

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following Asian Americans would you most like to see elected President?
Governor Gary Locke | 56%
4-Star General Eric K Shinseki | 24%
Senator Daniel Inouye | 1%
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta | 10%
Former Calif Treasurer Matt Fong | 4%
Yahoo! Co-founder Jerry Yang | 5%

When will the first Asian American President be elected?
2004-2020 | 31%
2024-2048 | 34%
After 2048 | 35%

Who of the following would get your vote for President in 2004?
George Bush | 28%
Al Gore | 32%
Colin Powell | 14%
Hillary Clinton | 26%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

     Bush is an ignorant, stupid, arrogant bastard. He's going to make us go to war with China at any cost. Plus, he's screwing over everyone else in the name of those bastardly right wing conservatives!!

     I'd be shocked if they ever had an Asian American in the President's office. I am Canadian, and all I know of Americans is what I see on t.v. and movies, and it seems like you will only ever have a whity-white-white-white in the oval office. (in fact, I'd be super shocked if you ever had any visible minority in the "white" house -- but hey, whut does I no??)

     Actually I'd rather vote for a third party candidate than the ones listed.

     To Kor-Am 26,
     Please reread my last post carefully. If you notice, I didn't say the Republicans were necessarily better; I just said at the moment that Dems were better because of their environmental policy.
     As to Asian concerns, I say very clearly in the 2nd paragraph of my post that 'both sides are guilty of anti-Asian rhetoric.' I only point out that Asians need to be careful about embracing the Repubs wholeheartedly because they harbour racists like David Duke, Pat Buchanan, and probably others. They were also the ones to make a big stink about the Buddhist donations and place an anti-Asian cartoon of the Clintons and Gore on the cover of the conservative National Review. Yes, I know Gramm and McConnell are conservative and that the Democrats have been guilty of throwing the Japanese in concentration camps in WWII. No quibble here. My point is that the Repubs have been as least as guilty as the Dems in anti-Asian policy and rhetoric.
Bronx Babe

     Tiger Woods Prez in 2036
     After a career of over 5 billion in earnings what else will be left....but the White House lawn

     Bronx Babe, you failed to mention that Phil Gramm is also a conservative Republican. The point you seemed to be trying to make was that Repubicans are particularly anti-Asian. How ironic that the very example you chose undermined your point.
     Should I also add that the very conservative Sen. Mitch McConnell of KY is married to Elaine Chao, the very conservative Secretary of Labor?
     Yes, some Republicans are bigots. But they're bigots because they're bigots, not because they're Republicans. And the GOP certainly has no monopoly on bigots (remember that a lot of the virulent anti-Japanese rhetoric came from labor unions, a pillar of the Democratic party, during the 1980's and early 90's. Remember also that it was a Democratic president who signed an executive order interning Japanese Americans in World War II. And ultra-liberal Hollywood has never been a friend to Asians.)
     If you're a Dem because you think they're stronger on environmental issues, that's fine. But be honest. If that's why you don't like the GOP, say so. But don't tar an entire political movement as racist just because you don't like their environmental policy, or because you disagree with them generally.
Kor-Am 26

     Everytime someone sticks a microphone in Dubya's face, I shudder. Who knows what we're going to see. A tightly scripted remark, or painfully long pauses and a weird choice of words? I support my President but why can't he just speak like a normal person? Four years of this? I hope he gets better and spares us any more embarassment.

     Kor-Am 26
     I used the First Amendment case to illustrate why liberals always scream the loudest when it comes to the KKK. That's what the newspaper said, "liberal groups". Maybe that Missouri case is not the best example to use because it seems that it confused you. You bring up segregation, why? Who's talking about segregation?? My statement stands as it is. Conservative groups may support civil rights, but they don't speak up as loudly as the liberal groups. Why are you so upset?
politically ambivalent

     To politically ambivalent,
     You are spot on! It's as though Asians have conveniently forgotten people like David Duke and Republicans making sly jokes about Phil Gramm's (Asian) wife. BTW, has anyone seen the racist Jacob Weinberg article in the online version of the National Review, the vade mecum for all would-be conservatives?
     The fact is, both sides are guilty of anti-Asian propaganda. I think Asians need to scrutinise the individual candidate carefully rather than make any blanket judgment based on political party.
     Right now, I think the Dems are better. At least, they care about the environment, something which affects EVERYONE--and perhaps Asians more so. Global warming is going to have the worst effects on Asian countries. Perhaps that's why Americans don't give a hoot about global warming.
Bronx Babe

     OK, what the hell are the Chinese doing?! This is giving an extremely bad name to ALL AAs because, as you know, the rest of America seems to paint the Asian race with the same brush (i.e. Chinese). This situation with our soldiers being held hostage and our equipment being stolen will make life hell for most AA here if this drags on any longer.
     Any thoughts??
Proud AAF

     To the politically ambivalent, maybe you can do us all a favor and remain that way. It's the very same liberals that you've endowed with moral superiority who will be the first to throw the First Amendment at you when they're off whining about something. Do you mean to tell me that the First Amendment only applies to people you agree with, and that anyone who offends you does not enjoy any constitutional protection? Does that make you any better than a fascist who wants to use government power to shut people up who disagree with prevailing attitudes?
     No, I'm no fan of the KKK. But under the law it's irrelvant what I think of them. Under what you're suggesting, the MO court had no business protecting someone's speech rights because mainstream people might find such speech offensive. It's the very same argument used to oppose those fighting FOR civil rights in generations past.
     What do you mean by consevatives not "embracing civil rights" anyway? I don't know of any self-respecting Republican who argues for a re-institution of segregation or for linking personal merit to tribal identities. But if you mean by "civil rights" a morally suspect quota system in which we are never allowed to move beyond tribal identities in order to become Americans, that is a proposition which many good, tolerant people can disagree over.
     I suspect that you mean the latter, in which case the whole premise of your argument is flawed. I wouldn't go to law school if I were you.
Kor-Am 26