Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian Americans would you most like to see elected President?
Governor Gary Locke |
4-Star General Eric K Shinseki |
Senator Daniel Inouye |
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta |
Former Calif Treasurer Matt Fong |
Yahoo! Co-founder Jerry Yang |
When will the first Asian American President be elected?
2004-2020 |
2024-2048 |
After 2048 |
Who of the following would get your vote for President in 2004?
George Bush |
Al Gore |
Colin Powell |
Hillary Clinton |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I would say that the issue of American heirachry and class oriention is relative to the multiple fascets of any given society. Every society has its owns unique standards and eccentricities. I think the issue of 5000 to 1 CEO to bases employee pay scale is related to an issue I brought up a couple of times already in earlier posts. We are an unhindered capitalist society with any reflection of social programs mainly being related to our world class standard of living and not our legislative policy. Meaning that the only reason America even caters to social programs as much as they do it to maintian a first world rating and a strong middle class. To be quite honest even the poorest welfare cashing, project/ghetto resident in America enjoys a standard of living not even found among the middle class of many nations. Also the idea of modest corporate pay scaling is a reflection of socialist philosophy. Your stance boils down to stating that capitalism, with a heavy socialist flavoring, promotes a more egalitarian society. I couldn't agree with you moreas it is clearly only common sense. When you remove the variable of greatly contrasting incomes, you take away the perhaps the most powerful social divider in human interaction.
The structure of corporate America is a clear reflection of our ideas about money, society and priorities in general. The salary scales of the United States believe it or not are part of what fuels the immigrant dream (often pipedream). The Dale Carnegie myth of a man coming from starvation level conditions overseas to becoming the richest man in the world could only be facilitated by a country like ours.
I would say however that our American society is still more open and egalitarian in a certain way than most European societies ,including England. It is based in our freedom from cultural standards and homogenous history. Ultimately we don't really have a "society" with any concrete cultural traditions. We are a mismatch of dozens of cultues all tossed together with a common goal of consumerism. I'll put it to you this way. America is basically still the wild wild west. Guns, crime, fabulous wealth, obsessions with sports and sex, a tolerance for the bizarre. While many countries enjoy just as much political freedom and social justice (in some cases more), Americans all enjoy a certain mental freedom that comes from being a mutt nation with no real great traditions. As a famous Japanese writer once said about America "it is a land without ghosts". There is a certain social freedom in that is part of our unique short history. I can flip a bird at the president and tell him to get the hell off my lawn without any fear of being censored, killed or even suffer any great social excommunication. Infact here you can make millions doing it. Americans don't really even have any real socail responsibilities either ( other then tax season). Here your basically free to launch into space or fall flat on your face. Its both our greatest strength and our greatest weakness.
P.S. I think your mistaken about Japanese CEO's. Japan has the second largest number of millionaires behind America. Like most corporate millionaire CEOs in American, Japanese CEO's make most of thier money in enormous stock options offered on signing and only to the select top execs.
Sunday, December 02, 2001 at 19:09:44 (PST)
Hey, now, ThAT's a debate: which one is dumber, Dubya or Dad? I still say Dad had at least a bare triple digit IQ. At least, you don't need a translator for him! But I guess they're at least smarter than Dan Quayle, 'potatoe man.'
Oh, as for ignoring the law, that's not a new one--beginning with the 2000 election. The whole process was probably about as rigged as a corrupt Frederick Marcos election: the only difference being that where Marcos stuffed ballots, Dubs' folks took them away. Yeah, we live in a great democracy.
God save.
Asian Dominatrix   
Sunday, December 02, 2001 at 09:53:20 (PST)
Asian Dominatrix,
I think in order for Al Gore and the rest of the Democrats to take power again is when this country begins to decline seriously and dramatically under the Bush administration. What and how events will pan out to convince Americans that Bush is an ineffective leader and ultimately out of office?
1) More terrorism committed against the US by both domestic and foreign sources.
2) US economy sinks into a depression.
3) Corporations and businesses file for bankruptcies and millions of people are out of jobs and $$$.
4) Witchunt and scapegoating of non white Americans for these problems.
Any or all of these problems will ensure Bush will not be elected again. But, if white conservative narrow minded country bumpkins (rednecks)decides that Bush symbolizes a "rooting out of all foreigners and brings back the good ol' USA" in this country, then he will be elected again.
If this happens, then this country will be in an utter dissarray and RUINED for a long time to come!
Provincial America   
Friday, November 30, 2001 at 20:16:01 (PST)
Oops, major gaffe: the last sentence in para. 3 (to Pro. Am) should be 'Was there...?' Guess I meant to write something else and then changed it along the way.
Oh, and I meant 'barnyard' not 'baryard.'
What a morning!
Asian Dominatrix   
Friday, November 30, 2001 at 11:02:39 (PST)