Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
How old were you when you had your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Under 13 |
13-15 |
16-18 |
19-21 |
Over 21 |
Which one of the following best describes your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Full intercourse |
Being masturbated |
Masturbating my partner |
Receiving oral sex |
Giving oral sex |
How did your first sexual experience come about?
We both wanted it. |
My partner pushed me into it. |
I pushed my partner into it. |
My first partner was a prostitute. |
What's your biggest regret about your first sexual experience?
I wish it had been with a different partner. |
I wish I had waited until later. |
I wish I had done it earlier. |
I wish it had been more enjoyable. |
I have no regret. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
That is just horrible! How many horrible perverted people come to this place? No GrossFest, my body has no smelly odors. I happen to practice immaculate bodily hygiene, and the jelly substance did not have a stench of any kind. I went to the doctor this morning and found out that it was in fact my hymen that was broken. I do not have any horrible diseases and NOR it was not from his saliva. My goodness! I am 18 years old and seem to have more sense than many of the posters on this board! Yes I am not that familiar with sex and making out. I have never taken any sexual education courses. I do not have that sort of experience. But I do know that I would rather call the local Witchdoctor in the village and just figure it out on my very own!
Thankyou AC Dropout. I do appreciate your helpful perspective very much.
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 10:36:07 (PDT)
I love my boyfriend, so it seemed like the right thing to do.
Taiwanese-American teen   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 18:56:22 (PDT)
Depends what you define as viginity. Some girls use tampons, that will break the hymen also. Are they no longer virgins?
First get the medical issue sorted out. You can define your sexual status at a more convenient date.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 14:42:53 (PDT)
No Clit-O-Patra, I was not bitten!
You are being gross!
AC Dropout,
There was no penetration sex. He just used his mouth. I was told that the virginity could only be taken by a man's penile organ. I don't understand why I was bleeding. Listen, I really don't mean to sound gross like Clit-O-Patra, but he penetrated me with his tongue several times. Could that break my hymen? If thats the case, I am really angry. I think its stupid to lose my virginity to a tongue! I am never making out with a man again! I agreed to go to the family doctor tommorow. My little sister has to get her immunizations. Maybe that will be my mother's main focus. Hopefully.
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 06:33:02 (PDT)
grey green eyes,
It's OKAY to have such fantasies. We're human. So is my woman. Do you think your boyfriend doesn't fantasize about putting a butt-plug in your sexy best friend? Do you think that all your "platonic" guy friends are exactly that? TRUST ME on this. If you DO believe these things, you are in DENIAL. People always want to f*** each other's brains out because we are animals with hormones. All that is stopping them from carrying out their sick little fantasies are the CONSEQUENSES. Sure, I'd love to f*** the hot blonde surfer chick at the surf shop (who btw always rubs my arm and smiles when I come in to buy things) and bust a nut on her cute little face, but then if I DO it, I could lose a really wonderful partner and friend, my Korean g/f. Basically, it all a matter of what you value the most -- physical/psychological gratification or long-term stability. You better believe it. Some people value one over the other at one point in their lives, and this can change over the course of one's life. That's my take, no sugar-coating or anything of that kind.
I make no moral judgements on you, but you should do the right thing if you love your man a lot. If you're not sure, just what the hell are you doing in a weak relationship? Unfortunately, you can't have your cake and eat it too, unless you can stomach the thought of lying to your s.o. I sure don't; I was brought up too strictly to cheat.
Ooooh, actually, you know what would be really hot? If you actually confess to your man about having naughty thoughts about the guy, and tell him to punish you. He will get jealous, and try to 'teach you a lesson in the bedroom', if ya know what I mean. Then proceed to have that angry, boom-boom- BOM sex all night. It's the best. Raw animal passion. I dunno if you're into this sub/dom thing, but that sure gets me off! =D
I know I'm not some kind of sexual deviant (can't say the same for golden shower fans though)... I'm just honest as hell about sex and relationships.
PS: is this guy Asian? I'm assuming you're a white chick. Give it a try, tell us how it goes. ;)
Horny Korean Stud   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 20:59:45 (PDT)
It could be smegma, a smelly, cheesy discharge that comes from your genitals due to infections or poor hygeine. Guys get this too; its that nasty stinky s*** that accumulates under the foreskin if you dont clean daily. F***en gross.... *gagging, wretching* *huuuuurrrrrgggg*... Babe, get that checked out.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 20:31:43 (PDT)