   
Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 04:26:44 (PDT)
Anyone out there ever have or know of someone who had surgery with Dr. Joseph Wong? (Toronto, Canada)
I am thinking of going to Dr. Wong to get my nose done, anyone know anything about this Dr.?
Friday, October 18, 2002 at 10:13:51 (PDT)