

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following Asian Americans would you most like to see elected President?
Governor Gary Locke | 56%
4-Star General Eric K Shinseki | 24%
Senator Daniel Inouye | 1%
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta | 10%
Former Calif Treasurer Matt Fong | 4%
Yahoo! Co-founder Jerry Yang | 5%

When will the first Asian American President be elected?
2004-2020 | 31%
2024-2048 | 34%
After 2048 | 35%

Who of the following would get your vote for President in 2004?
George Bush | 28%
Al Gore | 32%
Colin Powell | 14%
Hillary Clinton | 26%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I think all Asian-Americans know an Asian American will never be president of this country.
And I can't believe twenty-eight percent would actually vote for bush the younger in 2004. This dolt and his chicken-shit veep are using the tragedy of 911 to work assidiously to make us less free.
re    Friday, November 16, 2001 at 09:41:55 (PST)
Any party that would let Jesse Helms be a member is the wrong party.
ovitz and eisner and disney sucks    Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 10:44:58 (PST)
People if you're thinking about voting for Bush in '04 read Shrub by Molly Ivins. How that fool got the presidency in the first place will forever baffle me.

hilary or gore in 2004    Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 17:13:21 (PST)
To April Nicole

It dosent matter if white folks are going to be the minority in ten years, the fact is that they will still have the power in the government and the media and everywhere that counts. White people were and still are the minority in South Africa yet, for how long did they rule and dominate. Think about that.
simple as that    Friday, October 26, 2001 at 06:33:13 (PDT)
To April Nicole

Ill tell you whos land it really is, it really belongs to the native american people. Fullstop. Colonials stole it from the native americans, therefore even though it dosent belong to native americans anymore, still it really does belong to them.
simple as that    Friday, October 26, 2001 at 06:30:33 (PDT)

     I think that almost everyone who wrote their comments on this website are prejudice! America has so many different cultures in it today that we cannot say that it "belongs" to any race! We took it away from the Indians in the first place, then we forced the Africans to come here. Who is to say WHO'S land it is. I know that one day every race will be able to run and have a fair chance at the presidential spot. People who wrote their discriminating "two cents worth" are ignorant and they are not worth reading! It is people like you that keep the hate and the blood shed going thoughout the world. I have a feeling that we will have an Asain president sooner than you think. We (white Americans) WIll...I repeat....WILL be the MINORITY in the next 10 years if you are smart enough the do the Census math. Then What????? You can't be prejudice when you are surrounded. SO you better learn to love everyone. Everyone in the worlds blood is the same. We are all brothers and sisters. The only difference is some are more ignorant than others!P.S. I am a White American!
April Nicole 9/30/01

     Don't forget, Bronx Babe, many white supremacists back republicans in name. Also, don't forget that it was conservatives that made an issue (successfully, I might add) about the race of Phil Gramm's wife when he made a run for the presidency a few years back. They did a dirty campaign and it worked.
no rite winger

     Asian Americans, especially the ones with more traditional Asian values don't really have any good alternative when it comes to voting.
We have either the democrap bastards who represent government depedency, welfare and abortion at will paid by the public purse.
Or you can choose the republicans whose conservative lip service may seem more like the traditional Asian way, but tend to attract the rednecks and fundamentalist Christians who believe the that bible says the white race is above all others!
Great list of choices!
None of the Above

     I lean towars the Democrats. Why simply because you will find more variety of people among the liberal whites. Republicans are just a mixture of the rich and the ignorant.