Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian Americans would you most like to see elected President?
Governor Gary Locke |
4-Star General Eric K Shinseki |
Senator Daniel Inouye |
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta |
Former Calif Treasurer Matt Fong |
Yahoo! Co-founder Jerry Yang |
When will the first Asian American President be elected?
2004-2020 |
2024-2048 |
After 2048 |
Who of the following would get your vote for President in 2004?
George Bush |
Al Gore |
Colin Powell |
Hillary Clinton |
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Asian Dominatrix,
Gore did get elected if it was a democracy we live in. But it is an electorate college, so it all boiled down to FL. Where Bush's Brother is Governor.
So FL will forever be remembered as the state that harbors/trains terrorist and can't follow instructions on a voting ballet.
But don't be pessimistic, in another 3 years we can cast our votes all over again. I want just want a President that speak with a coastal accent. No more of this "I'm from the backwoods" eubonic twang. Even Clinton's twang got on my nerves after awhile.
AC dropout   
Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 12:16:58 (PST)
How come you've never done a story on Stan Matsunaka?
From the Denver Post
Sunday, February 10, 2002 - Colorado Senate President Stan Matsunaka will likely drop out of the governor's race and run for the 4th Congressional District seat, the Loveland Democrat said Saturday.
The change in direction came after Rep. Dick Gephardt, leader of the House Democrats, called from Washington and urged him to enter the national race, Matsunaka said.
"I received a call from Gephardt Friday. He made some pretty compelling arguments," Matsunaka said. "If I had to make the decision right now, I would run in the 4th."
A Democratic win in the currently Republican 4th District could help tip the balance of power in the House, now controlled by Republicans. Democrats need six seats to win a majority.
Despite the district's GOP leanings, Democrats have eyed the district since Republican Rep. Bob Schaffer announced he would not seek re-election.
The only other Democrat in the race is Pat Waak of Erie, a senior adviser to the National Audubon Society, who lives outside the district. Angie Paccione, a professor at Colorado State University, said she will drop out of the race to support Matsunaka. "I have no doubt he will win," she said.
Justin Mitchell average_guy26@yahoo.com   
Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 16:32:32 (PST)
Dubya is embarrassingly piss poor in intellect compared to every national leader. Just heard the British foreign minister, Jack Straw, give a talk from the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies. It was a very intelligent and interesting talk; he was able to discuss the differences between Muslim groups, the West's misunderstanding of Islam and the persistent influence of religion in so-called secular Western societies like the US and UK--something we Americans rarely acknowledge. (I really hate to say this, but sometimes I think Americans are more xenophobic than Brits...) In all, I felt as though I actually learned something in that half hour: in contrast to 45 minutes of Dubya's fluffy nonsense and the stupid audience clapping every time he opened his mouth. No wonder people across the globe think Americans are dumb!
Also heard Al Gore at the Democratic National Committee (I think) in Tennessee. One year later, and I'm still thinking damn, why didn't he get elected???? OK, he needs to get rid of that ugly "loser" beard, but apart from that, his speech was much more energetic and insightful than the Pollyanna pap that spilled out from Dubya last Tuesday.
Here's my report card for Dubya:
War against terrorism: C-/D+
Look at the biased sympathy for the traitor John Walker and the severe profiling of middle-Easterners. We've also managed to piss off North Korea, Iran, and Iraq. Still pay little attention to Palestinians.
US Economy: C
We have our own Taliban: ENRON. Elitist Nutty Rotten Obsequious Nuisance. They're to blame not only for defaulting hardworking honest people but also fucking up the earth's environment.
Thank God the Dept of Justice and GAO plan to investigate Enron! But Dubya and the Repug-nicans probably think thank God for 9/11 so they can still look good after the Enron shit hits the fan.
Asian Dominatrix   
Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 20:53:11 (PST)