Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
How old were you when you had your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Under 13 |
13-15 |
16-18 |
19-21 |
Over 21 |
Which one of the following best describes your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Full intercourse |
Being masturbated |
Masturbating my partner |
Receiving oral sex |
Giving oral sex |
How did your first sexual experience come about?
We both wanted it. |
My partner pushed me into it. |
I pushed my partner into it. |
My first partner was a prostitute. |
What's your biggest regret about your first sexual experience?
I wish it had been with a different partner. |
I wish I had waited until later. |
I wish I had done it earlier. |
I wish it had been more enjoyable. |
I have no regret. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
It seems that the girls complaining about violent premarital relationship/rape or so have no brothers who could protect them. Or have I overlooked/misunderstood anything?
The good old big families should protect their kids, or not?
rare stuff   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 16:03:39 (PDT)
Alright, SOG vs. Todd!
My money is on SOG.
Todd sounds like a walking sterotype- the white guy that disses white women and only dates Asian women because he thinks they're submissive, he can control them, and they don't mind being beaten up. Asian women BEWARE of men like this!! He's doing such a disservice to normal, healthy AF/WM relationships.
curious girl   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 07:06:32 (PDT)
I agree with AC Dropout and 'Man that has it for ya',
I think Alexa is selfish. If you even read her message it says,"I do this" and "I do that" and "I feel this way".
With her its "I I I" that is very selfish. The whole thing is. Especially the part about not needing a man. How does a woman know that she doesn't need a man if she won't even give one a chance?
>:( why not?   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 06:08:44 (PDT)
I know your somehow emotionally connected to this POS but please keep in mind that no matter what you do you won't be able to change him. He needs serious professional help. Also, he's already proved to you what he's capable of. What if he takes it another step. If he's capable of doing it once then it would definately be easier doing it multiple times. He's not the be all and end all of your entire life...there are a ton of other guys out there that could treat you better. Please consider your own well being and everyone else who cares about you.
Proud 2 b Azn (AM)   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 23:32:16 (PDT)
Todd would you like to feel what being raped feels like? I can make it happen for you. Please post your address and i'll definately show up.
;) I am going to make you my GF lol
If you dont think i wont, just try me. :)
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 18:40:16 (PDT)
You are a mean, selfish bitch. How can you know that you won't like a man's mouth and tongue on your privates or a man's penis stroking you unless you try it? Geez Louise! Don't buy into that old "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" crap. It's not the truth.
Man Who Has it For ya!!!   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 06:50:00 (PDT)
Alexa, I think that is disgusting and selfish. How can you do that to your body? A man and woman are made for one another. You have even fixed it to where you are no longer a virgin! You have laid yourself! Gross!
Todd! You are a first class JERK
"I will put a woman in her place in a hearbeat" What is that supposed to mean? I'd like to see you try to put me in my place! That would never happen you jerky jerk!
power puff girl   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 04:19:08 (PDT)
As an AW, I have got to say I love sex. I love physical contact, and I'm always horny. I think that's an unknown fact about Asians. People always think we're so asexual and "prim and proper." But, I do not think that is true. Our sexuality is not as blatant or overt as white people display their sexuality, but it is equally strong. I am always craving any for of sex play. I think that the stereotypes that asians are sexually submissive and not very knowledgeable are completely untrue.
here in HK   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 00:59:47 (PDT)
im going to be very straight forward, from what youve been typing, you do sound a bit stupid if your still considering staying with him on the grounds that you think whatever he says is true, BUT, if you can just remember this. Just keep saying in your head that your gonna leave, and even if he says something that you think proves you wrong, who cares? be bad then leave him anyway. JUST LEAVE. The people here are proving to you that he is wrong and you will be right to leave.
you sound like a dumb fag, still in high school who probably gets beat up everyday so he fantasises in his mind that he can control other people, or maybe your mom was beat up by your father and youve inherited his girl-bashing attributes. So why dont you shut your big mouth or put it to use and satisfy your dad, sexually.
Malaysian Sensation   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 19:59:52 (PDT)
Find out when he's going to be out of town for a weekend. Pack up your stuff and leave. It is pretty simple if you set your mind to it.
AC Dropout   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 16:30:36 (PDT)
You're a loser if you really believe you need to resort to physical violence on a woman to prove you're the man.
AC Dropout   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 16:28:46 (PDT)