

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

How old were you when you had your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Under 13 | 4%
13-15 | 16%
16-18 | 36%
19-21 | 21%
Over 21 | 23%

Which one of the following best describes your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Full intercourse | 47%
Being masturbated | 19%
Masturbating my partner | 13%
Receiving oral sex | 12%
Giving oral sex | 9%

How did your first sexual experience come about?
We both wanted it. | 52%
My partner pushed me into it. | 33%
I pushed my partner into it. | 11%
My first partner was a prostitute. | 4%

What's your biggest regret about your first sexual experience?
I wish it had been with a different partner. | 35%
I wish I had waited until later. | 23%
I wish I had done it earlier. | 2%
I wish it had been more enjoyable. | 23%
I have no regret. | 17%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
We Chinese have better morals...
Alpha Asian A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++    Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 06:05:27 (PDT)
very little can be said on wishing it were different the first time. i have a rocking sex life now, but when i first started, life was just plain confusing - sex or no. it was just part of the confusion. i am not confused or conflicted about it now; but it took some work to get here.
claire from NYC    Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 10:46:24 (PDT)
Du Ma,

Why do you mean Bob Dole is twice as old as Britney. Bob Dole is 75 and Britmey is 19 or 20. More like 4 times her age. Old enough to be her grandfather. I have no respect for politicians. They are just a bunch of horny cheating sex offenders.
MM    Monday, August 13, 2001 at 21:45:57 (PDT)
Most people will tell you that their first time was a big disappointment. Mine certainly was. It wasn't that good and I wish I didn't do it with that person in retrospect. My suggestion to any young people out there is to just wait and enjoy other things in life while you're still searching for the right person. By trying to grow up too soon you may be walking down a path that could lead to some serious regrets later in life. Sex is pleasurable and if you've never had it then the curiosity is burning white hot and the temptation is hard to resist. But after you've done it and you've been hurt, you realize that there's more to life than just sex. A steady relationship is much more important.
TC    Sunday, August 12, 2001 at 14:41:16 (PDT)
My first time. I was with my boy friend. He was honry and ask me to touch his penis. I did and off of a sudden He was playing with my hair and then I went down on him. His penis was about 6.5 inch and I enjoyed it very much.
SexyMeME    Thursday, August 02, 2001 at 05:56:58 (PDT)
I'd like to see some responses on that EXTRA-marital poll suggested by Lynn! Now THAT would be FUN!!! hee hee hee!!!
Steve the Hapa Dude from KS    Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 13:24:32 (PDT)
my partner and i were 19 and we wanted it mutually. i strongly believe that pre-marital sex should be practise after high school though, cuz most of us were naive or "retarded" when we were in high school or something... i don't think that anyone is mentally ready for sex before 17, regardless of how mature one body is.
MAF    Monday, July 23, 2001 at 11:26:56 (PDT)
well it has been better and better and now it is just about perfect....she is 23 i am 51....and we are getting married, she tells me she loves me and i BELEIVE her. Jack
Jack    Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 11:31:06 (PDT)
to duma,

correction it was bob dole's dog that needed to be 'simmahed down!'
Waikiki Bitch    Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 00:46:41 (PDT)
I was 16 and I was one my first date with a Asian boy he was 18 we were at a beach party near San Diego. he was so nice we started fooling around in the water. he got my to off and started feeling my brest it felt good he was a experianced lover later we went to his van to play around . there he releavied me of my virginity. we dated and had full intercourse for about six months but because of social problem we broke up. but I have no regrets about our sexual relations he is a nice guy
Debbie    Friday, July 20, 2001 at 16:31:32 (PDT)
Good Survey
mannam    Friday, July 20, 2001 at 11:34:44 (PDT)
Sex is great, but I think that people have gone so outrageously far in terms of sexuality. Damn, I mean people are having orgies, buying expensive glass dildos, and having sex w/the same sex partners. I understand that some people are born gay, I'm fine with that, but I think that some people have blown it out of proportion and have gotten so horny that they need sex from the same sex now.

Oh, one more thing, that Pepsi commercial w/Britany Spears and Bob Dole, that was sick. I didn't think that was cute at all. He's about twice as old as she is, he's sitting there w/his viagra, checking her out on t.v. looking like he wants to grab his jones and cum all over the t.v. screen.
Du Ma    Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 18:13:10 (PDT)
How about a poll on EXTRA-marital Sex Among Asian Americans?

Questions could include:

Have you ever been tempted to cheat on your spouse/parter?


If yes, why?

-felt neglected
-didn't feel attracted/attractive to spouse/partner
-boring sex life with spouse/partner
-revenge on cheating spouse/partner

What was the end result?

-reconciliation and ending of affair
-affair discovered, but still ongoing and marriage still ongoing
-affair not discovered and still ongoing
Lynn    Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 06:10:08 (PDT)

[Hmmmm. Hmmmmmm! --Ed]
My first time was with my college English professor.
am    Monday, July 09, 2001 at 09:57:58 (PDT)
My first time was with my first boyfriend..he's black..we're both happened a little early in our relationship but i don't regret it.
asian female    Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 20:52:25 (PDT)
It was with a 24 year old woman. I was only a freshman in high school.
Sid    Friday, July 06, 2001 at 20:58:07 (PDT)
How do you make your girl more aggressive?
Guy who got it late    Saturday, June 30, 2001 at 06:40:05 (PDT)
I had lots of fun sex in thailand and still no std free. For all you white boys with asian women fetish thailand is the place to go.
the truth    Friday, June 29, 2001 at 23:03:39 (PDT)
18 and in the army and never been laid
65cuda    Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 15:57:21 (PDT)
Hey hory AM:

Sorry, the phone number I have on Allaina is for her dorm at UT and it's over 10 years old. I don't know where she lives now, plus if I had her current number my wife would take issue with that.

Good luck finding a woman who can accomodate your... needs...
WM Married to an AF    Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 10:17:10 (PDT)