Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
How old were you when you had your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Under 13 |
13-15 |
16-18 |
19-21 |
Over 21 |
Which one of the following best describes your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Full intercourse |
Being masturbated |
Masturbating my partner |
Receiving oral sex |
Giving oral sex |
How did your first sexual experience come about?
We both wanted it. |
My partner pushed me into it. |
I pushed my partner into it. |
My first partner was a prostitute. |
What's your biggest regret about your first sexual experience?
I wish it had been with a different partner. |
I wish I had waited until later. |
I wish I had done it earlier. |
I wish it had been more enjoyable. |
I have no regret. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
My first time was with a REALLY cute surfer type, when I was 14. She was a dirty blonde, a year older and a popular girl in school, and she was really FREAKY. She let me finish off in her mouth, and then she swallowed my cum. It was quite a spectacular way to lose my virgnity, and I don't regret it at all. I've been mostly with Asian girls since, and they don't even come close.
Asian Surfer in Long Beach   
Friday, October 12, 2001 at 00:23:25 (PDT)
13??? Ewwww, fucken' gross man. You must be hella stretched out.
Friday, October 12, 2001 at 00:20:02 (PDT)
Im not a nympho, i just enjoy the satisfaction of making a man happy and making myself happy. I am not a slut, nor do I "sleep around" I do what i feel comfortable doing
lolita genevieve_16@yahoo.com   
Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 19:27:18 (PDT)
I think it's an illusion that Asians are less sexually active than whites other races! We are all getting a LOT of action! I personally lost my virginity when I was 13, but most of the Asian girls I know in my school lost theirs by age 15 or so.
Asian Lady   
Monday, October 01, 2001 at 22:20:41 (PDT)
I can say honestly that I LOVE going down on a woman. The main thing is that I need to love her, know she loves me and know I can trust her. That makes it easier. Also, every one of my g/fs has always gone down on me because I never ask or force them to, which seems to make them more eager to do it. Combine that with my technique when I go down on them, and we are all fully satisfied.
There are some guys who hesitate to do that because some women don't clean properly "down there." Usually the guys who won't are those who've had a bad experience with that.
I know one guy who told how he discovered his girl was cheating on him because he got "sloppy seconds" when he went down on her. Now that was Nasty!!!
The guys who've never tried it and base their decision on horror stories like the above don't know what they're missing. The main thing is that the guy needs to know he can trust the girl not to cheat on him, and that she cleans herself properly. That's all!
W Guy with a Hot AF who's sweet spot tastes REALLY SWEET!!!   
Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 16:06:56 (PDT)
don't f*** then regret cos you can't turn back time...what's done is done...espicially for asian woman...elders care about their reputation and their families reputations so if the word gets out...YOUR DEAD......(dis is fo the young asian gurls out dere)just being seen in the street with a boy, will make people talk...kissing a guy will make people think ur disrespectful and people especially old aznz......theyll think ur a slut, trust me ive been thru it ALL.....
Saturday, September 29, 2001 at 22:32:51 (PDT)
i just turned 15. he was 17. he took my cherry. God! it hurt like hell! Over time, we f***ed a lot. It didn't hurt anymore. I moved on to someone else. everytime i f***ed him, i remember the good old times i had with my first lover. i want him so bad! oh wellz! my loss!
the former cherry   
Thursday, September 27, 2001 at 10:28:36 (PDT)
It was fun.
Monday, September 24, 2001 at 14:04:05 (PDT)
I have a question for you guys. Do you like to go down on a girl? Or do you think it's nasty? Bcuz my boyfriend says it's gross...but I don't know if he means in general or if it's just me! Bcuz I always thought some guys enjoyed doing it.
Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 23:06:14 (PDT)
When it rained, it poured. I wish I'd gone with the other girl I was hanging around the night I became more serious with my first. Probably would have been better. And it would have been 2 weeks earlier. Probably should have left my home town sooner...could have been years earlier.
Saturday, September 08, 2001 at 05:59:39 (PDT)
I took the Skin boat to Tuna town. The port was a little narrow so I had to widen it.
Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 20:39:45 (PDT)
Yes, that guy's name was Hank, but there is NO WAY I am going to tell you his last name. So keep your mind out of the gutter.
Hapa Chick in Dallas   
Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 11:36:41 (PDT)
Sorry you were so unlucky during your time at UT. I guess your "Longhorn" didn't get "hooked" while you were there. I lived in Jester 3rd Floor North but my then-boyfriend and I usually got together in his room on Jester 4th floor South when his religious fanatic roommate would go home to his family on the weekends. Also, there was some annoying geek who kept on shouting through the walls and ruining the moment for us!
As for your comment about college, part of college is socializing, dating and having normal adult relationships, and part of college is enjoying more freedom than you've ever enjoyed before or will ever enjoy after graduation. If you chose to only work the books, that is your problem, not mine!
Hapa Chick in Dallas   
Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 11:31:46 (PDT)
Not everyone's first time experience is the same. Some guys get "trigger happy" their first time, others do get "gun shy." You ought to read the book "Male Sexual Health" by Richard S. Spark. There is are whole chapters devoted to premature ejaculation, impotency, and hyper-delayed ejaculation. They also talk about a condition called a priopism--it's where a man's penis erects and won't come down for many hours or even days. If the penis doesn't become flaccid again, blood clots can form and the tissue can become necrotic.
My first several times of having sex, I was unable to come for 30 minutes to an hour because I was freaking nervous. My girlfriend got frustrated and thought I was "unable to feel her"--but that wasn't it at all!!! Each man's experience is different
Random Guy   
Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 11:25:34 (PDT)