Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American woman, what is your attitude toward cosmetic surgery?
I would never consider undergoing it. |
I might consider it in the future. |
I am considering it. |
I have had it performed. |
Assuming you are an Asian woman willing to consider cosmetic surgery, which of the following procedures would you be most likely to consider?
Hip/thigh reduction |
Breast augmentation |
Reshaping the nose |
Thinning the eyelids |
Facelift |
Removing skin irregularities |
What is your attitude toward people who have had cosmetic surgery?
I have no particular feeling toward them. |
I scorn them for being so vain and/or insecure. |
I pity them for having the need to undergo it. |
I envy them for being able to afford it. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hi Meemee,
I don't know anybody personally who's had multiple surgeries done on their eyes but I know for sure that it's not uncommon. I've seen many websites where they show pictures of befores and afters that are people who have gotten mulitple surgeries already and still going in to get a correction and everything is fine after. You can email me and i could email you those sites just to let you see their results afterwards.
Which doctor did you go to? I too got unsatisfying results...the doctor said he can fix anything that is wrong for me but i'd rather not make another mistake by getting him to fix it.
I really suggest to go to Dr. Chen! I've written him many times and he's responded and also someone else on here posted that she had a consultation with him and he was very kind and knowledgeable. I'm going next year for sure!!
I believe i saw on his site that Dr. chen charges $2500 american dollars. That is more than in Toronto but I would say the price shouldn't matter if it can be done nicely...yours eyes are with you for life!
Monday, November 18, 2002 at 17:14:35 (PST)
I hear Dr chen has a very good reputation...is there anyone that had their eyelids done by him??
dillpickle777 dillpickle777@hotmail.com   
Monday, November 18, 2002 at 13:51:18 (PST)
zoe, i went to dr wong. i'm not totally satisfied with my results. just to let u know. i'm not hideously disformed or anything, but there's slight unsymmetry that really bothers me. it's hard to find asian eyelid surgeons in toronto.
Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 23:00:26 (PST)
hey everyone,
i'm glad i found this site because i have just begun to consider having my eyelids done. i've gone to see two surgeons in toronto but haven't found anyone that i trust. i'm looking for a thinner crease, something very close to the way my eyes are right now, just a little more obvious. Most before and after pics i've seen look too thick and round to me. Also, many of the women are wearing alot of makeup after, so it's hard to tell. does anyone know doctors in toronto that know how to do a natural crease on asian eyes; someone they know and trust? i went to see dr. wong, and personally, i found him arrogant and rude. if anyone's had surgery by him and liked the results, please let me know. despite personal dislike, if he is good at what he does i'll still consider him (under duress):) Also, does anyone know how much the surgery costs at dr. chen's clinic in california? In toronto, the range is approx. $1500.
Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 14:12:02 (PST)
Hi guys,
I'm new to the site. I too had eyelid surgery with dissatisfying results. I had revisions done by the same surgeon and still was not satissified. I am seriously thinking about going to Dr. Chen soon. Does anyone know of people that had multiple eyelid surgeries done? :(
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 12:55:10 (PST)
Hi Cythis / Linoa,
I live in United States, but is also thinking of coming up to see Dr Joseph Wong in Scarborough/Mississauga for nose surgery, I know that he's done a lot of Asian faces. However, has anyone ever heard anything bad about him? Or has anyone had surgery done by him???
Need Advise!
Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 14:11:26 (PST)
Hey Rubyskies,
thanks for you comments. I've been writing on Andrew Bae's question and answer board and i see that many people are seeking revisional surgery for their eyelids. I think that this problem definitely can be eliminated if a person does proper research and has their eyes done by a reputable doctor.
I didn't know that revisional surgery can be done as soon as a couple of months. Doctors that i've written to so far said that they recommend 6 months til a year and some people even have to wait a couple of years.
I'm aiming for a year til year and a half.
Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 16:45:04 (PST)
Hi Strawberry,
Glad to hear that you're beginning to have good spirits about your eyes. Before I went through with my op, I spoke to hundreds of girls who've had the same procedure to get advice and half of them totally disliked their results and went in to have corrections done several months later. After just one correction, they described their eyes to be perfect and are very happy at the end. What you're going through is so common...no need to be depressed over it, anything can be fixed to your preference. Remember, the most harshest critic of our looks is ourself. Smile and wink at yourself, because you are beautiful.
rubyskies rubyskies1@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 12:19:53 (PST)
Hi Cynthia,
I feel ya. I should've done more research before I got my eyes done by Dr. Middleton. IMO, my eyes look fine but I'm not 100% satsified. So, I don't think I would recommend Dr. Middleton, myself. Have you heard of Dr. Wong in Scarborough/Mississauga? Check out his site if you want, I'll send you the link by e-mail. Do some more research before you choose a doctor.
Linoa puresnowpureheart@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 08:47:11 (PST)
Hi Linoa
My eyes are healed now but i don't like the results...like i said the creases aren't deep at all and the right eye crease is very choppy. But yeah, they are healed. I would say it took 2 months to heal and after that it's still healing but more gradual...meaning the tightness feeling and appearance.
