

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

How old were you when you had your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Under 13 | 4%
13-15 | 16%
16-18 | 36%
19-21 | 21%
Over 21 | 23%

Which one of the following best describes your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Full intercourse | 47%
Being masturbated | 19%
Masturbating my partner | 13%
Receiving oral sex | 12%
Giving oral sex | 9%

How did your first sexual experience come about?
We both wanted it. | 52%
My partner pushed me into it. | 33%
I pushed my partner into it. | 11%
My first partner was a prostitute. | 4%

What's your biggest regret about your first sexual experience?
I wish it had been with a different partner. | 35%
I wish I had waited until later. | 23%
I wish I had done it earlier. | 2%
I wish it had been more enjoyable. | 23%
I have no regret. | 17%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I'm a virgin at the age of 30. I am sticking to faithfully devoting my life to the Lord. The most important thing is spiritual cleanness. I have read alot of filthy things on this forum from both men and women. It is disgusting. How can you defile your bodies in such ways? Your bodies do not belong to you, they belong to the Lord. Immorality is not something good to be dealing in. It is horrible and wicked. I think all of you should be ashamed of yoursleves.I won't even watch television programs or movies, with all of the sex and murder it portrays. Even all of these fashion trends and advertisements are loaded with unclean sex acts. I will not give myself up to desires of the flesh like the rest of you fornicators and adultresses.
arkansas woman    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 10:54:45 (PDT)
bored this summer,

You are playing a very bad game. You do not know if you have a disease. You should not play this game. There is no build in radar. So how can you know? I am in medical school. The sexual transmitted disease is deep inside the body. How can you know? Someone can look clean and have so many disease!
Fannah    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 18:16:51 (PDT)

be careful, some jellyfish work with poison.
a bit more than jellyfish    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 15:03:21 (PDT)
I have slept with complete strangers before. Sometimes I still do it, but not as often. I go downtown alot and to frat houses to pick up guys. I love feeling sex with a new guy. It makes me feel like I'm a virgin all over again. I will sleep with just about any guy that looks clean. You can tell when a guy has a disease. Hes got the dirty crooked teeth and bad hygiene, I stay away from them. I'm only 20 and I have been with so many guys. My parents still think I'm a virgin. I went to catholic schools all my life. I am getting ready to attend a Catholic College. I hate it. It is going to really suck. They have too many dumb rules at this place. Guess I'll have to lay off the sex. I hate reading and I'm bored.
bored this summer    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 12:59:57 (PDT)
college stuff,

That is very selfish of you to relieve yourself while on the phone
AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 11:56:55 (PDT)
Michael D.,

I think your being selfish. I am not boring because I thought I would tell my experience. I think you are being rude. Why are most men so mean and evil?
liza    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 09:09:36 (PDT)
rare stuff,

Emperical evidence has shown men need women and vise versa.

I have no idea how you plan to gain enlightenment by limiting the possible experiences out there in life.

Hence, all you will achieve is vicarious knowledge from all the text you study.

The path you promote is not the path to enlightenment.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 08:23:42 (PDT)
michael D.

you are a dyke ok. I love weak submissive women, at least they are feminine. it is the role of the man to protect all women from dykes like you and todd. LOL you are a weak spineless jellyfish. LOL
SOG    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 11:58:35 (PDT)

though I don't believe what you say, indeed there's no reason for (premarital) intercourse.I'm careful with useless relationships,either.No intimate realtionship,no intimate duty, big intimate advantages...Don't trust AC Dropout's comments like "men and women need each other",it's just his exaggerated theory. In reality humans can learn to control their relationships and make personal progresses to gain private advantages.

Conclusion: you're right and ">:(why not" is a snob.
rare stuff    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 08:22:28 (PDT)
I am a woman who masturbates all the time. You don't have to masturbate in between your legs. I masturbate from touching other places on my body. I mostly masturbate while I am talking on the phone mostly to men, and sometimes women. I haven't had sex yet and unlike 'alexa' I haven't popped my cherry. I want to save it for a special man. I am attracted to women, but I don't think I would have a sexual relationship with one. I have deep feelings for men that are just not meant for a woman. Alot of women are attracted to me. I am flattered.
college stuff    Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 07:36:05 (PDT)
about liza, i think if she was a more dominant character emotionally and less weak and submissive to this guy she wouldn't have been raped i hate weak submissive women. anyways. lets not talk about this case anymore? lets get to the point, and the topic of this board is supposed to be premarital sex amongst AA. rape happens every godamn day, lets just move on with the boring subject now.
michael D.    Friday, July 19, 2002 at 17:40:14 (PDT)
Rare Stuff,

I am not injured in any way. My body is in top shape. I just choose to satisfy my own needs. I just don't see where the man fits in the picture. I have never been with a man, and I don't see the point in it really. I have never been with a woman either. I know lots of women that masturbate. There is nothing wrong with appreciating your own body.
alexa    Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:08:41 (PDT)
Are you crazy? There is no such thing as female masturbation. To be quite frank I can have an orgasm much quicker through stimulating myself than through my partner. In all honestly less than 30% of women are able to orgasm through only vaginal stimulation. In order for a woman to orgasm the clitoris must be played with. So ladies, give up on the insertion orgasms and go for the clitoris. The best way? Put your legs together really tight, hold your breath, and use little fast circles. So much better than just trying vaginal. In order for a woman to have an orgasm with a man (usually) she needs clitoral stimulation as well. Don't believe me-just look it up. Any sex therapist will tell you the same.

i know    Friday, July 19, 2002 at 04:04:22 (PDT)
There are so many posts complaining about alexa.

Do you all believe in the myth of female "masturbation"? Then I wanna clear up your misinformation. Female "masturbation" was invented by some male perverts in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean. It is sparsely spread and the women who practice it at all are always forced to do so.-So if she really does it she just tortures herself. At least her skin between the legs will be severely injured by more frequent practice.

(I know it's an ugly, icky topic.)
rare stuff    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 16:29:08 (PDT)
I think a lot has been overlooked and misunderstood in Liza'a case. Just because she feels the way she does right now doesn't mean she is stupid either. She is hurting. Professional counseling is the best thing for her right now. Leaving the jerk is a start, but the insecurities and fears of life aren't going to go away without an effort on her part. There is always a way out of anything, you just got to find it.
been there    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 11:00:31 (PDT)