Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
How old were you when you had your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Under 13 |
13-15 |
16-18 |
19-21 |
Over 21 |
Which one of the following best describes your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Full intercourse |
Being masturbated |
Masturbating my partner |
Receiving oral sex |
Giving oral sex |
How did your first sexual experience come about?
We both wanted it. |
My partner pushed me into it. |
I pushed my partner into it. |
My first partner was a prostitute. |
What's your biggest regret about your first sexual experience?
I wish it had been with a different partner. |
I wish I had waited until later. |
I wish I had done it earlier. |
I wish it had been more enjoyable. |
I have no regret. |
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Filipina Girl79,
In Asia couples living together is still quite taboo. But in America it is more like a lease plan. No point being legally entangled if you are not sure.
Living together really has nothing to do about getting it. Most guys are getting it without living together. It is just a way to see what it is like living with somebody before getting married.
respected virgin,
There are a lot of girls in Asia who are virgins and are 25+. They don't believe in God either. It is really a personal choice and a societal norm. Hope you do find the right romantic guy to give your gift away to.
Of course it is getting tougher, hormones are kicking in. Couriosity is peaking. Societal norm in the USA is to have sex. Masters and Johnson studies on sex state that by age 25, 95% of the males in the USA will have engaged in sex and 91% of the females will have also engaged in sex.
But if you can make it to 30. Hormone will have died down. So you can go as long as you want without your body saying otherwise.
AC dropout   
Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 14:55:52 (PST)
Thanks for the opportunity to share. I withdrew and ejaculated the first time after about two minutes 'cause I was losing my virginity. My girlfriend (who was sitting astride my pelvis) reached around behind her and manipulated me to a second "completion" right away.
Toad King   
Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 10:51:10 (PST)
Whatever, William Joel! =P
I think that the more our values degrade, the more our world is falling to who-knows-what level. It seems that even marriage is no longer valued the way it was before. “Living in” used to be quite a “scandal” and not the thing to do, but now, it seems statistics show that not a lot of people are getting married anymore and most just resort to living in. There may be some guys who may also think that since they can get *it*, what’s the need for getting married, etc.?
Filipina Girl79   
Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 07:57:59 (PST)
i am 22 and a virgin but not for religious reasons but romance. it's about giving something special to the guy i'm gonna spend the rest of my life with. heck, i don't even go to church. but i do believe God. and i can get a lot of hot white guys. not being conceited, just truthful. i'm telling u the truth when i say a lot of people respect me for it. nothings holding me back from having sex but me, so you can say i'm strong. i'm the first to admit that it's getting harder and harder to abstain...
respected virgin   
Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 19:53:18 (PST)
Catholic Girl 79:
Come out Virginia
Virgina don't make me wait
You Catholic Girls Start Much too Late
Sooner or later it comes down to fate
I might as well be the one
You know that only the good die young!
William Joel   
Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 06:22:32 (PST)
Catholic Girl 79,
People just have different attitudes about pre-marital sex. Asian included.
If you believe in saving it for marriage. That's cool. Just develop serious relationship with guys who believe in the same thing also, and you won't have any conflicts.
Being a church goer, sunday school, and retreat attending person in my youth. I total understand were you are coming from.
But then I fell in love with a buddist AF. I was sure I would her make my wife. My church would disown (excumincated) me.
So now I'm going to hell not for premarital sex, but because I'm married to a pagen.
So just make sure you lose your virginity to someone who you know loves you and will want a long term relationship with you. And you will be fine.
AC dropout   
Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 11:27:36 (PST)