I got my stitches out 7 days after as well. I had the raised bumps where the stitches pierced the skin as well. Those bumps disappeard after a few days but my right eye took a little longer and at that time i also noticed how my right eye crease looked very different from my left one. As in the crease was not defining like the left one.
I'm not that depressed about it anymore...i know that it doesn't look too terrible and i don't think people notice it unless i tell them...and even then it takes a while for them to see what i mean.
But everyone that notices does say that my left eye was done better than the right.
Do you have a follow up appointment in a month? Please keep us posted on how everything is going.
I'm gonna go next year for sure to Dr. Chen to get them redone. I want to make my crease deeper, longer across and a tiny bit bigger.
I think Dr. Chen seems to be pretty much an expert on asian eyes eventhough i haven't met him in person. He doesn't do noses though, only eyes...which is another good reason to go to him for your eyes since he specializes in only eyes. For your nose i'm not sure who to go to...my sis got her nose done by Middleton 3 years ago and the first time he didn't do it good, then a month later he redid it and she really liked it. But i still wouldn't suggest you to go to him since you know how much i dislike him.
I'm not sure about you going to Korea and doing your eyes...it's a long way to go but then again, if they do it good then it's worth it cause your eyes will be with you for life.
I would highly suggest going to Dr. Chen...he also has a VIP service that allows patients from out of town to go in for consultation oneday and get the surgery the next day.
I wouldn't mind doing my nose too but i'm more scared about doing my nose, but then again i'd love to have a taller, pointier nose.
But i will be soooo happy once my eyes are actually correctly done. My creases are almost just like lines...they hardly sink in and the right eye crease just sucks.
But anyway, maybe i'll post a pic of my eyes sometime...i'll let everyone know when i do.
Monday, November 11, 2002 at 22:27:29 (PST)
Hi Strawberry,
I am from Toronto Ontario Canada. I am so confused now. I want to get my eyes (or and nose) done in Korea (because it's cheaper and the doctor which i think has more experience. p.s but I can't speak Korean ). or I should get it done by Dr Chen (because you guy sounds very praise him). But in the same time I also want to find a doctor in Toronto (because that i don't need to go abroad). what should I do??????
Cynthis '-_-!!!   
Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 22:54:28 (PST)
GOod website
Sandra SandraMin1982@hotmail.com   
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 21:58:33 (PST)
Did your eyes heal completely yet? If so, I'm glad. D'you remember how long you had to leave in the sutures after the surgery? Mine remained for like 7 days. And now I have raised, pierced holes on my eyelids. I knew I should've taken it out earlier myself. Will the bumps go away, anyone?
I paid like $2700 for the surgery, and that's applying with Medicard.com for the loan. I'm so bummed about that. Oh well, what's done is done. The only good thing is, I'm glad to have 4 years to pay it off so I don't feel like I've spent $2700 all in one day.
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 19:19:56 (PST)
Hey Pastel
I'm not sure about the eyes becoming double lidded permanently with the metal rod. And i'm also not sure about the nose thing.
I don't think you'll have any guilty feelings about having a fake nose or eyes...those are still yours and flesh and blood...they are real...just permanently enhanced. Just like makeup enhances someone's face but is temporary. That's how i view it.
I suggest you do one thing at a time if you're not sure how you're gonna feel afterwards. Do whichever you feel stronger about doing first and if that works out and you don't feel bad about it then do the other feature.
P.S. I did my eyes a few months ago but i'm not satisfied with them so i'm gonna get them redone. The crease isn't clear, defined or deep enough.
Also research on a good doctor who will know how to do asian faces...don't be like me and choose the wrong doctor
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 14:36:40 (PST)
Hi Cynthia,
I wish that Dr. Chen had more pics on his website too but from reading about him, he sounds like a trusted doctor for doing asian eyes.
I am aiming for Oct next year to see him.
Which state or province are you from?
Strawberry StrawberryWild78@hotmail.com   
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 00:09:37 (PST)
I had hematoma in my left eyelid as well...but it was taken care of before they stitched it up. I guess it's very common to have that.
I emailed Dr. Chen and asked if he's done more than 1000 asian eyelid surgeries and he said quite more than that and also 1/3 of them were revisions...so i'm happy on that.
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 16:33:03 (PST)
Hi, I'm a 17-year-old Asian girl who is seriously thinking bout having cosmetic surgery for my eyes and nose. I guess my parents will not object at all.. I haven't talked to them about this yet..
I'm so confused. I mean I feel quite uneasy about going for it.. even if I may look better after the surgery.. I may have guilty feeling that the nose and eyes are fake.. Im not going to ask whether I should go doing it or not.. can I have some comments please..?
And.. last year, I took the my mother's stupid method of drawing 'lines' on you eyelids using some blunt-edged metal rod thingy.. I did the work abt 2 or 3 years ago..(and I've stopped since but only doing very rarely nowadays ) The 'lines' are still there.. but they only appear when I rub my eyes or when I'm very sleepy.. Will the lines develop permanently if I keep doing that thing..? Help me anyone..?
Another! If I 'massage' my nose now.. (after I've turned 17), will it help to kinda change the shape of my nose..? I heard people's noses are fully developed when they reach age 14 or 15.. Thanks for replies. =)
PasteL pastel_bloo@yahoomail.com   
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 11:22:06 (PST)