Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian Americans would you most like to see elected President?
Governor Gary Locke |
4-Star General Eric K Shinseki |
Senator Daniel Inouye |
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta |
Former Calif Treasurer Matt Fong |
Yahoo! Co-founder Jerry Yang |
When will the first Asian American President be elected?
2004-2020 |
2024-2048 |
After 2048 |
Who of the following would get your vote for President in 2004?
George Bush |
Al Gore |
Colin Powell |
Hillary Clinton |
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Provincial America,
What do you think it will take to get a Democrat back in power? Do you think Al Gore will ever be able to rise again?
It seems for now, that Hilary is the most viable choice--altho' I think the good old staid US is still not ready for a woman president. Maybe it'll have to be another Dem w/ Hilary as VP.
I remember when the news of the Federal Building was first reported: yes, they did think it was a middle Easterner! Quite pathetic. Since I was not in the US at that time, I do not know how people reacted when they discovered Timothy McVeigh. Can you tell me about it? Was their general surprise and sympathy for him?
I have to admit I don't remember the Wen Ho Lee and Robert Hansen cases but I have read about them. The US is always ready to glamourise the Europeans, usually for the wrong reasons, and denigrate Asians. Notice how Asians are always made to seem artificial: i.e., the men are 'hard working' and the women are 'fashion conscious' and make great efforts to look attractive. As if women of other races don't. You almost never read about Asians being brilliant or naturally good-looking. Everything is 'West is Best.' Unfortunately, it looks as though some Asian countries are buying into that propaganda too.
Asian Dominatrix somalicat@meowmail.com   
Friday, November 30, 2001 at 09:12:17 (PST)
What I find fascinating is how hierarchical the US is, more so than Asian countries like Taiwan and Japan if I'm not mistaken. I find it absurd how Westerners talk about the US being more demoractic, yet the evidence of CEOs making so much more than their workers suggests otherwise. Japanese CEOs only make 5-6 times their lowest paid employees, whereas American ones make at least 20 times. And Americans have the balls to say that the Japanese are more formal and hierarchical. What utter BS! Perhaps you know otherwise?
I think the only place where the UK is more conservative than the US is sexism. It's much more rampant there. Men in Parliament have no qualms about making baryard noises at women MPs or commenting on their looks--something I don't even think an antiquated asswipe like Jesse Helms would do. However, the fact that they had Maggie for 20 years--with a QE in tow--probably suggests there might be some hope even if Maggie is essentially a man with ovaries and is generally unsympathetic to women's issues.
Asian Dominatrix   
Friday, November 30, 2001 at 08:57:29 (PST)
Bush and his friends have done it again. Now they've ignored the law and passed an Executive Order prohibiting the reading of presidential papers. Funny huh, the papers of Reagan and his George the Older (and dumber) was about to be made open to the public in January.
Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 16:06:21 (PST)
I would also add that the institution of slavery existed in America much longer because of Southern Americas weather conditions. Believe it or not it is the main reason the South clung to slavery for as long as it did. The bottom line it was TO DAMN HOT to get anybody other then forced labor to pick cotton or tobacco in the Summertime in the southern states. The north had its apple orchids but with its cooler climates (along with Englands) and quite enjoyable Spring and Summer seasons, there was never a critical need for slave labor. This doesn't make it morally right, however even moral decisions only thrive in a situation with reasonable alternatives. And for the economics of prosperous Southern farming, slave labor was the platform upon which it stood. Southern agriculture was so dependent upon it that it could only be dismantled by force of arms. Necessity or I should say percieved necessity is what made America drag its feet on the subject of slavery for an extended period of time and perceived necessity is what made it a situation that required bloodshed and not just a change of legislation.
Monday, November 26, 2001 at 14:27:49 (PST)
Asian Dominatrix,
I agree with your theory that America has always been more conservative then England culturally speaking. Look at Americas history. It was founded by religious fanatics. People deemd by English society to be a little wacky in the head when it came to church life. Ye old Puritan ethic would account for much of what you are talking about. You should read some of the bizarre laws that were observed in colonial America like no whistling on Sundays on pain of flogging and the holding of hands in public was punishable with 10 dasy in the stockade. Hell most of our expansion westward, to what is now the mid-west, was spurred by even wackier extremists that thought communities along the coast had become a haven for God-less libertines. Yep England sent all of its religious nuts to America, its thugs and criminals to Australia and a small enclave of loyal servants, later turned fur trappers and lumberjacks, to Canada. Not a bad way of cleaning house. This is also compounded by our economic system. Like it or not our form of dog eat dog capitalism leaves little room for social programs and goverment assistance. What it does do however is lure the those with a desire for social mobility to our country and entices the best and brightest of many nations looking for the proverbial pay off for thier genius.
But still you would have to also agree that when England was a global powere it was a far more rigid and conservative society. Much of its liberalism was a post WW2 phenomenon, when england had to cope with rebuild and taking care of its own and having to repay a debt to colonial coutries ( and fill its labor shortage) by opening its doors to immigration from Asia, Africa and the Carribean.
Monday, November 26, 2001 at 14:08:04 (PST)
Asian Dominatrix,
I couldn't agree with you more. When a white person in this country commits an act of terrorism, it is taken lightly and the perpetrator is regarded as mentally ill and such. Worse, when McVeigh bombed the building, people assumed it was done by some Middle Eastern or Muslim lunatic, but it turned to be quite the contrary. McVeigh was not a pyschopathological foreigner in any way, but was a mentally sane and disgruntled White American. The USA once again displayed its oxymoronic and ignorant character as always.
Another contradicting event or act committed by America was the Wen Ho Lee Espionage Case. This country failed to provide solid evidence that the man was indeed guilty of spying for China. It became a big embrassment for the US Judicial System and even for President Clinton. However, many Americans opt for internment camps (such as the ones used for JA's in WWII) for Chinese Americans and other AA's in order that these "foreigners" will not make any attempts to spy or betray this country. Ironically, Robert Hansen, the latest person who was accused of spying and proven guilty, was aquitted or eventually brushed off as pettiness.
I would like to speak to you more about these and other matters pertaining to AA's outside the realms of Goldsea. I have included an e-mail address as indicated below. Please feel free to contact me. Thanks.
Provincial America chris.m.wong@worldnet.att.net   
Monday, November 26, 2001 at 11:17:43 (PST)
Provincial America,
The worst is John Asscroft. Yeah, let's have kangaroo courts. Let's have military tribunals. Let's have secret evidence. Let's give all the power to the pres. Let's...just be like the Taliban. Or Star Chamber. Or whatever primitive state of law. (Note that none of this happened when good ol' white male Timothy McVeigh bombed the Fed. building in Oklahoma.)
In America, threats are only threats when committed by 'outsiders.' When McVeigh killed those people, he was just a crazy man. When people of middle-Eastern descent kill, it's those 'crazy middle-Easterners.' That's provincialism good ol' American style.
Asian Dominatrix   
Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 14:01:21 (PST)
OK, gotcha. I see what you're saying. I wonder tho, if Americans haven't always been conservative before they assumed a great military role: I mean culturally rather than politically. For instance, we gave up slavery far later than the British (late 1860s as opposed to 1807--I think: Samuel Johnson was surprised that Americans could yap about democracy and freedom and yet have slavery. (Altho slavery was still in force in England in the 1770s and '80s.)
I never assumed that the Labour party would be in forever. What I was merely pointing out is how the conservative party seems to have faded in a way which I could not imagine happening in this country. Even during Clinton's terms, the Repugs still enjoyed plenty of power.
Asian Dominatrix   
Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 13:45:17 (PST)